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Multiple Announcements: AGU Townhalls, EGU sessions, AGeS2 program, CIRES

Date: 12/04/2019

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following wide variety of announcements:

1. EGU 2020: Post-seismic deformation
2. Next AGeS2 Program Deadline Feb 3, 2020
3. CIRES Visiting Fellows Program
4. NASA Surface Topography and Vegetation AGU Town Hall
5. SZ4D Town Hall Meeting at AGU – Thursday 6:30 pm

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1. EGU 2020: Post-seismic deformation:
Do you work on post-seismic deformation? Are you interested in reconciling geological and geodetic estimates of brittle or ductile rheologies? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, we would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our EGU session:

TS2.4: From mylonite to Maxwell: reconciling rheologies from geodetic, geological and experimental observations of post-seismic deformation

We are very excited to have Whitney Behr (ETH) as our invited speaker! For further details on the session please see:https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2020/session/34931

We look forward to your submissions.


Camilla Penney, Chris Rollins, Alissa Kotowski, Adriano Gualandi

2. Next AGeS2 Program Deadline Feb 3, 2020:

The next AGeS2 (Awards for Geochronology Student Research 2) Program deadline is Feb 3, 2020. AGeS plans to make 18-20 awards in 2020 averaging ~$8500 each.

AGeS2 offers support of up to $10k for graduate students in the U.S. to develop the scientific rationale for projects involving geochronology, and then provides them with hands-on experience acquiring data in labs, all while being mentored by geochronologists. AGeS awardees visit a U.S. geochronology lab for a week or more, participate in sample preparation and analysis, and learn fundamental aspects of the methods, techniques, and theory used in modern analytical facilities. Awards can be used to fund analytical costs, sample preparation, travel to the host geochronology lab, lodging, and other expenses.

Applicants must be graduate students at an accredited college or university in the U.S. or its territories. Any lab in the U.S. or its territories can participate. The study areas of AGeS projects can be located anywhere worldwide.

We recommend that applicants contact a preferred lab about potential projects as early as possible because each lab may support a maximum of 4 projects each application cycle.

For additional program details please see the AGeS2 website at: http://www.geosociety.org/ages.


Becky Flowers (CU)
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU)

AGeS2 Executive Committee (Vicki McConnell, Blair Schoene, Tammy Rittenour, Jim Metcalf, Susan Eriksson)

3. CIRES Visiting Fellows Program:
The CIRES Visiting Fellows Program has opened. Two-year Visiting Fellowships are available for postdoctoral researchers, and terms of up to 12 months for senior scientists on leave or sabbatical.
Applicants should contact possible CIRES Fellow or CIRES Senior Research Scientist collaborators well in advance of submitting an application. Successful proposals are typically designed in collaboration with a potential host at CIRES.
More information is here: https://cires.colorado.edu/about/institutional-programs/visiting-fellows..., as well as on the attached flier.

4. NASA Surface Topography and Vegetation AGU Town Hall:

Dear Colleagues,

Please attend the NASA Surface Topography and Vegetation Incubation Study Town Hall at Fall AGU:
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
6:15 - 7:15 pm
Moscone West, Room 3004, L3

Through this Town Hall, the Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Incubation Study Team will provide an overview of the study and begin collecting input from the broader scientific community regarding STV scientific needs, the current and future state of technology, and approaches for advancement including:

Improved lidar, radar, and optical technology concepts
Novel data acquisition or integration strategies

The Surface Topography and Vegetation Targeted Observable was identified for incubation study in the National Academies 2017 Earth Science Decadal Survey. NASA is sponsoring a one-year STV Incubation Study Team to identify approaches to promote the development of contiguous, high-resolution, bare-surface land topography, ice topography, vegetation structure, and shallow water bathymetry data products with global coverage and seasonal to interannual repeat cycles.

Sincerely yours,

Andrea Donnellan and Dave Harding
STV Study Team Leads

5. SZ4D Town Hall Meeting at AGU – Thursday 6:30 pm:

Please join us for the SZ4D Initiative Town Hall Forum at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting!

Thursday, December 12, 2019 — 6:30 pm
Marriott Marquis Hotel - SoMa Room

What is it? The 2019 SZ4D Town Hall at AGU will be an informational session to learn what SZ4D (sz4d.org) is and aspires to become, and where the SZ4D Research Coordination Network plans to take it in the next few years. This forum will kick off a year of detailed planning activities by the RCN that will rely on robust input from the subduction zone research community.

SZ4D leaders will provide a brief informative overview and details of the scope of the envisioned thematic focus areas (Interest Groups) as well as the roles of the detailed program planning teams (Working Groups). Most importantly, the SZ4D Steering Committee wants to hear from you — there will be ample opportunity for discussion and input.

Open to all with interest in the future of subduction zone research on the science underlying geohazards. Be a part of the SZ4D effort!

Note that this is not listed in the AGU program of Town Halls — so save this reminder of date/place.


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