
2013 SCEC Annual Meeting

The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) is funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Geological Survey to develop a comprehensive understanding of earthquakes in Southern California and elsewhere, and to communicate useful knowledge for reducing earthquake risk. SCEC coordinates a broad collaboration that builds across disciplines and enables a deeper understanding of system behavior than would be accessible by individual researchers or institutions working alone. At the SCEC Annual Meeting, members of the community gather to share and get updates on SCEC research projects and activities, as well as plan collaborations for the coming year.

2015 SCEC Program Meeting Program. The 2015 SCEC Annual Meeting was the fourth meeting of the SCEC4 Collaboration "Tracking Earthquake Cascades." The SCEC Science Planning Committee  designed the program to assess the progress towards goals set forth in the SCEC4 proposal. The meeting sessions were comprised of a series of thematic discussions to engage the community in the new efforts and initiatives of SCEC. Each theme discussion began with two plenary talks, followed by moderated discussions on each theme. The SCEC community provided input and guidance on those potential directions during the discussion sessions.

DOWNLOAD! Click to download the complete 2015 Proceedings Volume or 2015 Meeting Program that were distributed at the meeting.

Saturday, September 12, 2015 Tuesday, September 15, 2015
08:30 - 14:30 Educator Workshop: Vital Signs of the Planet 07:00 - 08:00 Breakfast
09:00 - 17:00 SCEC Community Rheology Model Workshop 08:00 - 10:00 Session 4: Earthquakes — From the Lab to the Field
Moderators: Judi Chester, Cliff Thurber
FARockM Perspectives on Earthquake Processes from the Lab to the Field, (PDF, 4.2MB), Greg Hirth
Shallow structure of the San Jacinto fault zone and detailed catalog of seismic sources based on spatially-dense array data (PDF, 7.2MB), Yehuda Ben-Zion
09:00 - 17:00 SCEC Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability Workshop
Sunday, September 13, 2015
08:00 - 12:00 SCEC Collaboratory for Interseismic Simulation and Modeling Workshop 10:30 - 12:30 Session 5: Physics-Based Forecasting and Ground Motions
Moderators: Eric Dunham, Ned Field
Getting Real: The Promise and Challenges of 3D Ground-Motion Simulations, Arthur Frankel Physics-based Earthquake Forecasting: Encouraging Results from a Retrospective CSEP Evaluation of Forecasting Models during the 2010 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthqua (PDF, 2.6MB)Max Werner
10:00 - 12:00 Open Discussion: Estimating Fault Zone Properties using Space-Based Measurements
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 17:00 SCEC Community Modeling Environment Workshop 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
13:00 - 17:00 SCEC Community Stress Model Workshop 14:00 - 16:00 Session 6: Connecting Hazard to Risk
Moderators: Jacobo Bielak, Sanaz Rezaeian
From Seismic Hazard to Risk: Summary of Critical Issues and How SCEC Research Can Foster New Solutions (PDF, 1.5MB), Christine Goulet
Managing Earthquake Hazards and Risks to Implement an Infrastructure Resilience Program (PDF, 5.2MB) Craig Davis
13:00 - 15:00 California Earthquake Clearinghouse: Training and Fieldwork Limited Liability Certification (Session 1)
