
2013 SCEC Annual Meeting

The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) is funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Geological Survey to develop a comprehensive understanding of earthquakes in Southern California and elsewhere, and to communicate useful knowledge for reducing earthquake risk. SCEC coordinates a broad collaboration that builds across disciplines and enables a deeper understanding of system behavior than would be accessible by individual researchers or institutions working alone. At the SCEC Annual Meeting, members of the community gather to share and get updates on SCEC research projects and activities, as well as plan collaborations for the coming year.

2014 SCEC Program Meeting Program. The 2014 SCEC Annual Meeting will be the third meeting of the SCEC4 Collaboration "Tracking Earthquake Cascades." The SCEC Science Planning Committee has designed the program to assess the progress towards goals set forth in the SCEC4 proposal and to prepare for the SCEC5 proposal. The meeting sessions comprise a series of thematic discussions to engage the SCEC community in the formulation of goals for SCEC5. Each theme discussion will kick off with a plenary talk, followed by brief reports by SCEC leadership outlining possible directions for SCEC5. The SCEC community will be able to provide input and guidance on those potential directions in the discussion following each report.

DOWNLOAD! Click to download the complete 2014 Proceedings Volume or 2014 Meeting Program to be distributed at the meeting.

Saturday, September 6, 2014 Tuesday, September 9, 2014
10:00 – 18:00 Group Meeting: SCEC Community Geodetic Model 07:00 – 08:00 Breakfast
10:00 – 18:00 Group Meeting: SCEC Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability 08:00 – 10:00 How can the hazard from simulated earthquakes effectively reduce risk in the real world?
Can We Rely on Linear Elasticity to Predict Long-Period Ground Motions?, Daniel Roten
Theme: Ground Motion Simulations, Kim Olsen
Theme: Infrastructure System Risk, Jack Baker
08:00 – 18:00 Workshop: SCEC San Gorgonio Pass Special Fault Study Area (by application)
Sunday, September 7, 2014 10:30 – 12:30 What aspects of earthquake behavior are predictable?
Waste water injection induced seismicity in naturally-active, seismogenic regions in central California, Thomas Goebel
Theme: "Atectonic" or Triggered Seismicity, Emily Brodsky
Theme: Science of Operational Earthquake Forecasting, Ned Field
09:00 – 17:00 Group Meeting: SCEC Source Inversion Validation
09:00 – 17:00 Workshop: SCEC Earthquake Ground Motion Simulation and Validation
09:00 – 17:00 Workshop: SCEC Post-Earthquake Rapid Scientific Response 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
17:00 – 18:00 Welcome Social 14:00 – 16:00 Here it comes! What just happened? How can SCEC better prepare to respond to future earthquakes?
Differential LiDAR - a new tool for mapping coseismic fault-zone deformation, Ed Nissen
Theme: Earthquake Early Warning Research, Elizabeth Cochran
Theme: Post-Earthquake Rapid Response, Mike Oskin
18:00 – 19:00 SCEC Distinguished Speaker: Norm Abrahamson on
Reducing Epistemic Uncertainty in Seismic Risk Estimation
19:00 – 21:00 Welcome Dinner
19:00 – 21:00 Leadership Meeting: SCEC Advisory Council (members only) 16:00 – 17:30 Poster Session
21:00 – 22:30 Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 Dinner
Monday, September 8, 2014 21:00 – 22:30 Poster Session
07:00 – 08:00 Breakfast Wednesday, September 10, 2014
08:00 – 11:00 The State of SCEC
Welcome and State of the Center, Tom Jordan
Remarks from NSF, Greg Anderson
Remarks from USGS, Bill Leith
Communication, Education, and Outreach, Mark Benthien
SCEC Science Accomplishments, Greg Beroza
07:00 – 08:00 Breakfast
08:00 – 08:30 Report from the Advisory Council, Gail Atkinson
10:30 – 10:45 Briefing on the M6.0 South Napa Earthquake, Ben Brooks 08:30 – 10:00 How can we communicate more effectively what we know and what we don't?
The IDEA Model: A Practical Tool for Designing Effective Early Earthquake Warning Messages, Deanna Sellnow, Tim Sellnow
Theme: Risk Communication and New Technologies, Dave Wald
10:45 – 11:00 Looking Forward to SCEC5, Tom Jordan
11:00 – 12:30 How do we deal with known unknowns and unknown unknowns?
Reducing variability in earthquake stress drops to define secondary trends, Annemarie Baltay
Theme: Reducing Epistemic Uncertainty, Glenn Biasi, Tom Herring
10:30 – 12:30 The Future of SCEC
This Next Year: 2015 SCEC Science Collaboration, Greg Beroza
Defining SCEC5 Priorities, Tom Jordan
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch 12:30 2014 SCEC Annual Meeting Adjourns
14:00 – 16:00 What properties of the Earth and the faults within it are important for understanding system behavior?
Beyond Elasticity: New Directions in Earthquake Modeling, Eric Dunham
Theme: Beyond Elasticity, Yuri Fialko
Theme: Simulating Earthquake Processes, Nadia Lapusta
12:30 – 14:30 Leadership Meeting: SCEC Science Planning Committee (members only)
12:30 – 14:30 Leadership Meeting: SCEC Board of Directors (members only)
16:00 – 17:30

