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Upcoming Gatherings: National Earthquake Conference, San Fernando Earthquake Conference, and Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop

Date: 11/14/2019

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following conference announcements:

1. San Fernando Earthquake Conference, February 7 - 10, 2021
2. Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop, January 28 - 29, 2020
3. National Earthquake Conference, March 4- 6, 2020

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1. San Fernando Earthquake Conference, February 7 - 10, 2021:
San Fernando Earthquake Conference –
Los Angeles, California USA | February 7-10, 2021
Understanding, Improving & Operationalizing Hazard Resilience for Lifeline Systems
Mark Your Calendars!
Join Us in
Los Angeles in 2021!

On behalf of the Program Committee, you are cordially invited to participate in The San Fernando Earthquake Conference on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, to be held February 7-10, 2021.

The Earthquake, Lifeline Systems, and the Conference

The 9 February 1971 San Fernando California Earthquake was a devastating yet seminal event which, for the first time, demonstrated the seismic threat to lifelines that fundamentally support our modern livelihoods. Knowledge gained from this event initiated the study of
lifeline systems world-wide, including water, wastewater, electric power, gas and liquid fuels, communications, transportation, and solid waste management systems. The founding efforts
of the ASCE Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, a predecessor unit to the current ASCE Infrastructure Resilience Division, by international leaders like the late Charles Martin Duke from UCLA established lifeline systems into a mainstream discipline, now accepted as fundamental for community and regional resilience.
The 50th anniversary of the San Fernando Earthquake is an opportunity to reflect on the need to increase the resilience of our critical infrastructure systems to earthquakes and other hazards. The conference will provide a retrospective of where we are today, how we got here, and where we are going to create resilient infrastructure systems within interdisciplinary and multihazard environments which support community and regional resilience.

Why Attend
• Gain inspiration on the critical importance of lifelines from lessons gained through experience following this seminal event
• Understand the diverse threats to lifelines from natural hazards and what can be done to characterize and mitigate risk to improve lifeline system resilience
• Learn best practices and new research results
• Exchange key information on
the state of the art and practice in lifeline system management, science, engineering, emergency response and recovery, public policy
• Hear from experts who experienced the earthquake first-hand on whether we’ve been able to achieve the goals laid out after the event for acceptable performance
• Learn what the future holds for lifeline engineering and resilience of communities and regions
Who Should Attend

• Lifeline System Owners
• Earth and Climate Scientists
• Engineers and Architects
• Emergency Managers • Policy Makers
• Educators
• Researchers
• Social Scientists
• Economists
• Students


2. Save the date: 2020 Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop:

The 17th annual Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop will be held January 28-29, 2020 in Menlo Park, California. Visit https://earthquake.usgs.gov/contactus/menlo/workshop/ for updates and to register. Contact: Sarah Minson (sminson@usgs.gov) or Keith Knudsen (kknudsen@usgs.gov).

3. 2020 National Earthquake Conference - Registration Now Open!
Register now to take advantage of early bird savings for the 2020 National Earthquake Conference (NEC) March 4-6 in San Diego, CA.
The dynamic agenda will feature the first public release of results from a new earthquake scenario and risk study for the San Diego-Tijuana region. Developed by experts over the last five years, the scenario will showcase the impacts and consequences of a potential M6.9 earthquake on the Rose Canyon fault that runs through the San Diego harbor. The scenario will open the conference and is sure to be one of the highlights along with findings and lessons learned from the Ridgecrest earthquake on July 5, 2019, and the aftershock sequences.
NEC is a quadrennial event providing a unique opportunity for engagement and sharing amongst academia, building code experts, engineers, businesses, design/build professionals, FEMA Directorates, first responders, geologists, local emergency managers, insurance and reinsurance professionals, local and tribal governments, private sector practitioners, U.S. State and Territorial Earthquake Managers, NEHRP Agencies, and volunteers.
Still wondering if you should attend? Click here to view the 2016 NEC conference outcomes, and here to read the 2016 media impact report.
Please join our Presenting Sponsor California Earthquake Authority as a NEC sponsor and take the opportunity to spotlight your business or organization while you network with leaders in the seismic risk community. This prospectus will help you identify the ideal sponsorship level to meet your needs.
Click here to take advantage of early-bird registration today!


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