Open Discussion: Estimating Fault Zone Properties using Space-Based Measurements
Conveners: Andrea Donnellan (NASA JPL), Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU), Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC)
Dates: September 13, 2015 (10:00 – 12:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA
Attendees: open invitation
OVERVIEW: We are developing a concept for a spaceborne gazing imager that would serve as a community resource for fault zone studies. Gazing imaging, or Structure from Motion (SfM), measurements are increasingly being applied to studying fault zones. The method combines images from several vantage points to provide topography, reflectance, and imagery over fault zones (see Resulting topography can be used to study geomorphology of fault zones, while reflectance and imagery can be used to estimate material properties, texture, and porosity of the zone and surrounding area. Images collected before and after surface rupturing earthquakes would provide 3D change maps. Combining these measurements with other data should improve estimates of strain partitioning across the fault zone, fault rock damage, strength, and healing. Current SfM methods rely on balloons, drones, and aircraft. A spaceborne platform would allow for global, systematic, repeated measurements of fault zones. We are seeking community input on the science that could be achieved with a spaceborne imager, potential targets (globally), and the needed resolution to achieve the science goals.
Everyone is welcome to join in the discussion. For more information, please contact the conveners.