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2013 SCEC Ground Motion Simulation Validation Progress Workshop

Conveners: Nico Luco and Sanaz Rezaeian
Dates: September 8, 2013 (13:00-17:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA
SCEC Award and Report: 13138

SUMMARY: The SCEC Ground Motion Simulation Validation (GMSV) Technical Activity Group (TAG) focuses on developing and implementing, via collaboration between ground motion modelers and engineering users, testing/rating methodologies for the use of ground motion simulations in engineering applications. The purpose of this half-day workshop at the SCEC Annual Meeting was to:

  1. Share recent progress on GMSV TAG projects, such as those coordinated for the broader SCEC Software Environment for Integrated Seismic Modeling (SEISM) project; and
  2. Discuss plans for future GMSV TAG projects, such as those that will support the SCEC Committee for Utilization of Ground Motion Simulations (UGMS).

This workshop was preceded by a half-day workshop of the SCEC Broadband Platform Validation project, which is a separate but coordinated GMSV effort.

Presentation slides may be downloaded by clicking the title. PLEASE NOTE: Slides are the author’s property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used while viewing the talk.


13:00-13:05 Welcome and Overview of Various SCEC Validation Efforts Tom Jordan
13:05-13:15 Workshop Objectives and Agenda Nicolas Luco
  GMSV TAG Efforts for SCEC SEISM Project  
13:15-13:30 Focus of "GMSV-SEISM" Efforts Nicolas Luco
13:30-13:50 Validation for Engineering Analysis Using Simple and Robust Ground Motions Parameters Lynne Burks, Jack Baker
13:50-14:10 Validation for Building-Code Nonlinear Response History Analysis Farzin Zareian, Peng Zhong
Iunio Iervolino
14:10-14:30 Validation Approach for Application of Simulated Ground Motions to Duration-Sensitive Geotechnical Systems Kioumars Afshari              Jonathan Stewart
14:30-14:55 Discussion of "GMSV-SEISM" Efforts All
14:55-15:10 Break  
  Other GMSV TAG Efforts  
15:10-15:30 Overview of GMSV TAG Efforts Presented Elsewhere Sanaz Rezaiean
15:30-15:45 Validation of Earthquake Smulations and Their Effects onTall Buildings Considering Spectral Shape and Duration Ting Lin, Greg Deierlein
15:45-16:00 Validation of Ground Motion Simulations for Seismic Slope Stability Ellen Rathje
16:00-16:15 Support of SCEC Committee for Utilization of Ground Motion Simulations (UGMS) Sanaz Rezaiean
16:15-17:00 Discussion of Future GMSV TAG Efforts All
17:00 Adjourn  


