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Postdocs with USGS, GEM, and University of Bristol

Date: 11/07/2019

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Induced Seismicity at the University of Bristol (UK)
2. Multiple USGS Postdoc Fellowships (Mendenhall)
3. Opening for a Postdoctoral Position in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Modelling

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1. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Induced Seismicity at the University of Bristol (UK):

Institution: University of Bristol
Deadline: 22 November 2019
Job number: ACAD104280

The School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol (UK) is seeking to recruit a post-doctoral research associate for a term of 2 years. This position will contribute to research in the geophysics group in the field of induced seismicity. The position is linked to two complementary projects with the overall goals of monitoring and multi-hazard risk modelling of unconventional shale gas exploration. The main aim of the Bristol-based position within the interdisciplinary team is to conduct research in the characterisation or modelling of hydraulic-fracturing induced seismicity or its associated hazards and risks. Funding for the role is currently available for up to two years.

We seek an outstanding candidate with interests in any related subfield, including observational source seismology, statistical seismology, geomechanical modelling, or seismic hazard and risk assessment. The candidate will have access to public and unique industry data sets from the UK and elsewhere, and the scientific data to be collected by the new UK Geoenergy Observation System (UKGEOS, http://www.bgs.ac.uk/ukgeoenergyobs), a world-class £31 million subsurface-energy research centre.

Applicants require a PhD (or equivalent) in seismology, geophysics, civil engineering, statistics, mathematics or physics. Prior research experience in induced seismicity is desirable, but not required. A proven track record of high-quality publications in international peer-reviewed journals is required. The successful candidate will have opportunities to present the research at international conferences and mentor postgraduate researchers.

The ideal start date for this position is 1 February 2019, or soon thereafter.

We welcome applications from all members of our community and are particularly encouraging those from diverse groups, such as members of the LGBT+ and BAME communities, to join us.

To apply and for more information, please visit https://bit.ly/2BQl0mn.

Please contact Dr Max Werner (max.werner@bristol.ac.uk, +44 117 331 5014) with any questions regarding the role.

2. Multiple USGS Postdoc Fellowships (Mendenhall):

The USGS Earthquake Science Center invites applications to Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowships on a variety of research topics. Interested candidates can view position descriptions at the sites below. Positions are based out of one or more of our offices in Seattle Washington, Pasadena California, and Moffett Field California. Candidates interested in applying for a particular position are encouraged to contact the USGS scientists listed on the opportunity. The deadline to apply is 6 January 2020.

Opportunity 18-1: Application of machine learning to ground motion forecasting for earthquake early warning

Opportunity 18-2: Earthquake ground motions and seismic hazard in the Pacific Northwest

Opportunity 18-3: Improving estimates of coseismic ground failure from recent earthquakes

Opportunity 18-4: Physics of earthquake ruptures in the shallow subsurface and the hazards they pose

Opportunity 18-5: Investigation of the variation of structural modal properties with vibration amplitude – utilizing recorded data from monitored buildings

Opportunity 18-6:  Using converted wave imaging to probe the Cascadia and Alaska megathrusts

Opportunity 18-7: Static vs. dynamic stress drops to characterize broadband earthquake rupture physics

Opportunity 18-8:  Novel crustal deformation models for characterizing deformation rates with application to the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast

3. Opening for a Postdoctoral Position in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Modelling:

The Global Earthquake Model (GEM) is a global collaborative effort that brings together state-of- the-art science and national, regional and international organisations. GEM promotes the creation of open tools, models and datasets for the calculation of hazard and risk.

The GEM Hazard Team assembles and maintains global and regional earthquake databases, and develops and provides the capability to compute and analyse seismic hazard. Currently, the GEM Hazard Team actively develops the OpenQuake Engine (the GEM calculation engine) and a number of tools and applications for PSHA input model creation such as the OpenQuake Hazard Modeller’s Toolkit and the Ground Motion Toolkit. The team also collaborates with groups of scientists in different parts of the world involved in activities promoted by GEM.

To expand our modelling capabilities, we seek a modeller/researcher with a strong quantitative background and a distinct interest in seismic hazard analysis. The position – offered at the post- doctoral level – is open for an initial duration of two years with the possibility of becoming a permanent position.

Responsibilities and duties

The successful candidate will join the Hazard Team at the GEM Secretariat headquarters, in Pavia, Italy. The Hazard Team operates within the broader GEM science & technology group, a team of some 20 scientists and engineers comprised of the Hazard, Risk and IT teams. Collectively, the S&T team develops methods, models and tools for seismic hazard and risk assessment and conducts risk assessments in collaboration with its partners worldwide.

Primary duties for this position will be:

• The development of open-source tools and software for probabilistic seismic hazard and risk assessment, in collaboration with the IT team

• To support the creation of national, regional and global PSHA hazard models, in close collaboration with scientists working in different parts of the world

• Active research into new theoretical concepts and computational techniques for the development and application of probabilistic seismic hazard.

• Training scientists and students in both the use of the software as well as the scientific aspects of seismic hazard analysis

English is the working language at GEM. Knowledge of a second language is a desirable, but not required. Frequent travels and participations to meetings in many different parts of the world are also expected.



Ferrata 1, 27100, Pavia, Italy | phone +39.0382.5169865, fax +39.0382.529131 | info@globalquakemodel.org | r

c/o Eucentre, Via

The candidate will be based at the GEM offices in Pavia, Italy.

The ideal candidate has:

• Strong knowledge of computational programming for scientific applications. Our software (OpenQuake) is developed in Python, but candidates with experience in other programming languages will also be considered.

• Experience in the calculation of PSHA and familiarity with the creation of PSHA models.

• Experience in use of GEM tools for creating seismic hazard models and for computing seismic

hazard. Proven experience in developing similar tools will be considered an advantage.

• Proven ability to work in a multidisciplinary team

• Good oral and written communication skills

• Strong multi-tasking and organisational skills

• A recent PhD in one of the following disciplines: engineering seismology, seismic hazard

assessment, earthquake engineering, or computational seismology

We look forward to hearing from you. Please apply to jobs_hazard@globalquakemodel.org with a cover letter explaining why you would be a good fit for the position, CV, your list of references (minimum 2), and timeline of availability. The selection procedure will start immediately and continue until we fill the position.


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