2013 SCEC Ground Motion Simulation Validation Progress Workshop
Conveners: Nico Luco and Sanaz Rezaeian
Dates: September 8, 2013 (13:00-17:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA
SCEC Award and Report: 13138
SUMMARY: The SCEC Ground Motion Simulation Validation (GMSV) Technical Activity Group (TAG) focuses on developing and implementing, via collaboration between ground motion modelers and engineering users, testing/rating methodologies for the use of ground motion simulations in engineering applications. The purpose of this half-day workshop at the SCEC Annual Meeting was to:
- Share recent progress on GMSV TAG projects, such as those coordinated for the broader SCEC Software Environment for Integrated Seismic Modeling (SEISM) project; and
- Discuss plans for future GMSV TAG projects, such as those that will support the SCEC Committee for Utilization of Ground Motion Simulations (UGMS).
This workshop was preceded by a half-day workshop of the SCEC Broadband Platform Validation project, which is a separate but coordinated GMSV effort.
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