Brad Aagaard (USGS)
Norm Abrahamson (PG&E)
Kioumars Afshari (UCLA)
Ana Aguiar (Stanford)
Sean Ahdi (UCLA)
John Anderson (UNR)
Ralph Archuleta (UCSB)
Kimiyuki Asano (DPRI Kyoto U)
Karen Assatourians (UWO)
Dominic Assimaki (Georgia Tech)
Jack Baker (Stanford)
Scott Baker (UNAVCO)
Jason Ballmann (SCEC)
Annemarie Baltay (USGS )
Magali Barba (Cal Poly Pomona)
Jeff Bayless (URS)
Greg Beroza (Stanford)
Glenn Biasi (UNR)
Jacobo Bielak (CMU)
Daniel Bowden (Caltech)
Brendon Bradley (U of Canterbury)
Lynne Burks (Stanford)
Amber Butcher (USC)
Alexander Bykovtsev (RANS)
Scott Callaghan (SCEC)
Ken Campbell (EQECAT, Inc.)
Kevin Chantrapornlert (CPP)
Matthew Cook (UCSB)
Jorge Crempien (UCSB)
Luis Dalguer (ETHZ)
Steve Day (SDSU)
Marine Denolle (Stanford)
Ian Desjarlais (CSUN)
Carola Di Alessandro (GeoPentech)
Joe Dierkhising (UNR)
Luyuan Ding (UCSB)
Donahue (Geosyntec)
Doug Dreger (UC Berkeley)
Ken Duru (Stanford)
Geoffrey Ely (Argonne National Lab)
Brittany Erickson (SDSU)
Eileen Evans (Harvard)
Wenyuan Fan (SIO/UCSD)
Yuning Fu (JPL/Caltech)
Dylan Garcia (CSUF)
Matt Gerstenberger (GNS Science)
David Gill (SCEC)
Luis Gomez (Chaffey College)
Christine Goulet (PEER)
Rob Graves (USGS)
Nick Gregor
Jessica Grenader (USC)
Guzavina (U of Muenster)
Jennifer Haase (UCSD/SIO)
Lijam Hagos (CGS/SMIP)
Ruth Harris (USGS)
Don Helmberger (Caltech)
Caroline Holden (GNS Science)
Brittany Huerta (CSUN)
Tran Huynh (SCEC / USC)
Chen Ji (UCSB)
Tom Jordan (USC)
Haydar Karaoglu (CMU)
Olga Joan Ktenidou (ISTerre, Grenoble)
Hisahiko Kubo (DPRI Kyoto U)
Annie Lamontagne (UCSB)
Bernadette Leeper (WCSD)
Sebastien Leprince (Caltech)
Zefeng Li (Georgia Tech)
Ting Lin (Stanford)
Masha Liukis (SCEC)
Julian Lozos (PEER)
Nico Luco (USGS)
Shuo Ma (SDSU)
Betsy Madden (UMass-Amherst)
Philip Maechling (SCEC / USC)
Martin Mai (KAUST)
Chris Markham (UC Berkeley)
Daniel Markowski (Utah State)
Gayatri Marliyani (ASU)
Alexa McBean (UNR)
Lingsen Meng (UC Berkeley)
Paul Morgan (UCSC)
Morgan Moschetti (USGS)
David Nget (Cal Poly Pomona)
Margo Odlum (UCLA)
G. Harris Ohland (Cal Poly Pomona)
Taro Okamoto (Tokyo Inst of Tech)
Keishi Okazaki (Brown U)
Kim Olsen (SDSU)
Jaime Parada (U Central de Venezuela)
Michael Pasyanos (LLNL)
Celia Pazos (Cal Poly Pomona)
Arben Pitarka (LLNL)
Robert Porritt (USC)
Ruwanka Purasinghe (City of L.A.)
Hannah Rabinowitz (Columbia)
Ellen Rathje (U of Texas)
Hoby Razafindrakoto (KAUST)
Kyle Remmenga
Sanaz Rezaeian (USGS)
Jim Rice (Harvard)
Brian Rockwell (SDSU)
Tom Rockwell (SDSU)
Daniel Roten (ETHZ)
William Savran (UCSD/SDSU)
Bruce Shaw (LDEO)
Peter Shearer (UCSD)
Zheqiang Shi (SDSU)
Manoochehr Shirzaei (ASU)
Fabio Silva (SCEC / USC)
Norm Sleep (Stanford)
Patrick Small (SCEC)
Ken Smith (UNR)
Paul Somerville (URS)
Seok Goo Song (ETHZ)
Xin Song (USC)
Ricardo Taborda (CERI)
Rumi Takedatsu (SDSU)
Eric Thompson (SDSU)
Mike Vadman (CSUN)
Vanessa Vega (CSUSB)
Manuela Villani (ARUP London)
Miguel Villasana (PCC)
Dave Wald (USGS)
Melanie Walling (Lettis Consultants Intl.)
Honglei Wang (USGS)
Jennie Watson-Lamprey (WL Consulting)
Joe Whearty (SDSU)
Kyle Withers (SDSU)
Katie Wooddell (PG&E)
Francis Wu (USC/SUNY)
Xiaohua Xu (IGPP/SIO)
Lian Xue (UCSC)
Gony Yagoda-Biran (UNR)
Emrah Yenier (Western University)
Alan Yong (USGS)
Sang-Ho Yun (NASA JPL)
Farzin Zareian (UCI)
Yuehua Zeng (USGS)
Peng Zhong (UCI)

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