15:00 - 17:00 California Earthquake Clearinghouse: Training and Fieldwork Limited Liability Certification (Session 2)
17:00 - 18:00 Welcome Social 16:00 - 17:30 Poster Session
18:00 - 19:00 SCEC Distinguished Speaker Presentation
Heat and weakening of faults during earthquake slip (PDF, 4.1MB), James R. Rice
19:00 - 21:00 Dinner
19:00 - 21:00 Welcome Dinner 21:00 - 22:30 Poster Session
19:00 - 21:00 Leadership Meeting: SCEC Advisory Council Wednesday, September 16, 2015
21:00 - 22:30 Poster Session 07:00 - 08:00 Breakfast
Monday, September 14, 2015 08:00 - 10:00 Session 7: Post-Earthquake Rapid Scientific Response
Moderators: Mike Oskin, Ken Hudnut
The Gorkha Mw=7.8 earthquake: an incomplete Himalayan rupture, Roger Bilham
The high frequency ‘anomaly’ that saved lives: Site effects and damage patterns of the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake, Domniki Asimaki
07:00 - 08:00 Breakfast
08:00 - 10:00 Session 1: The State of SCEC
Welcome and State of the Center (PDF, 4.2MB)Tom Jordan
Agency Reports
- National Science Foundation, Jim Whitcomb
- U.S. Geological Survey, Bill Leith
- FEMA/NEHRP (PDF, 541.6kB)Wendy Phillips
- NASA, Ben Phillips
Communication, Education, & Outreach, Mark Benthien
SCEC Science Accomplishments, Greg Beroza
10:30 - 12:30 Session 8: The Future of SCEC
Report from the Advisory Council (PDF, 49.4kB), Gail Atkinson
2016 SCEC Science Collaboration, Greg Beroza
Towards SCEC5 Priorities, Tom Jordan
12:30 2015 SCEC Annual Meeting Adjourns
10:30 - 12:30 Session 2: Special Fault Study Areas
Moderators: Kate Scharer, Scott Marshall
San Gorgonio Pass Special Fault Study Area (PDF, 4.4MB) Michele Cooke
The Ventura Special Fault Study Area: Assessing the potential for large, multi-segment thrust fault earthquakes and their hazard implications (PDF, 12.1MB), John Shaw
12:30 - 14:30 Leadership Meeting: SCEC Science Planning Committee
12:30 - 14:30 Leadership Meeting: SCEC Board of Directors
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 16:00 Session 3: SCEC Community Models
Moderators: Brad Aagaard, Rowena Lohman
Blending data and dynamics into equilibrium for the Community Stress Model, Peter Bird
The Community Geodetic Model (PDF, 20.2MB)Jessica Murray
16:00 - 17:30 Poster Session
19:00 - 21:00 SCEC Honors Banquet
21:00 - 22:30 Poster Session

Meeting Abstracts and Presentations. SCEC’s long-term goal is to understand how seismic hazards change across all time scales of scientific and societal interest, from millennia to seconds. The collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience.

Use the form below to search and view all poster and invited talk abstracts submitted to this meeting.

Abstract Text:

Participants. The SCEC Annual Meeting has become a premier gathering of earthquake scientists in the United States and from around the world, bringing together one of the largest collaborations in all of geoscience. Attendees were comprised of people from various organizations (including profit, non-profit, domestic, and foreign) involved in a SCEC-related research, education, and outreach activities. The following people attended in 2015:

Brad Aagaard (USGS)
Rachel Abercrombie (Boston U)
Niloufar Abolfathian (USC)
Norm Abrahamson (PG&E)
Mareike Adams (UCSB)
Duncan Agnew (IGPP/SIO/UCSD)
Sean Ahdi (UCLA)
Sinan Akciz (UCLA)
Amir Allam (UUTAH)
Kali Allison (Stanford)
Pablo Ampuero (Caltech)
Chao An (UCLA)
John Anderson (UNR)
Kent Anderson (IRIS)
Trey Apel (RMS, Inc.)
