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Meeting Abstracts

The SCEC collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience. Use the form below to search and view all poster and invited talk abstracts submitted to this meeting.


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First Authors can submit a maximum of one poster presentation abstract and one oral presentation abstract (if invited as a plenary speaker).

Abstracts should not exceed 2,500 characters in length.

Every poster will be on display from Sunday evening through Tuesday evening.

Poster dimensions cannot exceed 45 inches high x 45 inches wide.

You may upload a PDF of your poster at any time, even after the submission deadline.

Results 1-50 of 336
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SCEC ID Category Title and Authors SCEC Award
Ridgecrest ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning Performance for the 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence
Brad Aagaard, Sarah Minson, Annemarie Baltay, Elizabeth Cochran, Tom Hanks
We evaluate the performance of the ShakeAlert earthquake early warning (EEW) system for M5+ earthquakes in the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence using a cost-savings, ground-motion-based performance metric for public alerting strategies. We find... more

Ridgecrest Surface deformation of the Mw 6.4 and Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes measured from subpixel correlation of Copernicus Sentinel-2 optical images
Saif Aati, Jean-Philippe Avouac
We use sub-pixel correlation of optical images to measure surface deformation in the epicentral area of the Mw6.4 Searles Valley and the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes, which struck California on July 4, and 5 respectively. This study provides an... more

FARM Modeling sequence of earthquakes and aseismic slip (SEAS) in low-velocity faults zones using a computationally efficient numerical algorithm
Mohamed Abdelmeguid, Xiao Ma, Ahmed Elbanna
Modeling earthquake ruptures is a complex challenge due to the eclectic sources of nonlinearities and heterogeneities, such as friction, plasticity, nonplanar fault surfaces, and material damage. In addition to the nonlinearities, another... more

FARM Just how similar are individual earthquakes within repeating sequences at Parkfield?
Rachel Abercrombie, Xiaowei Chen, Jiewen Zhang
The discovery of repeating sequences of earthquakes on the San Andreas at Parkfield has led to significant advances in our understanding of fault mechanics, and earthquake rupture dynamics. But just how similar are the repeating events? How similar... more

SDOT Numerical simulations of stress variations with depth in a model for the San Jacinto fault zone
Niloufar Abolfathian, Christopher Johnson, Yehuda Ben-Zion
Depth dependent crustal stress orientations in strike-slip faulting environments are explored using quasi-static numerical simulations with variations of fault geometry and rheology of a layered substrate, to compare model predictions with stress... more
Geodesy Mitigation of atmosphere noise in satellite interferometry through machine learning
DongChan Ahn, Zhen Liu
Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) is a radar imaging technique widely used to track surface deformation. InSAR can measure surface deformation with centimeter to millimeter accuracy, but is susceptible to noise. One major noise source... more
Poster 055
Seismology Evaluating seismic velocity models in the Salton Trough, Southern California using spectral-element wave simulation of validation events
Rasheed Ajala, Patricia Persaud, Alan Juarez, Gboyega Ayeni
The Southern California ShakeOut Scenario considers a potential M7.8 earthquake that initiates on the southernmost section of the San Andreas fault in the Salton Trough, with energy propagating northward into the Los Angeles basin. To improve... more
19014, 18074
Ridgecrest A Multiscale Seismic Deployment with 463 Sensors Following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence in Eastern CA
Amir Allam, Rufus Catchings, Jamison Steidl, Elizabeth Berg, Nathan Downey, Yehuda Ben-Zion, Mark Goldman, Joanne Chan, Coyn Criley, Daniel Langermann, Adrian McEvilly, Ziqiang Ma, Daniel Mongovin
The 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake sequence in the Eastern California Shear Zone includes the M6.4 and M7.1 July 4-5 events and numerous aftershocks that extend to the north towards the Owens Valley and to the south towards the Garlock fault. The July... more

FARM Shear localization from the interplay between fault motion and grain size evolution
Kali Allison
The formation of ductile shear zones in the lower crust and upper mantle and their interaction with brittle faults remains an open question in continental tectonics. We explore how grain size evolution, shear zone structure, and fault motion are... more

