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Multiple Announcements: GSA Session Announcement + Special Issue in JGR

Date: 05/07/2019

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Quaternary tectonics of the Eastern California Shear Zone at GSA
2. Special Issue in JGR, Open for Submissions


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1. Quaternary tectonics of the Eastern California Shear Zone at GSA:

Dear colleagues,

We encourage you to present your research at our topical session "Quaternary tectonics of the Eastern California Shear Zone" at the upcoming National GSA Meeting in Phoenix, AZ held Sept. 22-25 2019.

This session seeks to bring together researchers from different disciplines, but who all work in the ECSZ, to begin a new, updated synthesis of the Quaternary tectonics of the ECSZ. Issues to be addressed could include, but are not limited to: 1) reconciling opposing observations on a given fault, e.g. geophysical models that show transtensional basins below areas exhibiting surficial geologic evidence for transpression; 2) temporal and spatial variations in how slip is partitioned across various faults of the ECSZ; 3) the role of oblique slip in the overall budget of plate boundary deformation, and 4) reconciliation of geologic and geodetic rates of deformation.

Abstract submission is open from April 1st to June 25th. More information about the meeting can be found here:


Andy Cyr
Vicki Langenheim
Mike Oskin

2. Special Issue in JGR, Open for Submissions:

Dear all,

A special issue in JGR titled "Creep on continental faults and subduction zones: Geophysics, geology, and mechanics” is now open for submissions until March 1, 2020.

For more information please see JGR website below:

Please feel free to forward this email to any of your colleagues with an interested in this topic.
We are looking forward to seeing your submission!

Guess Associate Editors:
Kate Huihsuan Chen (National Taiwan Normal Univ.)
Roland Bürgmann (UC Berkeley)
Meng Matt Wei (Univ. of Rhode Island)
Yoshihiro Kaneko (GNS Science)
Valère Lambert (Caltech)
Kathryn Materna (UC Berkeley)


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