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Multiple Announcements: Positions at UT Austin and LLNL

Date: 06/11/2019

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following position announcements:

1. Assistant (Tenure-Track) or Associate (Tenured) Professor in Solid Earth Geophysics at UT Austin
2. Data Specialist, Geophysical Monitoring Programs (GMP) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


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1. On Behalf of Thorsten Becker, UT Austin

The Department of Geological Sciences in the Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin seeks to hire a faculty member in the field of solid Earth geophysics at the Assistant (tenure-track) or Associate Professor (tenured) level. We are looking for an outstanding scientist who will establish an innovative, externally-funded research program and will be committed to both teaching and mentoring at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The successful applicant is expected to develop a vibrant research program that contributes to the understanding of the dynamics and evolution of the solid Earth and complements existing strengths within the Jackson School. Areas of specialization might include, but are not limited to, seismology, geodesy, and geodynamics. Review of applications will begin September 1, 2019 and will continue until the position is filled.

The Department of Geological Sciences is part of the Jackson School of Geosciences (JSG), which also includes two research units, the Institute for Geophysics and the Bureau of Economic Geology. With over 190 research scientists and faculty, the Jackson School of Geosciences is one of the largest academic earth science schools in the country. The University of Texas is also home to the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences and the Texas Advanced Computing Center. The University is located in a thriving metropolitan area with a dynamic, multicultural community of over 1 million people. The department is interested in building a culturally diverse intellectual community and we strongly encourage applications from all underrepresented groups. The University of Texas at Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a commitment to diversity at all levels.

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, research statement, teaching statement, statement addressing past and/or potential contributions to diversity through research, teaching, and or service, and a list of at least three individuals who would be able to provide letters of reference. Submit copies of these materials online at https://apply.interfolio.com/63707 . Questions concerning the application process or receipt of application materials should be sent to Patrick Stafford (stafford.patrick@jsg.utexas.edu).

Thorsten W. Becker - UTIG & DGS, JSG, UT Austin

2. On behalf of Michael Pasyanos, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

The Seismology Group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has an opening for a Data Specialist to support research performed in the Geophysical Monitoring Programs (GMP). We are seeking an individual with quantitative skills and experience in working with large quantities of geophysical data. The applicant will work with the GMP team to collect, organize, and manage the GMP’s extensive seismic research database.


Thank you.

Michael Pasyanos
Seismology Group Leader
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


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