FARM Fault Damage Zones in 3D with Active-Source Seismic Data
Travis Alongi, Emily Brodsky, Jared Kluesner, Daniel Brothers
Damage zones are important to the rupture dynamics, evolution and fluid coupling of earthquakes. However, information about the damage zone at depth is limited. It is unclear if damage zones increase or decrease in intensity with depth. Here we use... more
FARM Revisiting the classical earthquake experiment in the Rangely oil Field, Colorado, 1970: insights from coupled flow and geomechanical modeling
Josimar Alves da Silva, Hannah Byrne, Andreas Plesch, John Shaw, Ruben Juanes
The earthquake experiment conducted in the Rangely oil field, Colorado, in 1970, was pioneering in elucidating the correlation between wastewater injection and induced earthquakes. This correlation, in spite of the wealth of data collected during... more

Ridgecrest Seismic Velocity Changes Associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Yanru An, Taka'aki Taira, Chenyu Li, Zhigang Peng
The 2019 M 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence triggered widespread local and regional seismicity including the Coso Geothermal Field (CGF). To understand spatiotemporal variations in stress transients associated with the Ridgecrest sequence, we... more

GM Empirical Self-similar Double-corner Frequency Spectrum as a Model for the Earthquake Source
Ralph Archuleta, Chen Ji
We introduce a self-similar double-corner-frequency (DCF) source spectrum. Its displacement spectrum amplitude remains constant for frequency less than f_c1, decays as f^(-1) between f_c1 and f_c2, and f^(-2) for frequency larger than f_c2. The two... more
Poster 208
Geodesy Quantitative relationship between aseismic slip propagation speed and frictional properties
Keisuke Ariyoshi, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Roland Bürgmann, Takanori Matsuzawa, Akira Hasegawa, Ryota Hino, Takane Hori
Recent observations show evidence of propagation of postseismic slip, which may contain information about the mechanical properties of faults. Here, we develop a new analytical relationship between the propagation speed of aseismic slip transients... more

FARM Detecting asperity flash heating on hematite faults from deformation experiments and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry
Alexis Ault, Gabriele Calzolari, Greg Hirth, Robert McDermott
Co-seismic temperature rise, which induces dynamic weakening, is challenging to directly document in natural and experimental fault rocks. Hematite (U-Th)/He (He) thermochronometry is sensitive to transient high temperature events. Thus, hematite-... more
EFP The Predictable Chaos of Slow Earthquakes
Jean-Philippe Avouac, Adriano Gualandi, Sylvain Michel, Davide Faranda
Slow Slip Events (SSEs) are episodic slip events that play a significant role in the moment budget along subduction megathrust. They share many similarities with regular earthquakes, and have been observed in major subduction regions like, for... more

FARM Thermal pressurization in experimental faults
Nir Badt, Terry Tullis, Greg Hirth
Thermal pressurization (TP) is expected to be a dominant process during earthquake rupture, however most of our understanding on TP relies on theoretical studies. Our unique experimental setup allows us to test the mechanical response of... more
EFP The USGS Automatic Aftershock Forecasting System
Michael Barall, Andrew Michael, Jeanne Hardebeck
Last year, the USGS expanded aftershock forecasts to the nation with upgraded methods and presentation on the USGS website. A forecast is probabilistic and includes information such as the probability that an M6 aftershock will occur in the next... more

FARM Controlling the life-time and rest-time of asperity contact populations to investigate the temperature and stress distribution in flash-weakened frictional surfaces in granite
Monica Barbery, Frederick Chester, Judith Chester
For frictional sliding in rock at rates >0.01 m/s, the coefficient of friction (µ) can be reduced by flash heating at asperity contacts and by the associated rise in average temperature of the sliding surface. Using a high-velocity (~1 m/s), high... more
Ridgecrest Earthquake Magnitudes from Dynamic Strain: Application to the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes
Andrew Barbour, Noha Farghal
We investigate the attenuation and geometrical spreading characteristics of dynamic strain measurements of seismic waves from local earthquakes. We assemble a catalog of earthquakes along the Pacific/North-American plate boundary with moment... more

