Supported Opportunities for Undergraduates and Researchers to Collaborate on
Earthquake Science (SOURCES)


Dec - Feb: First Priority applications area accepted online.

Mar -  Apr: Applications are reviewed. Mentor/Mentee evaluation and project matching

Jun - Aug: Interns participate in intership progrfam for 8-10 consecutive weeks.

Sep: Interns participate in SCEC Annual Meeting (dates TBD).


Complete the research mentor survey below and we will help match you with a student intern to support your reasearch.


Program Overview

SCEC’s Supported Opportunities for Undergraduates and Researchers to Collaborate on Earthquake Science (SOURCES) program offers a remotely-mentored research experience to college students nationwide. Regardless of geographic location or availability of local researchers, SOURCES interns will gain valuable research experience and participate in the SCEC collaboratory.

SOURCES leverages the capabilities from the SURE and UseIT programs, but will run throughout the year (summer and academic year) depending on the availability of mentors, undergraduate applicants, and program funding.

Student Experience

SOURCES interns will benefit from:

  • A remotely-mentored research internship for undergraduate students unable to travel due to COVID-19 and also for students who otherwise may not be able to participate in onsite research due to other factors (other obligations, family factors, disability, etc.)
  • Professional development webinars coordinated by SCEC (e.g. writing abstract, creating posters, developing an elevator pitch)
  • A weekly student stipend of $700 per week, for a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 12 weeks. The length of the program will be determined by the mentor based on project needs
  • Possible funding for research project needs (software, equipment, datasets, etc.)
  • Possible support for graduate students who co-mentor the intern
  • An opportunity for students to present their research at a professional conference when possible
  • The opportunity to visit the mentor’s institution when possible

Undergraduate students interested in earthquake science research may apply to SOURCES here.

Mentor Information


Research mentors play a crucial role in the success of students pursuing STEM degrees. Mentors provide opportunities and training to students who would otherwise not engage in geoscience research. Mentors also benefit from the contributions a mentee can make to research and knowledge.

SCEC SOURCES mentors will:

  • Develop a student intern research project that can be conducted and mentored remotely
  • Participate in the intern-mentor matching process to ensure compatibility and a successful research experience (mentors will review 3-5 student applications)
  • Mentor and supervise an undergraduate student for 6-12 weeks, including a minimum of one weekly remote meeting to review activity, provide guidance, and discuss milestones. The length of the student internship will be based on project needs and determined by the mentor before the start of the internship.
  • Host an intern visit at their research site (when possible)
  • Complete an internship program evaluation survey

To become a mentor: Complete the survey linked below to provide information about the research project. Completing the survey does not obligate researchers to participate in the program or accept a student. If a project is selected, SCEC will reach out to the researcher to confirm participation and to initiate the intern matching process.



NOTE: While it is appropriate that the research project is in line with SCEC’s science priorities, it is not necessary that it be a SCEC-funded project.

Questions? Email