Ralph Archuleta (UCSB)
Donald Argus (JPL)
Felipe Aron (Stanford)
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU)
Domniki Asimaki (Caltech)
Luciana Astiz (CNTBTO)
Gail Atkinson (Western U)
Shima Azizzadehroodpish (Memphis)
Kangchen Bai (Caltech)
Scott Baker (UNAVCO)
Jason Ballmann (SCEC)
Annemarie Baltay (USGS)
Michael Barall (Invisible Software)
Monica Barbery (Texas A&M)
Nicolas Barth (UC Riverside)
Jeff Bayless (AECOM / UC Davis)
Bruce Beaudoin (IRIS PASSCAL)
Celine Beauval (Grenoble (France))
Thorsten Becker (USC)
Nick Beeler (USGS)
Whitney Behr (UT Austin)
Sean Bemis (U of Kentucky)
Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC)
Mark Benthien (SCEC / USC)
Michael Bentz (UCSB)
Will Berelson (USC)
Karianne Bergen (Stanford)
Rachel Bernard (UT Austin)
Greg Beroza (Stanford)
Thomas Beutin (GFZ Potsdam)
Glenn Biasi (UNR)
Jacobo Bielak (CMU)
Nenad Bijelic (Stanford)
Roger Bilham (Univ. of Colorado)
Peter Bird (UCLA)
Mike Blanpied (USGS)
Carolyn Bocanegra (Citrus Valley HS)
Melissa Bocanegra (CVHS)
Richard Bocanegra (CVHS)
Cecilia Booker (U.S. Navy)
Jayne Bormann (UNR)
Adrian Borsa (UCSD/SIO)
Daniel Bowden (Caltech)
Kelly Bradbury (USU)
Brendon Bradley (U of Canterbury)
Dave Branum (CGS)
Nan Broadbent (SSA)
Tom Brocher (USGS)
Emily Brodsky (UCSC)
Nathan Brown (UCLA)
Lucile Bruhat (Stanford)
Jim Brune (UNR)
Michael Bunds (UVU)
Reed Burgette (NMSU)
Roland Bürgmann (Berkeley)
Erin Burkett (USGS)
Sam Bydlon (Stanford)
Dana Caccamise (NOAA)
Ana Cadena M.S. (PPGS)
Scott Callaghan (SCEC)
Jose Cardona (CSUN)
Jean Carlson (UCSB)
Bridget Casey (Virginia Tech)
Rufus Catchings (USGS)
Kevin Chantrapornlert (CPP)
David Chapman (Utah)
Terry Cheiffetz (Cal Poly Pomona)
Rui Chen (CGS)
Xiaowei Chen (Oklahoma)
ZhiQiang Chen (UMKC)
Fred Chester (Texas A&M)
Judi Chester (Texas A&M)
DJ Choi (SDSC)
Bryant Chow (UCSB)
Annemarie Christophersen (GNSS)
Rob Clayton (Caltech)
Elizabeth Cochran (USGS)
Genevieve Coffey (Columbia)
Hannah Cohen (CSUN)
Harmony Colella (ASU)
Michele Cooke (UMass)
Jorge Crempien (UCSB)
C.B. Crouse (AECOM)
Yifeng Cui (SDSC)
Brittany Curry (Cal Poly Pomona)
Luis Dalguer (swissnuclear)
J. T. M. Daniels (UCLA)
Eric Daub (Memphis)
Craig Davis (City of Los Angeles)
Tim Dawson (CGS)
Steve Day (SDSU)
Robert de Groot (SCEC / USC)
Gregory De Pascale (U of Chile)
Greg Deierlein (Stanford)
Dan Determan (USGS)
Carola Di Alessandro (GeoPentech)
Jim Dieterich (UCR)
Lada Dimitrova (UT Austin)
Liam DiZio (Macalester College)
James Dolan (USC)
Andrea Donnellan (JPL)
Jessica Donovan (RMS, Inc.)