Tue 0900
Geodesy Recent observations and new frontiers in seafloor geodesy
Noel Bartlow, David Chadwell, Laura Wallace, Ryan Yohler, David Schmidt, Mark Zumberge, Spahr Webb, Andrew Newman
In recent years, a number of multi-instrument seafloor geodesy deployments have been successfully carried out in Japan, New Zealand, Cascadia, Alaska, and elsewhere using both GNSS-Acoustic (GNSS-A) and Absolute Pressure Gauge (APG) instruments.... more

GM Region-Specific Fourier-Based Site Amplification Modeling
Jeff Bayless, Andreas Skarlatoudis, Jonathan Stewart
There is increasing recognition that simulations can be utilized in engineering applications, but for the simulations to be accepted, they need to be validated first. To facilitate future validations, we develop a Fourier-based site amplification... more
Poster 036
EFP A regionalized seismicity model for subduction zones based on geodetic strain rates, geomechanical parameters and earthquake-catalog data
José Bayona Viveros, Sebastian von Specht, Anne Strader, Sebastian Hainzl, Fabrice Cotton, Danijel Schorlemmer
The Seismic Hazard Inferred from Tectonics based on the Global Strain Rate Map (SHIFT_GSRM) earthquake forecast was designed to provide high-resolution estimates of global seismicity to be used for seismic hazard assessment. This model combines... more

Geology The 1983 Borah Peak earthquake (M7.3) (Idaho - USA) - 3D architecture and seismotectonics along the Lost River fault from field observations and high-resolution topography integrated with seismological data
Simone Bello, Ramon Arrowsmith, Chelsea Scott, Giusy Lavecchia, Tyler Scott, Rita De Nardis, Federica Ferrarini
The Lost River Fault (LRF; northern Basin and Range, USA) is composed of six segments and of a large number of multi-scale en-echelon SW- to SSW dipping normal and normal oblique fault surfaces. Two NNW-SSE trending segments, known as Warm Spring (... more

SAFS Barriers to rupture propagation may be different beneath the surface: Insights from the Elizabeth Lake paleoseismic record
Sean Bemis, Katherine Scharer, James Dolan
Structural complexity and stress release history along active faults systems may exert significant controls on the locus and extent of individual earthquake ruptures. Fault bends are often invoked as a possible mechanism for terminating earthquake... more
14202, 13136, 12157
Seismology Pre-earthquake Response: Closing critical data gaps and preparing for large earthquakes
Yehuda Ben-Zion, Mark Benthien, Jason Ballmann, Christine Goulet
The limited understanding of earthquakes stems partially from their highly complex dynamics, along with significant observational gaps in the available in-situ data. The existing natural observations in earthquake physics are generally associated... more

GM Ground Motion Prediction Constraints and Hazard Curve Evaluation in Southern California Using Precariously Balanced Rocks
Glenn Biasi, John Anderson, James Brune, Richard Brune
Precariously balanced rocks (PBRs) provide approximate bounds on unexceeded ground motions for the period of their current configuration. For many PBRs, this can be thousands of years, which is much longer than any instrumental records. We use... more
Poster 241
Ridgecrest Triggered slip and afterslip in the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes: evidence for rotation of fault zone fabrics
Roger Bilham, Castillo Bryan
We report sub-cm triggered slip and afterslip from eighteen creepmeters in the epicentral region and at distances of up to 450 km from the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. Eleven extensometers 300-450 km south and NE of the July 2019 Mw6.4 and Mw7.1... more

SAFS Evidence for an alternative position for the primary active strand of the San Andreas Fault along its restraining bend in southern California
Kimberly Blisniuk, Greg Balco, Julie Fosdick, Jesse Waco
This study summarizes new multi-proxy data to provide evidence for an alternative position for the primary active strand of the southern San Andreas Fault along its restraining bend. We combine data from LiDAR imagery, field mapping, sedimentary... more

