SCEC Meetings and Workshops

SCEC is an open community of trust that nurtures early-career scientists and shares information and ideas about earthquake system science. The Center’s working groups, workshops, field activities, and annual meeting enable scientists to collaborate over sustained periods, building strong interpersonal networks that promote intellectual exchange and mutual support. Researchers with new hypotheses are brought together with others who have observational insights, modeling skills, and knowledge of statistical testing methods to more quickly advance earthquake science.

SCEC Activities Code of Conduct. Participation in SCEC is open, and the participants are constantly changing. By accepting an invitation to participate in a SCEC-supported event, by email or online registration, participants agree to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.

SCEC Annual Meetings

At our annual collaboration meetings, the SCEC community gathers to share recent research results, review project progress, and plan priorities for SCEC to pursue in the coming year and beyond. Participants include SCEC project teams, leadership, advisory groups, and staff, as well as sponsors and partners who fund Center activities. Researchers working on topics relevant to SCEC priorities and initiatives are encouraged to engage with SCEC at the annual meeting. Potential academic, government, and industry partners connected with computational science, earthquake engineering research, risk communication and other practical applications of SCEC research are also welcome. Early career scientists and students make up >40% of participants.

The SCEC annual meeting is held in September, usually starting on the Sunday after Labor Day. The program consists of about eight thematic sessions with invited plenary talks and ample time for moderated discussions. Meeting attendees are invited to share results and activities by submitting a poster and joining the twice-daily poster sessions.

The 2023 SCEC annual meeting was held September 10-12, 2023.

Past SCEC Annual Meetings: 20222021 | 2020 | 2019 | 20182017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991

SCEC Science Workshops

SCEC organizes workshops to focus collaborative efforts to support the Center research program. Participants with ideas for interactive workshops that engage more than one focus and/or disciplinary science group are strongly encouraged to submit a proposal to the SCEC Science Collaboration Plan. The following are SCEC science workshops planned for current funding cycle.

May 9-12, 2023 SCEC Workshop: 2023 High-Performance Seismology (HPS) CyberTraining, Conveners: Marine Denolle, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Carl Tape, Award #22162
February 27, 2023 SCEC Community Rheology Model (CRM) Workshop, Conveners: Laurent Montesi and Elena Miranda, Award #22109
January 26, 2023 SCEC Stress Drop Validation TAG Workshop, Conveners: Rachel Abercrombie and Annemarie Baltay, Award #22101
January 12, 2023 Dynamic Rupture TAG 2022 Workshop – Investigating New Ideas in Earthquake Source Mechanics, Conveners: Ruth Harris, Michael Barall, Award #22157
November 18, 2022 SCEC Workshop on Advancing Simulations of Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip, Conveners: Brittany Erickson, Junle Jiang, Valere Lambert, Award #22123
September 11, 2022 2022 SCEC Workshop on Fragile Geologic Features (FGF) & PSHAConveners: Mark Stirling and Mike Oskin, Award #22154
September 10, 2022 2022 SCEC CSEP Workshop, Conveners: Max Werner, José A. Bayona, and Bill Savran, Award #22159
September 10, 2022 2022 SCEC Stress Drop WorkshopConveners: Rachel Abercrombie and Annemarie Baltay, Award #22101
August 7-12, 2022 2022 Gordon Research Conference and Gordon Research Seminar on Rock DeformationConvener: Heather Savage, Award #22106
June 20-24, 2022 2022 Crustal Deformation Modeling WorkshopConveners: Brad Aagaard, Sylvain Barbot, Brittany Erickson, Matthew Knepley, Mark Simons, Charles Williams, Award #22031
April 1-5, 2022 GSA Penrose Conference: The geologic fingerprints of slow earthquakes, Conveners: John Platt, Whitney Behr, Melodie French, Greg Hirth, Jamie Kirkpatrick, Christie Rowe, David Schmidt, Award #19133
January 12 and 14, 2022 SCEC Virtual Workshop: Standardizing Post-Earthquake Field Data Collection, Convener: Timothy Dawson, Award #21170
December 3, 2021 SCEC Workshop on Dynamic Rupture and Stress Conditions, Convener: Ruth Harris, Award #21127
November 9-10, 2021 2021 SCEC Community Geodetic Model Workshop, Conveners: Mike Floyd, Katia Tymofyeyeva, Award #21025
November 4, 2021 SCEC Community Workshop: Stress Drop Validation—Planning and Preliminary Results, Conveners: Annemarie Baltay, Rachel Abercrombie, Award #21114
November 2, 2021 SCEC Workshop on Advancing Simulations of Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip, Conveners: Brittany Erickson, Junle Jiang, Valere Lambert, Award #21139
TBD Lessons Learned from a Decade of Ground Motion Simulation Validation (GMSV) Exercises and a Path Forward, Convener: Sanaz Rezaeian, Award #21144
TBD Workshop: Implementing Rheology into the SCEC Community Rheology Model, Conveners: Greg Hirth, Laurent Montesi, Mark Behn, Michael Oskin, Award #20084
  Go to past SCEC Science Workshops ...