19:00 – 21:00

21:00– 22:30

Poster Session

SCEC Honors Banquet

Poster Session


Meeting Abstracts and Presentations. SCEC’s long-term goal is to understand how seismic hazards change across all time scales of scientific and societal interest, from millennia to second. The collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience. The breadth of SCEC research and activities can best be seen in the meeting presentations, which include 286 posters and 7 invited talks. Use the form below to search and view all poster and invited talk abstracts submitted to this meeting.

Abstract Text:

Participants. The SCEC Annual Meeting has become a premier gathering of earthquake scientists in the United States and from around the world, bringing together one of the largest collaborations in all of geoscience. Attendees were comprised of people from various organizations (including profit, non-profit, domestic, and foreign) involved in a SCEC-related research, education, and outreach activities. In 2014, over 550 people pre-registered and 286 poster abstracts were submitted. Pre-registrants include more than 155 first-time attendees. We welcomed many new scientists and proto-scientists, including almost 200 undergraduate and graduate students. The following people attended in 2014:

Brad Aagaard (USGS)
Niloufar Abolfathian (USC)
Norm Abrahamson (PG&E)
Mareike Adams (UCSB)
Kioumars Afshari (UCLA)
Duncan Agnew (IGPP/SIO/UCSD)
Sinan Akciz (UCLA)
Vincent Allegre (UCSC)
Kali Allison (Stanford University)
Pablo Ampuero (Caltech)
Greg Anderson (NSF)
John Anderson (UNR)
Kent Anderson (IRIS)
Joe Andrews (retired)
Ralph Archuleta (UCSB)
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU)
Lindsay Arvin (USC)
Domniki Asimaki (Caltech)
Gail Atkinson (Western University)
Shima Azizzadehroodpish (U Memphis)
Austin Baca (Cal Poly Pomona)
Kangchen Bai (Caltech)
Jack Baker (Stanford)
Scott Baker (UNAVCO)
Jason Ballmann (SCEC)
Annemarie Baltay (USGS )
Michael Barall (Invisible Software)
Mitch Barklage (NodalSeismic)
William Barnhart (USGS/NEIC)
Sarah Barrett (Stanford)
Sheila Bart (Old Dominion)
Nicolas Barth (UC Riverside)
Kyle Basler-Reeder (UNR)
Jennifer Bautista (LA Pierce College)
Jeff Bayless (URS Corp.)
Bruce Beaudoin (IRIS PASSCAL)
Thorsten Becker (USC)
Whitney Behr (UT Austin)
Sean Bemis (University of Kentucky)
Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC)
Scott Bennett (USGS)
Mark Benthien (SCEC / USC)
Michael Bentz (UCSB)
Harley Benz (USGS Denver)
Will Berelson (USC)
Karianne Bergen (Stanford)
Greg Beroza (Stanford)
Pathikrit Bhattacharya (Princeton)
Glenn Biasi (UNR)
Jacobo Bielak (CMU)
