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Workshop on Passive Imaging & Monitoring in Wave Physics: From Seismology to Ultrasound

Date: 01/24/2019

On Behalf of Rosemary Fayjaloun, UGA:

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that our workshop: ‘ Passive Imaging & Monitoring in Wave Physics: From Seismology to Ultrasound ’, will take place on September 16 - 20, 2019 in Cargese (Corsica).

This event (in its fifth edition) attracts young scientists for instructive presentations and fruitful discussions with worldwide experts working in the field of ambient noise imaging, through a multidisciplinary approach including geophysics, underwater acoustics, ultrasonics and wave physics. Please check the poster attached.

This workshop is supported by two H2020 European Projects : ERC F-image and PACIFIC.

The organising Committee from ISTerre Laboratory at University Grenoble Alpes are:
Michel Campillo (PI for ERC F-image project), Florent Brenguier (PI for PACIFIC project), Pierre Boué, Laurent Stehly, Rosemary Fayjaloun.

Application deadline: 1st May 2019: Apply Now.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Rosemary Fayjaloun, PhD

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