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Program Scientist, Earth Surface and Interior, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

Date: 12/19/2019

On Behalf of Ben Phillips, NASA:

Program Scientist, Earth Surface and Interior, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
The NASA Headquarters (HQ) Earth Science Division is seeking a full-time Program Scientist for the Earth Surface and Interior (ESI) Focus Area in Washington, D.C. The overarching goal of ESI is to use NASA’s unique capabilities and observational resources to better understand the structure and dynamics of the core, mantle, and lithosphere, and interactions between these processes and Earth’s fluid envelopes. The principal responsibility of this position is to serve as a member of the ESI team, supporting the program management and strategic planning responsibilities of the Focus Area. This position will add to the ESI team at NASA HQ, which currently includes a permanent Focus Area Lead and a Program Scientist.

The successful candidate will support the ESI Focus Area, and in some cases take a primary role in:
• Developing solicitations for research in the areas covered by ESI.
• Conducting the evaluation of proposals by organizing and implementing peer review panels, as well as reporting the results to NASA management.
• Monitoring the performance of researchers who are selected for funding.
• Formulating and implementing activities to foster growth and scientific impact of the NASA solid-Earth community (e.g., workshops, airborne science campaigns).
• Engaging with other Earth-science offices (e.g., Applied Sciences, Technology, Flight) and NASA research programs to bring an ESI perspective to cross-divisional/interdisciplinary work.
• Engaging with key interagency partners (e.g., USGS, NSF, NOAA) to advance ESI objectives.
• Representing ESI on HQ or external working groups and committees.
• Assisting in completing Focus Area reporting requirements of research activities.
• Interacting closely with the solid-Earth research communities in the US and abroad.

Ph.D. or equivalent experience in geophysics or a closely related discipline, plus at least two years of research or science management experience. Knowledge of solid-Earth sciences and the principles and practice of airborne and satellite remote sensing of the solid Earth.

How to Apply
Applicants are encouraged to submit a one-page cover letter and curriculum vitae by the end of January to Ben Phillips <ben.phillips@nasa.gov>, ESI Focus Area Lead, with subject line “ESI Program Scientist Position.” The position will remain open until filled. This position could be filled via an interagency or NASA center detail assignment, Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) assignment, or contractor appointment, depending on the candidate.
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