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Multiple Announcements: Jobs, Conferences, Workshops, and Memberships

Date: 01/17/2019

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following wide variety of announcements:

1. CISM Advanced School C1905: Udine, Italy, June 2019
2. AGeS2 Program Deadline February 1, 2019
3. 2019 GeoProc International Conference on Earthquake and Faulting Mechanics | EMI 2019 at Caltech, June 18-21, 2019
4. Job Opening, Catastrophic Risk Modeler / RMS
5. Free Student Memberships for SSA

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1. CISM Advanced School C1905: Udine, Italy, June 2019:

Coupled process in fracture propagation in geo-materials: from hydraulic fractures to earthquakes

Dates: 10–14 June 2019
Location: Udine, Italy
Overview: During this summer school, we will focus on recent advances in the mechanical modeling of both fluid-driven fractures and earthquakes. Our aim is to review the physical modeling of these problems, which combines fracture mechanics, thermo-hydro-mechanical deformation or complex friction laws. Lectures will cover, in depth, the common fracture mechanics theory as well as the analytical and numerical solution of a number of model problems that allow for a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between physical processes during fracture evolution.
Coordinators: Harsha S. Bhat (ENS) and Brice Lecampion (EPFL)
Lecturers: Harsha S. Bhat (ENS), Dmitry I. Garagash (Dalhousie U.), Leonid N. Germanovich (Clemson U.), Brice Lecampion (EPFL), Alexandre Schubnel (ENS), and Robert C. Viesca (Tufts U.)
Website: http://www.cism.it/courses/C1905/
Brochure: https://goo.gl/JpmQ2v

2. Reminder of AGeS2 Program Deadline February 1, 2019:

Dear all,

This is a reminder that the AGeS2 (Awards for Geochronology Student Research 2) Program deadline is Feb 1, 2019.

AGeS2 offers support of up to $10k for graduate students in the U.S. to develop the scientific rationale for projects involving geochronology, and then provides them with hands-on experience acquiring data in labs, all while being mentored by geochronologists. AGeS awardees visit a geochronology lab for a week or more, participate in sample preparation and analysis, and learn fundamental aspects of the methods, techniques, and theory used in modern analytical facilities. Awards can be used to fund analytical costs, sample preparation, travel to the host geochronology lab, lodging, and other expenses.

AGeS2 plans to make 18-20 awards annually to graduate students in 2019, 2020, and 2021. AGeS2 will support projects located worldwide, rather than only those sited in North America as in AGeS1.

For additional program details please see the new AGeS2 website at: http://www.geosociety.org/ages.


Becky Flowers (CU)
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU)
Vicki McConnell (GSA)
(AGeS2 PIs)

3. 2019 GeoProc International Conference on Earthquake and Faulting Mechanics | EMI 2019 at Caltech, June 18-21, 2019:

Subject: 2019 GeoProc International Conference on Earthquake and Faulting Mechanics, Utrecht University, Netherlands, 3-5 July 2019

GeoProc2019 will be the 7th International Conference in the GeoProc series of conferences on coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) Processes, with the theme for 2019 being the role of such processes in Earthquake and Faulting Mechanics. For more information, please go to: https://geoproc2019.sites.uu.nl/
The deadline for abstract submission is January 21, 2019.

Subject: EMI 2019 at Caltech, June 18-21, 2019

The Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2019 (EMI 2019) will be held on June 18-21, 2019 on the Caltech campus. The program will include sessions on Computational Mechanics, Geomechanics and Geomaterials, Multihazards, Damage, Bifurcation, and Fracture, and other topics relevant to the SCEC community. For more information, please visit http://emi2019.caltech.edu/
The deadline for abstract submissions is January 30, 2019.

4. Job Opening, Catastrophic Risk Modeler / RMS:

We currently have a job opening for a Catastrophe Risk Modeler to join our Earthquake team in the Model Development group of Risk Management Solutions, Inc. (RMS) in our Newark, California, office. The main focus of this role is on the development of earthquake hazard and risk models with emphasis on understanding, developing and implementing state of the art practices. Responsibilities include keeping pace with and contributing to research of the physical nature of earthquakes and reviewing and interpreting various seismological ingredients of earthquake hazard models. Technical support both internally within RMS as well as for our clients will be required.

· Degree in Geophysics, Geology, Earth Sciences, or a related field. MS degree required. PhD degree preferred. Additional work experience in a related field a plus.
· Knowledge of (observational) seismology and earthquake hazard

· Good programming skills in any high-level language (Python, C, C++, MATLAB, R or other statistical packages)
· Working knowledge of QGIS or ARCGIS Software a plus, but not essential.
· Ability to work independently as well as in a team environment: We are looking for a team player with a high-degree of self-motivation
· Project management experience, ability to work on multiple projects at the same time
· Detail oriented, ability to learn quickly, strong analytical and organizational skills.
· Excellent written and verbal skills, as evidenced by technical presentations at meetings and conferences and publications in peer-reviewed journals

At RMS, we build simulation models that allow (re-)insurers and investors to understand portfolio risks due to catastrophes: natural catastrophes (hurricane, earthquake, windstorm, and flood), wildfire, terrorism, pandemic, climate change and changes in life expectancy. Our passion is to create a more resilient world through a better understanding of catastrophic events. For more information, visit www.rms.com

To apply, please email cover letter plus resume to mnyst@rms.com. You can contact the same email address with questions.

Marleen Nyst
Sr. Director Model Development
Risk Management Solutions, Inc.

5. Free Student Memberships for SSA:
To celebrate the start of a new academic term, we are offering your students complimentary SSA Student Memberships that include:
• Online access to BSSA and SRL
• Discounted registration fee for the 2019 SSA Annual Meeting
• Opportunity to apply for travel grants to scientific meetings across the world
• Opportunity to apply for travel grants and complimentary registration to the 2020 SSA Annual Meeting
• Contact with a broad international network of seismologists and engineers
The complimentary membership is only available to new student members of SSA. Current or lapsed members are not eligible for the complimentary membership. This offer is available to your students through 15 February 2019.
Students may apply for the membership by visiting:

If you are not familiar with SSA’s new Global Grants Program, let me tell you how it may help your students. If your students join by 1 February, they will be eligible to apply for our new Global Travel Grant program this summer. The program offers two application periods each year, in February and July, for grants that provide $500 - $2500 to attend a small seismology-related meeting or workshop anywhere in the world. To learn more about the Global Travel Grant, please visit seismosoc.org/awards/global-travel-grant.

Please feel free to reach out should you or your students have any questions. Thank you for your support in growing the future of seismology!
Sydni Schieber
Membership Officer

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SCEC community announcement requests should be sent to scecinfo@usc.edu (no attachments) with the following requirements, in order to best standardize announcements and provide maximum security for recipients. These requirements also ensure that various email applications and any applied filters reach the recipient as the announcement was intended.
1) Use this style guide :
• All text must be in Helvetica, 12 pt.
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3) Remember, send your request to scecinfo@usc.edu.

We strive to send announcements as soon as possible. In general, expect a 2-3 business day turn-around. We may also combine announcements with others, delay sending certain announcements due to current events, and even reject requests if they do not fit the needs of the SCEC community.


Thank you for your inquiry.

We appreciate your interest in SCEC.


Jason Ballmann
SCEC Information

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