SCEC Announcements

Date Subject
12/19/2019 Program Scientist, Earth Surface and Interior, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
12/16/2019 Multiple Job Announcements: NSF, GNS, Harvard, and Karen Clark & Company
12/04/2019 Multiple Announcements: AGU Townhalls, EGU sessions, AGeS2 program, CIRES
11/22/2019 2 Openings at Nanometrics: Research Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer/Scientist
11/20/2019 SCEC SURE Intern Program - Host an Intern
11/18/2019 Jobs: MIS Manager at USC Earth Sciences, Asst Professor at University of Bristol, USGS Mendenhall and UC Davis Postdocs
11/15/2019 AGU DAS Workshop SCIWS23, Sunday, 8 December 2019, Grand Hyatt, 8:00 - 16:00
11/14/2019 Upcoming Gatherings: National Earthquake Conference, San Fernando Earthquake Conference, and Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop
11/07/2019 Register Open Science Talk 2020 (Portland, OR)!
11/07/2019 Postdocs with USGS, GEM, and University of Bristol
10/28/2019 Multiple Announcements: Jobs, Conferences, and More!
10/10/2019 Job Announcements: Faculty, Post-doc, and PhD Positions
10/02/2019 Workshop / Conference Announcements (SSA, San Diego Earthquake Workshop, SPE/SEG Workshop)
10/01/2019 Multiple Job Announcements (Cornell, Caltech, CSU San Bernardino, & IU)
09/16/2019 Multiple Announcements: Jobs, Workshops, and Conferences!
09/06/2019 Multiple Announcements: Jobs, Conferences, and More!
08/27/2019 Faculty Positions, IU and Cal Poly Pomona
08/22/2019 Multiple Announcements: SMIP Seminar and Postdoc Ops
08/19/2019 Staff Position at Caltech, SCSN / CISN
08/19/2019 Multiple Announcements: SRL Call for Papers (Ridgecrest), Mendenhall Positions, Ocean Science Meeting 2020
08/08/2019 Job Opening for a Geoscientist at the University of Oklahoma (permanent staff position)
07/29/2019 AGU Session Announcements, Calls for Abstracts
07/22/2019 Workshop: Securing Seismic Legacy Data to Enable Future Discoveries: REGISTRATION OPEN
07/22/2019 AGU Session Announcements, Calls for Abstracts
07/22/2019 Multiple Announcements: USGS ShakeAlert Job, MCS RCN Workshop, GSA Session on Ridgecrest Sequence
07/11/2019 AGU Session Announcements, Call for Abstracts
06/28/2019 Multiple Announcements: Submit to Geosphere Issue, AGU 19 Sessions
06/11/2019 Multiple Announcements: Positions at UT Austin and LLNL
06/09/2019 Multiple Announcements: 2 Postdoctoral positions and a GSA Session
05/22/2019 Postdoctoral Position in Earthquake Science at the University of Oregon
05/16/2019 DEADLINE EXTENDED - Apply Now: SCEC Research Mentor Training Workshop - June 7-8, 2019
05/10/2019 Two-Year Postdoctoral Scholar Position on “Merging Multi-scale Velocity Models”
05/10/2019 Workshop Announcement: Securing Seismic Legacy Data to Enable Future Discoveries September 18-19, 2019
05/07/2019 Multiple Announcements: GSA Session Announcement + Special Issue in JGR
04/30/2019 USGS Job Announcements: Network Engineer for SCSN, Geologist in Menlo Park
04/29/2019 APPLY NOW: SCEC Research Mentor Training Workshop - June 7-8, 2019
04/16/2019 Geophysicist/Geodesist at the USGS Pasadena Field Office
04/15/2019 AGU Tectonophysics Session Proposals
04/02/2019 Job Opportunities: LDEO and Caltech
03/28/2019 Annual Earthquake Hazards Grant Application Period is Open
03/25/2019 USGS Job Opening, Int'l Earthquake & Landslide Response and Risk Reduction
03/20/2019 White Paper Draft on Modeling Earthquake Source Processes (MESP)
03/07/2019 Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Motions: Waves and Ruptures
02/27/2019 PhD and Post-Doc positions in the Netherlands on induced seismicity
02/15/2019 SUBITOP Topo-Europe Conference on Subducton Zone Topography
02/06/2019 Multiple Announcements: Jobs, Nominations, Workshops, and Conferences
02/04/2019 High-Res Patagonia Lacustrine Seismic Cruise: Call for Participation
01/24/2019 Workshop on Passive Imaging & Monitoring in Wave Physics: From Seismology to Ultrasound
01/24/2019 PhD and Postdoc positions in DAS/Seismology at Geoazur/University Cote d'Azur
01/17/2019 Multiple Announcements: Jobs, Conferences, Workshops, and Memberships
