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Workshop / Conference Announcements (SSA, San Diego Earthquake Workshop, SPE/SEG Workshop)

Date: 10/02/2019

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following workshop announcements:

1. Infragard San Diego Earthquake Symposium
2. SPE/SEG Workshop: Injection Induced Seismicity — The Next Chapter
3. SSA Annual Meeting - Submit a Session

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1. Infragard San Diego Earthquake Symposium:


DATE: October 9, 2019
TIME: Check-in/Networking 7:00am - 8:00am; Program from 8:00am - 4:00pm
LOCATION: Qualcomm's Irwin Jacob's Hall, 5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego
AGENDA: InfraGard San Diego’s first-ever Earthquake Symposium will feature renowned subject matter experts and regional leaders facilitating a cross-sector discussion of the San Diego region’s earthquake risk, potential critical infrastructure sector impacts, and preparedness planning. Symposium attendees will gain an understanding of the risk to San Diego’s urban core and benefit from sessions on vulnerability assessments, early warning, situational awareness and social media, immediate response operations, survivor management, and impacts on critical infrastructure and local businesses.
• California and the Constant Earthquake Threat: What About San Diego? – Patrick Hammond, Senior Emergency Services Coordinator, CalOES and Doug Nakama, Urban Search and Rescue Operations Program Specialist, FEMA
• Seismic Constraints on the Architecture of the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon Fault: Implications for the Length and Magnitude for Future Earthquake Ruptures – Dr. Valarie Sahakian, Associate Professor, University of Oregon
• The San Diego-Tijuana Earthquake Scenario Project: Preparing for Earthquake Disaster – Dr. Jorge F. Meneses, President, Earthquake Engineering Institute, San Diego Chapter
• Earthquake Early Warning and Post-Earthquake Tools for Quick Response Decisions – Margaret Vinci, Manager, Office of Earthquake Programs, Caltech
• Earthquake Recovery Assisted by Social Media: Latest Concepts in Technology Support – Dr. Eric Frost, Director, San Diego State University Viz Lab
• Business Recovery Assisted by Technology: Using Snowballs – Ana Visneski, Amazon Web Services
• Survivor Management – Sean Mahoney, CEO, San Diego/Imperial Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross and Stephen Rea, Assistant Director, San Diego County Office of Emergency Services
• Chief David Nisleit, San Diego Police Department
• Panel: Law Enforcement and Hazmat Immediate Response
• Chief Mark Stainbrook, San Diego Harbor Police
• Lt. Chris Cross, San Diego County Sheriff’s Dept.
• Chief Dave Gerboth, Urban Search and Rescue Task Force-8
• Battalion Chief Joe Scuri, San Diego Fire and Rescue
• Brad Long, San Diego County Department of Environmental Health
• Panel: Critical Infrastructure Impact and Response
• Augie Ghio, Director of Emergency Management, SDG&E
• Chief Gary Croucher, Vice Chairman, Board of Directors, San Diego County Water Authority and Southern Division Chief, CALFIRE
• Kristan Hericks, Regional Emergency Transportation Representative, U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Intelligence, Security and Emergency Response
• Cid Tesoro, Assistant VP of Port Infrastructure, Port of San Diego
• Clint Welch, Director of Aviation Security and Public Safety, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
• Tim Collins, Corporate Vice President of Operations and Research, Scripps Healthcare
COST: $15 for InfraGard members and current law enforcement, fire and military (with verifiable government e-mail address). $25 for non-members. (includes coffee/snack breaks and lunch).
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: InfraGard members; security and emergency preparedness stakeholders; any organizations and critical infrastructure facilities interested in earthquake potential and preparedness; government officials, law enforcement, fire and military. (also open to non-members)
REGISTRATION: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/infragard-san-diego-earthquake-symposium-ti...
QUESTIONS: bob@rwwelty.com; david.harrison@carlsbadca.gov; ed.langmaid@gmail.com

2. SPE/SEG Workshop: Injection Induced Seismicity — The Next Chapter:

SPE/SEG Workshop: Injection Induced Seismicity — The Next Chapter
November 12-14, 2019 | Dallas, Texas, USA

Induced seismicity from the injection of fluids into the Earth remains a significant concern for oilfield activities such as saltwater disposal and hydraulic fracturing operations. The number of induced earthquakes occurring in the oil and gas producing regions of the Central United States and Western Canada has been declining over the past few years, highlighting the successful implementation of improved regulations and effective operational practices. However, technical engineering and geoscience challenges remain. Characterizing the local seismogenic potential and maximum potential magnitude remains elusive and therefore mitigation strategies continue to be reactive as unknown faults are unexpectedly activated during operations. Accurately predicting ground motions of induced earthquakes is also required for both seismic risk and to understand when small magnitude earthquakes will be felt. Most critically, the impressive scientific advancements that have been made with this issue need to be clearly and transparently communicated to the public at large.
With the heightened public and broadening regulatory interest in this issue, it is important that geoscientists and engineers begin to establish best practices for characterizing seismic hazard and implementing risk mitigation protocols. This technical workshop is fifth in an ongoing series and provides a unique forum bringing together regulators, academics and industry to discuss the current state-of-the-art. The workshop aims to provide the geological, seismological, and engineering framework to reservoir and completion engineers and geoscientists involved in injection activities and designing or conducting injection operations.
For more information visit go.spe.org/InducedSeismicity

Early Bird registration closes on October 15, 2019.

3. SSA Annual Meeting - Submit a Session:

The Seismological Society of America welcomes session proposals for their 2020 Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico on 27-30 April 2020.

SSA is seeking session proposals from across the fields of geotechnical and earthquake engineering, earthquake science and seismology, and that include perspectives from the broad seismological community (e.g., academia, federal and state agencies, and industry).

The application period will close 1 October 2019.

For questions about proposing a technical session, please contact the Program Co-Chairs Rick Aster and Brandon Schmandt at program@seismosoc.org.

You may submit a session proposal here: https://www.seismosoc.org/meetings/submission-system/


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