Matt Dorsey (SDSU)
Sara Dougherty (Caltech)
Sean Dunbar (DWR/Project Geology)
Eric Dunham (Stanford)
Michelle Dunn (UCSB)
Erika Durst (DeAnza Middle School)
Kenneth Duru (Stanford)
Donna Eberhart-Phillips (UC Davis)
Daniel Elizondo (Texas A&M)
Bill Ellsworth (USGS)
Brittany Erickson (PSU)
Eileen Evans (USGS)
Jim Evans (USU)
Billy Eymold (USC)
Wenyuan Fan (SIO/UCSD)
Behrooz Ferdowsi (U Penn)
Yuri Fialko (UCSD)
Ned Field (USGS)
Jennifer Fitzgerald (SDSU)
James Flournoy (Save Our Community)
Mike Floyd (MIT)
Anna Foutz (Chaffey College)
Art Frankel (USGS)
Jennifer French (CSUDH)
Rosemarie Fryer (UT Austin)
Gary Fuis (USGS)
Yuri Fukuoka (Kyoto)
Patrick Fulton (UCSC)
Gareth Funning (UCR)
Carmine Galasso ( U College London)
Eldon Gath (ECI)
Jianghui Geng (UCSD/SIO)
Abhijit Ghosh (UC Riverside)
Jacqui Gilchrist (UC, Riverside)
David Gill (SCEC / USC)
Gary Girty (SDSU)
Maggi Glasscoe (NASA JPL)
Thomas Goebel (Caltech)
Peter Gold (UT Austin)
Mark Goldman (USGS)
David Goldsby (U Penn)
Luis Gomez (Chaffey College)
Javier Gonzàlez-Garcìa (CICESE)
Alejandro Gonzalez-Ortega (IGPP/SIO)
Margaret Gooding (LSA Associates)
Marcello Gori (Caltech)
Deborah Gormley (SCEC / USC)
Christine Goulet (SCEC / PEER)
William Graf (ImageCat, Inc.)
Lisa Grant Ludwig (UCI)
Rob Graves (USGS)
Jessica Grenader (USC)
David Guenaga (UCR)
Abhineet Gupta (Stanford)
Jennifer Haase (UCSD/SIO)
Hamid Haddadi (CGS)
Alireza Haji Soltani (Memphis)
Georgia Halkia (UCI)
Craig Hall (SDSU)
Steven Hansen (UNM)
Austin Hanson (NMSU)
Jeanne Hardebeck (USGS)
Ruth Harris (USGS)
Ross Hartleb (USC)
Alex Hatem (USC)
Egill Hauksson (Caltech)
Liz Hearn (Consulting Geophysicist)
Tom Heaton (Caltech)
Dick Heermance (CSUN)
Amanda Hernandez (CPP)
Janis Hernandez (CGS)
Stephen Hernandez (IGQ EC)
Ana Hernández Flores (CICESE)
Chris Heron (LADWP)
Emina Herovic (Kentucky)
Tom Herring (MIT)
Steve Hickman (USGS)
Natalie Higgins (Caltech)
Evan Hirakawa (SDSU)
Naoshi Hirata (Tokyo)
Greg Hirth (Brown)
Kennis Ho (Cal Poly Pomona)
Michael Hodges (USC)
Phil Hogan (Fugro)
Don Hoirup (CA Water Resources)
Caroline Holden (GNS Science)
Dan Hollis (NodalSeismic)
James Holmes (SIO / UCSD)
Mehran Hosseini (USC)
Sue Hough (USGS)
Yihe Huang (SCITS (Stanford))
Ken Hudnut (USGS)
Brittany Huerta (CSUN)
Allie Hutchison (UCR)
Tran Huynh (SCEC / USC)
Asaf Inbal (Caltech)
Marina Inoue (Hiroshima University)
Dave Jackson (UCLA)
Susanne Janecke (USU)
Andy Jerrett (SDSU)
Chen Ji (UCSB)
Changseng Jiang (CEA (China))
Junle Jiang (Caltech)
Ren Jinwei (CEA (China))
Chris Johnson (Berkeley)
Kaj Johnson (Indiana)
Kendra Johnson (CSM)
Leonard Johnson (NSF)
Jane Jones (NASA JPL)
Lucy Jones (USGS)
Frank Jordan (DOGGR)
Tom Jordan (USC)
Jennifer Juarez-Ayala (PRISM Geology)
Yan Kagan (UCLA)
Yoshi Kaneko (GNS Science)
Keene Karlsson (SDSU)
Daniel Keck (Etiwanda HS)
Katherine Kendrick (USGS)
Graham Kent (Nevada Seism. Lab)
Mostafa Khoshmanesh (ASU)
Naeem Khoshnevis (CERI)
Emily Kleber (ASU)
Simon Klemperer (Stanford)
Mark Kline (Banning HS)
Shannon Klotsko (UCSD / SIO)
Keith Knudsen (USGS)
Justin Ko (Caltech)
Kim Kocaya (Van Avery Prep)
Monica Kohler (Caltech)
Jeremy Kozdon (Naval Postgrad)
Kayla Kroll (UCR)
Olga Joan Ktenidou (GFZ)
Nicolas Kuehn (PEER)
Larissa Kupferschmidt (CPP)
Katsuyuki Kurihara (Hiroshima U)
Christos Kyriakopoulos (UC Riverside)
Voon Hui Lai (Caltech)
Lia Lajoie (Colorado School of Mines)
Maurice Lamontagne (GS of Canada)
Vicki Langenheim (USGS)
Nadia Lapusta (Caltech)
Mike Lawson (UCLA)
Sam Lee (City of Beverly Hills)
Yajie(Jerry) Lee (ImageCat Inc.)