Poster 179
FARM Detailed space-time variations of shallow seismic velocities at the San Jacinto fault zone based on autocorrelation analysis of dense array data
Luis Bonilla, Yehuda Ben-Zion
The Sage Brush Flat (SGB) site in the trifurcation area of the San Jacinto fault zone (SJFZ) southeast of Anza, California, had a dense array of 1,108 vertical ZLand nodes recording continuous waveforms for ~30 days in spring of 2014. The dense... more
Geology Termination of the Palos Verdes Fault at Lasuen Knoll: Evaluating Models of Geometry, Kinematics and Potential Connectivity
Daniel Boyd, Jayne Bormann
The Palos Verdes fault (PVF) is an active component of the Inner California Borderlands offshore strike-slip fault system that collectively accommodates ~6-8 mm/yr of Pacific-North American plate boundary shear. The PVF extends 95 km from Santa... more

Poster 100
Geology Dating the duration of deformation along a major shear zone within the Eastern Peninsular Ranges Batholith
Adam Brackman, Jeremy Torres, Joshua Schwartz, Elena Miranda, Sinan Akciz
Understanding the formation and evolution of continental crust in Southern California is a complex inverse problem due to the ever-evolving tectonics of the region. Determining an accurate date for the formation of the unaltered protolith of the... more

GM Cybershake NZ v19.5: New Zealand simulation-based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
Brendon Bradley, Jonney Huang, Jason Motha, Karim Tarbali, Robin Lee, Sung Bae, V Polak, M Zhu, C Schill, J Patterson, D Lagrava
This poster presents the computational components and results of the May 2019 version (v19.5) of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) in New Zealand based on physics-based ground motion simulations (‘Cybershake NZ’). A total of 11,362 finite... more

Talk Mon 1130
EEII Several insights from a decade of earthquake reconnaissance and response in New Zealand
Brendon Bradley
The 22 years from 1987 – 2009 was a forgotten period in the public eye for earthquake events in New Zealand. Contrastingly, the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes and 2016 Kāikoura earthquake caused acute and chronic impacts on the economic and social... more

FARM Slip partitioning and plate kinematic barriers to megathrust rupture
Kyle Bradley, Wardah Shafiqah Binti Mohammad Fadil , Shengji Wei
Great earthquakes arise from horizontal propagation of fault ruptures over distances approaching the length of Earth’s minor tectonic plates. At these scales, the rotational relative motion of rigid plates dictates the rate and direction in which... more

Talk Mon 1100
EEII GEER Reconnaissance following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Scott Brandenberg, . GEER Reconnaissance Team
The Ridgecrest Earthquake sequence included a foreshock event on July 4 2019 (M6.4) and a M7.1 mainshock event on July 5 2019. These events occurred in the Eastern California Shear Zone, near Indian Wells Valley, south of China Lake and west of... more

Seismology Train traffic as a powerful noise source for monitoring active faults with seismic interferometry
Florent Brenguier, Pierre Boué, Yehuda Ben-Zion, Frank Vernon, Christopher Johnson, Aurelien Mordret, O Coutant, Pieter-Ewald Share, E Beaucé, Daniel Hollis, T Lecocq
Laboratory experiments report that detectable seismic velocity changes should occur in the vicinity of fault zones prior to earthquakes. However, operating permanent active seismic sources to monitor natural faults at seismogenic depth is found to... more

Seismology Improving the resolution of co-seismic velocity change monitoring at active fault zones using the ambient seismic field
Jared Bryan, Kurama Okubo, Congcong Yuan, Marine Denolle
The release of accumulated strain energy during dynamic earthquake ruptures causes stress relaxation around the fault. Off-fault fractures are co-seismically generated around the rupture front due to high stress concentrations, and this damage can... more

Geology Dating of Offset Geomorphic Features Along the Garlock Fault, Mojave Desert, California: Testing a Proposed Earthquake Supercycle Model
James Burns, Sally McGill, Ed Rhodes, James Dolan, Nathan Brown
Recent investigations of the Garlock Fault at the northern edge of the Mojave Desert point to a strongly irregular pattern of earthquake recurrence, which may be related to temporal variations in slip rate on the fault. These previously published... more

Poster 297
CS New Advances in CyberShake PSHA Models
Scott Callaghan, Philip Maechling, Christine Goulet, Kevin Milner, Mei-Hui Su, Robert Graves, Kim Olsen, Yifeng Cui, Brad Aagaard, Kathryn Wooddell, Albert Kottke, Bruce Shaw, Thomas Jordan
SCEC has developed the CyberShake software platform to perform 3D physics-based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA). To reduce computational cost, CyberShake uses reciprocity: Strain Green Tensors are convolved with slip time histories for... more

