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Multiple Announcements: 2 Postdoctoral positions and a GSA Session

Date: 06/09/2019

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Postdoctoral Scholarship in Civil Engineering at Caltech
2. McGill University Postdoc opening - immediate
3. GSA 2019: T177: Innovative Tools for Mapping, Modeling, and Sharing 3D Geological Data


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1. On Behalf of Domniki Asimaki, Caltech:

The Mechanical and Civil Engineering (MCE) Department at the California Institute of Technology invites applications for a Cecil & Sally Drinkward postdoctoral research scholar position in civil engineering. The intent of the program is to support innovative early career scientists in making a significant, original research contribution. The potential research areas include (but are not limited to) mechanics of solids and fluids, granular matter, geohazards, materials science and engineering, energy, structural sensing systems, infrastructure systems, and their control, resilience, and sustainability. The postdoctoral research scholars are expected to concentrate on their research and writing; collaborate with the MCE and Caltech research community; mentor graduate and undergraduate students; and give public seminars/lectures on their research.

The duration of the appointment is one year, with a start date in January 2020, an annual stipend of $60,000, and a research expense fund of $5,000. One-year reappointment is possible subject to performance and availability of funds. Only those who have received the Ph.D. after September 15, 2017 and do not hold a tenure-track position are eligible to apply. All fellows must have successfully defended their dissertations prior to the commencement of the appointment.

The application review will begin on September 15, 2019, and continue until the position is filled. To apply, candidates should submit the following materials at https://applications.caltech.edu/job/drinkward:

• Curriculum vitae;
• One-page statement of research interests that, in part, reflects on the relation of the applicant’s interests to the ongoing research in MCE and identifies potential MCE faculty hosts;
• One or two research papers or dissertation chapters related to the candidate’s major research theme;
• Three confidential letters of reference submitted by the letter writers directly to the web portal.

If there are any questions about the application process, please contact drinkward-pd@caltech.edu.

2. On behalf of Christie Rowe, McGill University

Hi friends and colleagues --

I have an unexpected immediate opening for a postdoctoral fellow in my group. The position includes 2 years support ($50K CAD/yr salary + benefits (valued at $10K), up to $2K moving expenses, and $10K/year for research expenses and conference travel). Start date flexible but 2019 preferred.

I'm interested in talking with near- and recent PhDs with experience in any aspects of active faulting or fault mechanics (broadly) which would be complimentary with the expertise in the Earthquake Processes Group at McGill (Kirkpatrick, Liu and me: http://eps.mcgill.ca/~crowe/EQprocesses/). An area of particular interest is observational studies of active faults (shallow or surface deformation) which would help link geologic studies of exhumed faults to fault mechanics, modeling, geophysics, and hazards. The successful candidate will be encouraged to develop collaborative projects (within McGill and the broader geoscience community) which challenge the boundaries between subfields in earthquake science.

The position is open immediately. If you are interested please send a CV, a 0.5-page statement of research interests, and contact information for two references. All nationalities are welcome to apply and I particularly encourage applicants representing demographics underrepresented in the Earth Sciences (including engineers if absolutely necessary).


Christie Rowe
Wares Faculty Scholar
Canada Research Chair in Earthquake Geology
Earth & Planetary Sciences, McGill University

3. On behalf of Ramon Arrowsmith, UC Santa Barbara:

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to an exciting session during next GSA Fall meeting in Phoenix, Arizona (22-25 Sept 2019) : “T177. Innovative Tools for Mapping, Modelling, and Sharing 3D Geological Data: Drones, Photogrammetry, Lidar, Virtual, and Augmented Reality”. Our invited speaker is Prof. John Stix from the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences – Mc Gill University (Canada).

Here is a full description of the session and covered topics:

High-resolution Digital Outcrop Models (DOM) are increasingly attractive tools for modern field geologists. 3D models are applicable across the earth sciences, including for investigation of inaccessible geological structures, and for quantifying geomorphological processes and the assessment of natural resources and geohazard. DOMs can be created through structure from motion photogrammetry, terrestrial laser scanning (LiDAR), and photoclinometry. These acquisition methods can be coupled to a large variety of spectral sensors (multi-, hyper-spectral, radar) and be embedded on various platforms, including airborne- (drones/UAV) or ground-based approaches. These innovative tools provide invaluable and increasingly accessible sources of geological data at a wide and flexible range of spatial scales from the scale of the outcrop to the scale of the geological map. Active areas of research include automatic or semiautomatic and machine learning-based tools and algorithms for data quality assessment, fusion, classification, analysis workflows and object or geological features recognition. These novel approaches represent significant inputs to quantitative geological models and may bring new clues and better constraints to geologic interpretations. Augmented and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, and Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) environments are potentially very powerful as supporting tools to enable data analyze, scientific presentations, and immersive virtual field experiences in which realistic geology outcrop and/or post-processed 3D models can be explored and investigated. We invite contributions that address methodological approaches and challenges related to diverse geological problems and case studies, including field acquisition, data processing, data access and distribution, and interpretation.

Please note the abstract submission deadline is Tuesday, June 25th, 2019.

Looking forward to reading your abstract and seeing you Phoenix!

The T177 conveners,
Antoine Triantafyllou, Benjamin Jordan, Christopher Crosby and Ramon Arrowsmith


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