Mark Legg (Legg Geophysical)
Julie Leiva (Cal Poly Pomona)
Jonathan Levario (Cal Poly Pomona)
Yuval Levy (SDSU/UCSD)
Katherine Lewis (CSUN)
Bo Li (UCR)
Wenwen Li (AECOM)
Yong-Gang Li (USC)
Nathaniel Lifton (Purdue)
Ting Lin (Marquette)
Yu-Pin Lin (USC)
Eric Lindsey (SIO / UCSD)
Scott Lindvall (Fugro)
Rachel Lippoldt (USC)
Xin Liu (USC)
Zhen Liu (UCLA)
Masha Liukis (SCEC)
Andrea Llenos (USGS)
Rowena Lohman (Cornell)
Kate Long (Cal OES)
Hernan Lopez (Cal Poly Pomona)
Julian Lozos (Stanford/USGS)
Nico Luco (USGS)
Semechah Lui (Caltech)
Eloy Luna (LAFD)
Karen Luttrell (LSU)
Hongsheng Ma (CEA (China))
Shuo Ma (SDSU)
Yiran Ma (Caltech)
Chris Madden Madugo (PG&E)
Philip Maechling (SCEC / USC)
Shannon Mahan (USGS)
Jillian Maloney (SDSU)
Jacob Manheim (UCLA)
Gayatri Marliyani (ASU)
Eui-jo Marquez (SDSU)
John Marquis (SCEC)
Scott Marshall (App State)
Warner Marzocchi (INGV)
Anthony Massari (Caltech)
Kathryn Materna (UC Berkeley)
Glen Mattioli (UNAVCO)
Jeremy Maurer (Stanford)
Andreas Mavrommatis (Stanford)
Rob McCaffrey (Portland State)
Jill McCarthy (USGS)
Mark McClure (UT Austin)
Sally McGill (CSUSB)
Griffin McMullen (Colorado)
Devin McPhillips (Syracuse University)
John McRaney (SCEC / USC)
Deepa Mele Veedu (EOS)
Aron Meltzner (EOS)
Manuel Mendoza (UC Riverside)
Haoran Meng (USC)
Lingsen Meng (UCLA)
Chris Menges (USGS)
Nikolas Midttun (USGS)
Dennis Mileti (UC Boulder)
Kevin Miller (CalOES)
Meghan Miller (UNAVCO)
Meghan Miller (USC)
Chris Milliner (USC)
Kevin Milner (SCEC)
Sarah Minson (USGS)
Annelisa Moe (CSUN)
Seulgi Moon (UCLA)
Walter Mooney (USGS)
Andrew Moores (Nanometrics)
Alex Morelan (UC Davis)
Morgan Moschetti (USGS)
Amy Moser (USU)
Marc Moya (CJUHSD)
Jessica Murray (USGS)
Lyndon Murray (Anza-Borrego SP)
Mark Murray (USGS Menlo Park)
Nori Nakata (Stanford)
Corrie Neighbors (UC Riverside)
Josie Nevitt (Stanford)
Craig Nicholson (UCSB)
Shiying Nie (SDSU)
Ed Nissen (Colorado School of Mines)
Shunta Noda (RTRI / USGS)
Ran Nof (UC Berkeley)
Ossian O’Reilly (Stanford)
Yosi Ogata (ERI/ISM Japan)
David Oglesby (UCR)
Koji Okumura (Hiroshima)
Reiko Okumura (Higashihiroshima)
Kim Olsen (SDSU)
Brian Olson (CGS)
Takahiro Omi (Univ. Tokyo)
Nate Onderdonk (CSULB)
Omero Orlandini (UC Boulder)
Gustavo Ortega (CALTRANS-LA)
Maggie Ortiz-Millan (EERI)