Nenad Bijelic (Stanford)
Roger Bilham (Univ. of Colorado)
Peter Bird (UCLA)
Mike Blanpied (USGS)
Kim Blisniuk (UC Berkeley)
Jayne Bormann (UNR)
Adrian Borsa (UCSD - SIO)
Pierre Boue (Stanford)
Roy Bowling (CSM)
Yousef Bozorgnia (PEER)
Brendon Bradley (U Canterbury)
Courtney Brailo (UNR)
Kelly Brigham (CalPoly Pomona)
Tom Brocher (USGS)
Emily Brodsky (UCSC)
Ben Brooks (USGS)
Lucile Bruhat (Stanford)
Reed Burgette (NMSU)
Roland Bürgmann (Berkeley)
Erin Burkett (USGS)
Sam Bydlon (Stanford)
Gwenaelle Calais-Haase (UCLA)
Scott Callaghan (SCEC)
Jose Cardona (CSUN)
Jean Carlson (UCSB)
Camilla Cattania (GFZ Potsdam)
Mehmet Celebi (USGS)
Shi Che (CEA (China))
Po Chen (UWYO)
Xiaowei Chen (WHOI)
Judi Chester (Texas A&M)
Rob Clayton (Caltech)
Lloyd Cluff (PG&E)
Elizabeth Cochran (USGS)
Harmony Colella (ASU SESE)
John Conrad (UCR)
Devon Cook (CSUF)
Michele Cooke (UMass)
Luis Cortes (Etiwanda High School)
Tom Crane (CSUSB)
C.B. Crouse (URS Corporation)
Yifeng Cui (SDSC)
Brittany Curry (CalPoly Pomona)
Junwu DAI (IEM. CEA)
Luis Dalguer (swissnuclear)
Jillian T. M. Daniels (UCLA)
Eric Daub (Univ. of Memphis)
Tim Dawson (CGS)
Steve Day (SDSU)
Jason De Cristofaro (USGS)
Robert de Groot (SCEC / USC)
Greg Deierlein (Stanford)
Jozi del Angel-Pearson (Chevron)
Joanmarie Del Vecchio (Pomona)
Marine Denolle (IGPP, SIO)
Demoree Deocales (Chaffey HS)
Ian Desjarlais (CSUN)
Dan Determan (USGS)
Bob Detrick (IRIS)
Duane DeVecchio (ASU)
Ksenia Dmitrieva (Stanford)
James Dolan (USC)
Jessica Donovan (USC)
Paulo Dos Santos (U of Colorado)
Sara Dougherty (Caltech)
Neal Driscoll (SIO)
Eric Dunham (Stanford)
Kenneth Duru (Stanford)
Donna Eberhart-Phillips (UC Davis)
Hamed Ebrahimian (UCSD)
Ahmed Elbanna (UIUC)
Daniel Elizondo (TAMU)
Bill Ellsworth (USGS)
Abigail Elvis (Etiwanda High School)
Brittany Erickson (Portland State)
Omid Esmaili (UC Irvine)
Emily Esplin (Utah Valley University)
Eileen Evans (Harvard)
Jim Evans (Utah State)
William Eymold (USC)
Wenyuan Fan (SIO/UCSD)
Jackie Felix (CSUN)
Helen Feng (MIT/WHOI)
Jose Ferrandiz (UAEU)
Yuri Fialko (UCSD)
Ned Field (USGS)
John Fletcher (CICESE)
Julie Fosdick (IU Geological Sciences)
Shelby Fredrickson (UCSB)
Tom Freeman (GeoPentech)
Yuning Fu (JPL/Caltech)
Gary Fuis (USGS)
Patrick Fulton (UC Santa Cruz)
Gareth Funning (UCR)
Alice Gabriel (LMU Munich)
Frantisek Gallovic (Charles U, Prague)
Mengtan Gao (CEA (China))
Jose Luis Garcia-Reyes (CalTech)
Matt Gerstenberger (GNS Science)
Abhijit Ghosh (UC Riverside)
Jacqui Gilchrist (UC Riverside)
David Gill (SCEC / USC)
Maggi Glasscoe (NASA JPL)
Thomas Goebel (Caltech)
Peter Gold (UT Austin)
Dara Goldberg (SIOO)