SCEC Education, Outreach, and Training

In addition to workshops funded through the annual Science Collaboration Plan, SCEC and our partners present public lectures, preparedness events, research mentorship training, software training, and more.

Online, anytime ECA Safer at Home Webinar Series: Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety
November 10, 2021 ECA Regional Workshop: SoCal
November 16, 2021 ECA Webinar: Community Engagement Series #4
November 17, 2021 ECA Regional Workshop: Bay Area
May 17, 2022 ECA Webinar: Community Engagement Series #5
June 28, 2022 SCEC Special Webinar: Lessons, Lore, and Legacies of the 1992 Landers Earthquake
March 25-31, 2023 California's Tsunami Preparedness Week
March 15, 2023 ECA Webinar: 2023 California Tsunami Awareness
April 18, 2023 ECA Webinar: Community Engagement Series #6
June 13, 2023 ECA Workshop: SoCal Spring 2023
June 15, 2023 ECA Workshop: Bay Area Spring 2023
August 30, 2023 Earthquake Country Alliance 20th Anniversary Statewide Event
October 19, 2023 International ShakeOut Day

Community Calendar

If you are interested in holding an event sponsored by SCEC, consider submitting a workshop proposal to the Science Collaboration Plan. For questions, or to have your own event included in the Community Calendar, please email SCEC Meetings.

May 7-9, 2023 SCEC Leadership Retreat
May 9-12, 2023 SCEC Workshop: 2023 High-Performance Seismology (HPS) CyberTraining
August 30, 2023 Earthquake Country Alliance 20th Anniversary Statewide Event
September 10, 2023 EarthScope-SCEC Workshop: 2023 Rupture and Fault Zone Observatory
September 10-12, 2023 2023 SCEC Annual Meeting (SCEC2023)
January 22, 2024 2024 SCEC Stress Drop Workshop
Jan 25-26, 2024 SCEC Proposal Review Meeting
March 4-5, 2024 Joint Workshop: California Community Models for Seismic Hazard Assessments
March 17-20, 2024 2024 International Statistical Seismology Conference (STATSEI 13)
April 9, 2024 USGS & EERI Workshop: National Seismic Hazards Model
April 9-12, 2024 2024 EERI Annual Meeting: (Uniting Earthquake Science and Engineering for a More Resilient Future)
April 14-19, 2024 2024 EGU General Assembly (EGU24)
April 29 - May 3, 2024 2024 SSA  Annual Meeting: Together We Advance Earthquake Science
May 7, 2024 AGeS Virtual Community Symposium
May 8-10, 2024 SCEC Leadership Retreat
May 8-10, 2024 NSF-Sponsored Short Course: Finite Element Models for Simulating Earthquake Deformation
May 13-14, 2024 CRESCENT Topical Workshop: Community Velocity Model
May 15-17, 2024 GSA Meeting: Joint Cordilleran and Rocky Mountain Sections
May 27-29, 2024 MISMI Conference: Mechanics, Earthquake Engineering, Machinery Building
June 3-6, 2024 LinkedEarth/FROGS Training: Python and R Analysis of Time SerieS
June 10-14, 2024 CIG Workshop: Crustal Deformation Modeling
June 10 - August 30, 2024 EarthScope Workshop: Seismology Skill Building for Undergraduates
June 23-27, 2024 Numerical Modeling of EQ Motions Workshop: Waves and Ruptures (NMEM2024)
June 25-27, 2024 2024 SAGE/GAGE Community Science Workshop
June 30 - July 5, 2024 IAEE Meeting: 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024)
July 15-18, 2024 VBRc Virtual Workshop
July 21-30, 2024 SZNet 2024 Field Trip: Cascadia
August 4-9, 2024 Gordon Research Conference: Rock Deformation
August 5-7, 2024 Gateway Focus Workshop: Strategies for Developing and Sustaining Your Gateway
August 25-31, 2024 IUGS Meeting: 37th International Geological Congress
September 8-11, 2024 2024 SCEC Annual Meeting (SCEC2024) 
September 22-25, 2024 2024 GSA  Annual Meeting (GSA Connects)
October 7-10, 2024 SSA Conference: Photonic Seismology: Lighting the Way Forward
October 8-10, 2024 2024 Annual Gateways Conference
October 14-18, 2024 Cargèse Intl. Workshop 4th edition (Earthquakes: nucleation, triggering, rupture, and relationships to aseismic processes)
October 17, 2024 USGS Symposium: Tom Hanks, a Remembrance
November 3-7, 2024  ASC 15th General Assembly
November 17-22, 2024 2024 Supercomputing Conference (SC24)
December 9-13, 2024  2024 AGU Fall Meeting (AGU24)
October 14-18, 2025 SSA Conference: Environmental Seismology: Planning for the Planet's Future