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SCEC Community Software for Extreme-Scale Computing in Earthquake System Science Meeting

Conveners: Tom Jordan (USC), Phil Maechling (USC)
Dates: September 13, 2015 (13:00 – 17:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA
Attendance: contact conveners

MOTIVATIONS, AIMS, AND OBJECTIVES: The Community Modeling Environment (CME) of the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) is a large collaboration that involves seismologists, computer scientists, structural geologists, and earthquake engineers in the development of high-performance computational platforms for earthquake system science. In 2012, the CME collaboration was awarded an NSF SI2-SSI grant to create a Software Environment for Integrated Seismic Modeling (SEISM) with the goal to transform seismic hazard analysis into a physics-based science through HPC implementations of ground motion models.

In the 2015, the CME collaboration was awarded NSF SI2-SSI: Community Software for Extreme-Scale Computing in Earthquake System Science. This project will push validated SEISM capabilities to higher seismic frequencies and into the domain of extreme-scale computing. Project researchers are addressing scientific problems that limit the accuracy and scale in current numerical representations of earthquake processes. Project software development will address three main computational requirements:

  1. Extend earthquake simulations to higher seismic frequencies.
  2. Validate simulations against existing earthquake data and empirical GMPEs.
  3. Decrease the time-to-solution of SEISM simulations and physics-based seismic hazard models.

SCEC researchers are developing a collection of advanced earthquake simulation software capable of using high-performance computing to produce new information about earthquakes and the hazards they present. SCEC researchers will use the tools to perform advanced physics-based seismic hazard calculations and apply the rigorous ground motion simulation validation processes defined by members of the SCEC Ground Motion Simulation Validation (GMSV) working group to establish value to earthquake scientists, engineers, and at-risk stakeholders.

PARTICIPANTS: John Anderson (UNR), Ralph Archuleta (UCSB), Domniki Asimaki (Caltech), Céline Beauval (UJF-Grenoble), Jacobo Bielak (CMU), Glenn Biasi (UNR), Jim Brune (UNR), Scott Callaghan (SCEC), Jorge Crempien (UCSB), Yifeng Cui (SDSC), Ned Field (USGS), Mehrdad Hosseini (AECOM), Tom Jordan (SCEC), Naeem Khoshnevis (CERI), Masha Liukis (SCEC), Philip Maechling (SCEC), Nico Luco (USGS), Kevin Milner (SCEC), Kim Olsen (SDSU), Dmitry Pekurovsky (SDSC), Paul Somerville (AECOM), Xin Song (USC), Seok Goo Song (KIGAM), Ricardo Taborda (CERI), Kyle Withers (UCSD), John Yu (SCEC)

SUNDAY, September 13, 2015

Presentation slides may be downloaded by clicking the title of the presentation.
PLEASE NOTE: Files are the author’s property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used while viewing the talk.

13:00 AXCESS Introduction and Overview (PDF, 730.3kB) Tom Jordan / Phil Maechling
13:30 Physics in High-Frequency Simulations Kim Olsen
14:15 Validation of High-Frequency Ground Motion Simulations (PDF, 5.4MB)
BBP Validation for PSA: From Parameters to Gauntlet (PDF, 1.6MB)
Ricardo Taborda
Christine Goulet
15:00 Break  
15:15 Extreme Scale Software Yifeng Cui
16:00 Future CyberShake (PDF, 3.1MB) Phil Maechling
16:45 AXCESS Wrap-Up Session (PDF, 793.2kB) Tom Jordan / Phil Maechling
17:00 Adjourn  

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