Luis Gomez (Chaffey College)
Margaret Gooding (LSA Associates)
Joshua Goodman (Fugro)
Marcello Gori (Caltech)
Deborah Gormley (SCEC - USC)
Christine Goulet (PEER, UC Berkeley)
Rob Graves (USGS)
Jessica Grenader (USC)
Abhineet Gupta (Stanford)
Erik Haaker (SDSU)
Jennifer Haase (UCSD/SIO)
Hamid Haddadi (CGS)
Bill Hammond (Nevada Geo Lab)
Steven Hansen (U New Mexico)
Jeanne Hardebeck (USGS)
Ruth Harris (USGS)
David Harte (GNS Science)
Rachel Hatch (Cal Poly Pomona)
Alex Hatem (USC)
Billy Hatfield (UCSD/SIO)
Egill Hauksson (Caltech)
Rachel Hausmann (SCEC UseIT)
Jessica Hawthorne (Caltech)
Elizabeth Hearn (Geophysicist)
Tom Heaton (Caltech)
Dick Heermance (CSUN)
Pamela Henry (Screenwriter)
Ana Hernandez (CICESE)
Janis Hernandez (CGS)
Tom Herring (MIT)
Mike Herrman (CalPoly Pomona)
Marcus Herrmann (ETH Zürich)
Gregor Hillers (UJF, ISTerre Grenoble)
Evan Hirakawa (SDSU)
Greg Hirth (Brown)
Ann Hislop (University of Kentucky)
Kennis Ho (Cal Poly Pomona)
Phil Hogan (Fugro Consultants, Inc.)
Caroline Holden (GNS Science)
Justin Hollenback (PEER)
Dan Hollis (NodalSeismic)
James Holmes (SIO, UCSD)
Bill Holt (SUNY-Stony Brook)
Charlie Hoots (UNM)
Mehrdad Hosseini (URS Corporation)
Mehran Hosseini (USC)
Samuel Howell (U Hawaii, Manoa)
Chunfeng Hu (CEA (China))
Mong-Han Huang (UC Berkeley)
Yihe Huang (SCITS (Stanford))
Ken Hudnut (USGS)
Brittany Huerta (CSUN)
Eduardo Huesca-Perez (UCR)
Allie Hutchison (UC Riverside)
Asaf Inbal (Caltech)
Dave Jackson (UCLA)
Susanne Janecke (Utah State)
Seokho Jeong (U Canterbury (NZ))
Andy Jerrett (SDSU)
Chen Ji (UCSB)
Kang Ji (Alabama)
Junle Jiang (Caltech)
Ren Jinwei (CEA (China))
Chris Johnson (UC Berkeley)
Kaj Johnson (Indiana)
Kendra Johnson (CSM)
Leonard Johnson (NSF)
Marilyn Johnson (PCC)
Kaitlyn Jones (CSUN)
Lucy Jones (USGS)
Tom Jordan (USC)
Frank Jordan, Jr. (DOGGR)
Lisa Jose (U Maryland, Baltimore)
Alan Juarez (UNAM (Mexico))
Yan Kagan (UCLA)
Erol Kalkan (USGS)
Deborah Kane (RMS)
Dan Keck (Etiwanda HS)
Annie Kell (UNR)
Ed Keller (UCSB)
Katherine Kendrick (USGS)
Graham Kent (UNR)
Parham Khoshmanesh (ASU)
Naeem Khoshnevis (U of Memphis)
Debi Kilb (UCSD)
Matt Kirby (Cal-State Fullerton)
Robert Kirkwood (RUSD)
Emily Kleber (ASU)
Mark Kline (Banning HS)
Shannon Klotsko (UCSD/SIO)
Keith Knudsen (USGS)
Monica Kohler (Caltech)
Kayla Kroll (UC Riverside)
Takao Kumazawa (ISM (Japan))
Christos Kyriakopoulos (UC Riverside)
Annie Lamontagne (UCSB)
Vicki Langenheim (USGS)
Nadia Lapusta (Caltech)
Thorne Lay (UCSC)
En-Jui Lee (SCEC)
Robert Leeper (USGS)
Mark Legg (Legg Geophysical)
Bill Leith (USGS)
Julie Leiva (Cal Poly Pomona)
Sebastien Leprince (Caltech)
Jonathan Levario (Cal Poly Pomona)