Alicia Ortiz-Simon (CSUSB)
Mike Oskin (UC Davis)
Susan Owen (JPL)
Alan Pace (Petra Geosciences)
Alina Padilla (Ramona Elementary)
Marco Pagani (GEM Foundation)
Morgan Page (USGS Pasadena)
Grace Parker (UCLA)
Timothy Parker (Nanometrics)
Nahtaly Pastrana (Cal Poly Pomona)
Dmitry Pekurovsky (SDSC/UCSD)
Yajun Peng (Princeton)
Zhigang Peng (Georgia Tech)
Thibaut Perol (Harvard)
Stephen Perry (Caltech)
Patricia Persaud (Caltech)
Mark Petersen (USGS)
Stacey Petrashek (Cal Poly Pomona)
Shahram Pezeshk (Memphis)
Ben Phillips (NASA)
Wendy Phillips (FEMA/NEHRP)
Andreas Plesch (Harvard)
Jascha Polet (Cal Poly Pomona)
Rob Porritt (USC)
Amanda Price (CSUN)
Veronica Prush (UC Davis)
Ani Pytlewski (CSU Long Beach)
Lei Qin (USC)
Hongrui Qiu (USC)
Sohom Ray (Tufts)
Hoby Razafindrakoto (U of Canterbury)
Phil Resor (Wesleyan)
Katherine Reyes (Fugro Consultants)
Sanaz Rezaeian (USGS)
David Rhoades (GNS Science)
Ed Rhodes (UCLA)
Jim Rice (Harvard)
Keith Richards-Dinger (UCR)
Tom Rockwell (SDSU)
Artie Rodgers (LLNL)
Marshall Rogers-Martinez (USC)
Chris Rollins (Caltech)
Anne Rosinski (CGS)
Zachary Ross (USC)
Ron Rubin (CGS)
Vito Rubino (Caltech)
Justin Rubinstein (USGS)
Brad Ruddy (CalPoly Pomona)
Christine Ruhl (UNR)
John Rundle (UCD)
Kenny Ryan (UC Riverside)
Omid Saber (Cntr. for Tectonophysics)
Valerie Sahakian (SIO)
Barrett Salisbury (ASU)
Charlie Sammis (USC)
Sharon Sandow (SCEC)
David Sandwell (UCSD)
Jessie Saunders (SIO)
Heather Savage (LDEO)
William Savran (UCSD/SDSU)
Kate Scharer (USGS)
Brandon Schmandt (UNM)
Danijel Schorlemmer (USC)
Kasey Schultz (UC Davis)
Chelsea Scott (Cornell University)
Laura Secord (Grace Yokley MS)
Yolanda Seebert (Vernon MS)
Paul Segall (Stanford)
Gordon Seitz (CGS)
Jacob Selander (U Minnesota Duluth)
Deanna Sellnow (U of Central Florida)
Tim Sellnow (U of Central Florida)
Nader Shakibay Senobari (UCR)
Shahar Shani-Kadmiel (BGUN)
Pieter Share (USC)
Bruce Shaw (LDEO)
John Shaw (Harvard)
Peter Shearer (UCSD)
David Shelly (USGS)
Zheng-Kang Shen (UCLA)
Yixiao Sheng (Stanford)
Jian Shi (Caltech)
Zheqiang Shi (SDSU)
Manoochehr Shirzaei (ASU)
Fabio Silva (SCEC / USC)
Gerry Simila (CSUN)
Alexander Simms (UCSB)
Drake Singleton (SDSU)
Philip Skemer (Washington University)
Norm Sleep (Stanford)
Deborah Smith (USGS Menlo Park)