SDOT Groundwater Unloading in the Central Valley Modifies Crustal Stress
Grace Carlson, Manoochehr Shirzaei, Susanna Werth, Guang Zhai, Chandrakanta Ojha
The earth responds elastically to changes in surface mass such that when mass is added there is regional sinking of the land surface and when mass is lost there is regional uplift. These mass changes can disturb the regional stress field, which in... more

Seismology Seismic Imaging of Southern California with Scattered Waves
Jorge Castellanos, Robert Clayton, Voon Hui Lai
The generation of a high-resolution velocity model of southern California has been the center of attention for many years. The recent growth of high-density seismic arrays has led to the development of velocity models that can now explain most of... more

SAFS Ages of Prehistoric Earthquakes on the Banning Strand of the San Andreas Fault, Near North Palm Springs, California
Bryan Castillo, Sally McGill, Katherine Scharer, Doug Yule, Devin McPhillips, James McNeil, Sourav Saha, Nathan Brown, Seulgi Moon
The southernmost section of the San Andreas Fault (SAF) is the only section of that fault that has not ruptured in the last 200 years. It is not known whether this long quiescent period reflects a long average recurrence interval for this portion of... more

SAFS High resolution imaging of the San Andreas Fault System in Baja California, Mexico using triple-difference tomography
Raul Castro, Pieter-Ewald Share, Antonio Vidal-Villegas, Luis Mendoza, Yehuda Ben-Zion
Understanding transform plate boundary processes and the associated seismic hazard for society requires knowledge of the geometry and material properties along major faults comprising these boundaries. High-resolution properties of the San Andreas... more

Ridgecrest Three-Component Nodal Array Aftershock Deployments for the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Rufus Catchings, Mark Goldman, Joanne Chan, Amir Allam, Jamison Steidl, Yehuda Ben-Zion, Coyn Criley, Zhenning Ma, Daniel Langermann, Adrian McEvilly, Daniel Mongovin
To better evaluate subsurface faulting, seismic wave propagation, instrument response of seismometers, Vp and Vs structure, and seismic energy transmission from the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake sequence onto the Garlock fault, collaborators from the... more

Tue 1100
FARM Foreshocks and aftershocks on geometrically complex faults
Camilla Cattania, Sebastian Hainzl, Paul Segall
Faults are geometrically heterogeneous across a wide range of scales: faults systems present multiple orientations, and single faults are fractal surfaces. I will present numerical studies highlighting the role of geometrical complexity in two types... more
CXM Refining estimates of the seismic properties and geologic framework of the Mojave Desert, southern California
Alan Chapman, Emma Schneider, David Lockner
The Pelona-Orocopia-Rand (POR) schist of southern California exerts a primary influence on the mechanical properties of regional seismogenic zones, including the San Andreas and the Eastern California shear zone (within which the 2019 Ridgecrest... more
EEII A Service System for Seismic Ground Motion Parameters Zonation Map of China based on Smart Terminal and Internet Technique
Bo Chen
Mandatory national standard GB18306—2015 “Seismic ground motion parameters zonation map of China” has implemented since June 1, 2016, which plays an important role in people's life property safety, national economic development and social... more

Ridgecrest Cascading, pulse-like ruptures during the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes, East California Shear Zone
Kejie Chen, Jean-Philippe Avouac, SAIF AATI, Chris Milliner, Fu Zheng, Chuang Shi
On July 4 2019, a Mw 6.5 earthquake struck the Searles Valley in California; 34 hours later, a larger Mw 7.1 shock ripped ~15 km to the northwest. Both ruptured previously unrecognized faults within the East California Shear Zone. Here, we present... more

FARM Source characteristics of the foreshock sequence of the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake: implication for the triggering process
Xiaowei Chen, Qimin Wu, Dongdong Yao, Zhigang Peng
Foreshocks provide valuable information on the nucleation process of an upcoming large earthquake. However, the interpretation of foreshocks in terms of the underlying physical processes remains unresolved with two opposing end-member conceptual... more

The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.