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SCEC Community Research

SCEC coordinates fundamental research on earthquake processes using Southern California as its main natural laboratory. Currently, over 1000 earthquake professionals are participating in SCEC projects. SCEC’s long-range science vision is to develop dynamical models of earthquake processes that are comprehensive, integrative, verified, predictive, and validated against observations. The science goal of the SCEC core program is to provide new concepts that can improve the predictability of the earthquake system models, new data for testing the models, and a better understanding of model uncertainties.


SCEC accepted proposals responding to the 2024 Science Plan in November 2023. See the Science Plan page for more details.

Recent Publications

The USGS 2023 Conterminous U.S. Time‐Independent Earthquake Rupture Forecast Field, E. H., Milner, K. R., Hatem, A., Powers, P. M., Pollitz, F. F., Llenos, A. L., Zeng, Y., Johnson, K. M., Shaw, B. E., McPhillips, D., Thompson, J., Shumway, A. M., Michael, A. J., Shen, Z., Evans, E. L., Hearn, E. H., Mueller, C. S., Frankel, A., Petersen, M. D., DuRoss, C. B., Briggs, R., Page, M. T., Rubinstein, J. L., & Herrick, J.
The 2023 US 50-State National Seismic Hazard Model: Overview and implications Petersen, M. D., Shumway, A. M., Powers, P. M., Field, E. H., Moschetti, M. P., Jaiswal, K. S., Milner, K. R., Rezaeian, S., Frankel, A., Llenos, A. L., Michael, A. J., Altekruse, J., Ahdi, S. K., Withers, K. B., Mueller, C. S., Zeng, Y., Chase, R., Salditch, L., Luco, N., Rukstales, K. S., Herrick, J. A., Girot, D. L., Aagaard, B. T., Bender, A. M., Blanpied, M. L., Briggs, R., Boyd, O. S., Clayton, B. S., DuRoss, C. B., Evans, E. L., Haeussler, P., Hatem, A., Haynie, K. L., Hearn, E. H., Johnson, K. M., Kortum, Z. A., Kwong, N. S., Makdisi, A. J., Mason, B., McNamara, D., McPhillips, D., Okubo, P., Page, M. T., Pollitz, F. F., Rubinstein, J. L., Shaw, B. E., Shen, Z., Shiro, B., Smith, J. A., Stephenson, W. J., Thompson, E. M., Thompson Jobe, J. A., Wirth, E., & Witter, R. C.


  The SCEC software landing page  provides an overview of software and websites developed by SCEC staff and the larger SCEC community.
  The SCEC Broadband Platform (BBP) is a software system that can generate 0-20+ Hz seismograms for historical and scenario earthquakes in California, Eastern North America, and Japan using several alternative computational methods.
  The CyberShake computational platform is an integrated collection of scientific software and middleware that performs 3D physics-based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA)
  OpenSHA is an open-source, Java-based platform for conducting Seismic Hazard Analysis (SHA).
  PyCSEP tools help earthquake forecast model developers evaluate their forecasts and provide the machinery to implement experiments within CSEP testing centers.
  The Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM) software framework provides access to detailed information about earth properties, namely P- and S-wave velocities and density, on regional scales.
SCEC Research Travel Awards
Research travel awards support students to present their research at scientific conferences.
Research Mentoring Workshops
Mentoring workshops for enhancing mentoring skills and relationships.
SCEC/SURE Internship
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) interns are paired one-on-one with a SCEC scientist at that researcher's institution or field site, to work within that scientist's field of specialty.
Supported Opportunities for Undergraduates and Researchers to Collaborate on Earthquake Science (SOURCES) interns are remotely-mentored and gain a valuable research experience regardless of geographic location or availability of local researchers.


Loading workshop presentations...




Dynamic Rupture TAG 2022 Workshop – Investigating New Ideas in Earthquake Source Mechanics, January 12, 2023

SCEC Workshop on Advancing Simulations of Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip, November 18, 2022

SCEC CFM5.3 Evaluation Workshop, April 7, 2022

SCEC Workshop on Coordinating Post-Earthquake Field Data Collection, January 12 & 14, 2022

SCEC Workshop on Dynamic Rupture and Stress Conditions, December 3, 2021

2021 SCEC Community Geodetic Model Workshop, November 9-10, 2021

SCEC Community Workshop: Stress Drop Validation—Planning and Preliminary Results, November 4, 2021

SCEC Workshop on Advancing Simulations of Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip, November 2, 2021

Research Highlights

New SCEC/USGS Community Stress Drop Validation Study Launched by Rachel Abercrombie and Annemarie Baltay

5 Powerful Lessons From SCEC’s Exceptional Research Mentors, by Gabriela Noriega

Community Fault Model v5.3 Released with Updated Web Tools for Improved Access by Scott Marshall, Andreas Plesch, John Shaw, Craig Nicholson, et al.

Funded SCEC Projects
Search the complete SCEC Projects Database by year, category, abstract text and more!

SCEC Project Reports