Sabrina Smith (EOS)
Paul Somerville (AECOM)
Seok Goo Song (KIGAM, Korea)
Xin Song (USC)
Chris Sorlien (UCSB)
Kathleen Springer (USGS)
Jamie Steidl (UCSB)
Mark Stirling (GNS Science)
Joann Stock (Caltech)
Alivia Stoller (Illinois State)
Anne Strader (GFZ-Potsdam)
Feng Su (USBR)
Danielle Sumy (IRIS Consortium)
Jianzhong Sun (CEA (China))
Ke Sun (CEA (China))
Jessica Sutton (ASU)
Brian Swanson (CGS)
Jerlyn Swiatlowski (UC Riverside)
Ricardo Taborda (CERI)
Taka’aki Taira (Berkeley)
Toshiro Tanimoto (UCSB)
Karim Tarbali (Canterbury)
Jennifer Tarnowski (UC Riverside)
Matteo Taroni (INGV)
Leon Teng (USC)
Fabia Terra (USGS)
Wayne Thatcher (USGS)
Hong Kie Thio (AECOM)
Chris Thom (UPenn)
Cliff Thurber (UW-Madison)
Erin Todd (UCSC)
Kevin Toeneboehn (UMass Amherst)
Nate Toke (UVU)
Xiaopeng Tong (Washington)
Haley Trindle (UCSB)
Daniel Trugman (SIO-IGPP)
Victor Tsai (Caltech)
Drew Tulanowski (South Carolina)
Terry Tullis (Brown)
Don Turcotte (UCD)
Cedric Twardzik (UCSB)
Katia Tymofyeyeva (SIO)
Annie Valovcin (UCSB)
Nicholas van der Elst (USGS)
Bernadette Vargas (Etiwanda HS)
Danielle Verdugo Madugo (SDSU)
Frank Vernon (UCSD)
Sarah Verros (USGS)
John Vidale (U of Washington)
Tiffany Vlahopoulos (UIUC)
Dave Wald (USGS)
Seth Wallace (Grand Terrace H.S.)
Chris Walls (UNAVCO)
Kang Wang (SIO/UCSD)
Manda Wang (CEA (China))
Nan Wang (SDSU/UCSD)
Yongfei Wang (UCSD/SDSU)
Steve Ward (UCSC)
Heather Webb (SDSU)
Luke Weidman (SDSU)
Debbie Weiser (USGS / UCLA)
Max Werner (Bristol)
Kaitlin Wessel (SDSU)
Josh West (USC)
Jim Whitcomb (NSF)
Elizabeth White (SDSU)
Malcolm White (UCSD - SIO)
Alana Williams (ASU)
Charles Williams (GNS Science)
Ethan Williams (Stanford)
Chris Wills (CGS)
John Wilson (UC Davis)
Kyle Withers (SDSU/UCSD)
Ryan Witkosky (Caltech)
Frank Wyatt (IGPP/SIO UCSD)
Lian Xue (UCSC)
Qian Yao (UCSD/SDSU)
Lingling Ye (UCSC)
Mark Yoder (UC Davis)
Ryan Yohler (Indiana)
Alan Yong (USGS)
Nana Yoshimitsu (ERI Tokyo)
Karen Young (USC)
Ellen Yu (Caltech)
John Yu (USC)
Doug Yule (CSUN)
Sang-Ho Yun (NASA JPL)
Ilya Zaliapin (UNR)
Eva Zanzerkia (NSF)
Farzin Zareian (UCI)
Tina Zeidan (San Diego State)
Yuehua Zeng (USGS)
Dandan Zhang (Cal Poly Pomona)
Qiong Zhang (Caltech)
Yongxian Zhang (China ENC)
Vincent Zhao (CSUN)
Peng Zhong (PBEE-UCI)
Robert Zinke (USC)
Simon Zu (OU)