Yuval Levy (SDSU)
Bo Li (UC Riverside)
Wenwen Li (URS Corporation)
Yong-Gang Li (USC)
Zefeng Li (Georgia Tech)
Charles Lieou (UCSB)
Ting Lin (Marquette University)
Eric Lindsey (SIO, UCSD)
Brad Lipovsky (Stanford)
Rachel Lippoldt (USC)
Xin Liu (USC)
Zhen Liu (UCLA)
Masha Liukis (SCEC)
Andrea Llenos (USGS)
Rowena Lohman (Cornell)
Kate Long (Cal OES)
Hernan Lopez (Cal Poly Pomona)
Gabriel Lotto (Stanford University)
John Louie (UNR)
Julian Lozos (Stanford/USGS)
Nico Luco (USGS)
Semechah Lui (Caltech)
Eloy Luna (LAFD CUPA)
Dave Lynch (USGS)
Shengli Ma (Institute of Geology, CEA)
Shuo Ma (SDSU)
Betsy Madden (UMass-Amherst)
Phil Maechling (SCEC / USC)
Martin Mai (KAUST)
Sam Mak (GFZ-Potsdam)
Doerte Mann (UNAVCO)
Nasser Marafi (U of Washington)
Gayatri Marliyani (ASU)
John Marquis (SCEC)
Scott Marshall (Appalachian State)
Warner Marzocchi (INGV)
Anthony Massari (Caltech)
Michael Matchen (USC)
Ephram Matheson (UVU)
Makoto Matsubara (NIED, JAPAN)
Nanae Matsubara (Arakawaoki PS)
Jon Matti (USGS)
Jeremy Maurer (Stanford University)
Andreas Mavrommatis (Stanford)
Alexa McBean (UNR)
Kevin McBean (UNR)
Rob McCaffrey (Portland State)
Mark McClure (UT Austin)
Tim McCrink (CGS)
Sally McGill (CSUSB)
Chris McGuire (UCLA)
Jeff McGuire (WHOI)
Krista McPherson (USC)
John McRaney (SCEC / USC)
Brendan Meade (Harvard)
Men-Andrin Meier (ETH Zurich)
Ryan Meier (USC)
Diego Melgar (UCSD/SIO)
Aron Meltzner (EOS)
Haoran Meng (USC)
Lingsen Meng (UCLA)
Qingjun Meng (UC Santa Cruz)
Chris Menges (USGS)
Meghan Miller (UNAVCO)
Chris Milliner (USC)
Kevin Milner (SCEC)
Sarah Minson (Caltech)
Walter Mooney (USGS)
Alex Morelan (UC Davis)
Morgan Moschetti (USGS)
Amy Moser (Utah State University)
Marc Moya (CJUHSD)
Jessica Murray (USGS)
Lyndon Murray (CDPR)
Nori Nakata (Stanford University)
Avinash Nayak (Berkeley)
Wesley Neely (SIO-IGPP)
Corrie Neighbors (UCR)
Susan Newman (SSA)
Raymond Ng (Cal Poly Pomona)
Rosa Nguyen (Cal Poly Pomona)
Kevin Nichols (CSUF)
Craig Nicholson (UCSB)
Shiying Nie (UST (China))
Ed Nissen (Colorado School of Mines)
Shunta Noda (RTRI)
Erika Noll (UC Riverside)
Shunichi Nomura (ISM)
Ossian O’Reilly (Stanford University)
Yosi Ogata (ISM)
David Oglesby (UCR)
Keishi Okazaki (Brown University)
Koji Okumura (Hiroshima)
Brian Oller (UCSD)
Kim Olsen (SDSU)
Brian Olson (CGS)
Takahiro Omi (U of Tokyo (Japan))
Nate Onderdonk (Long Beach State)
Gustavo Ortega (CALTRANS-LA)
Maggie Ortiz (EERI)
Alice Orton (University of Kentucky)
Mike Oskin (UC Davis)
Susan Owen (JPL)
Yaman Ozakin (USC)
Alan Pace (Petra Geotechnical)
Morgan Page (USGS Pasadena)
Jay Parker (JPL)
Beth Paulson (USC)
Velveth Perez (LA Pierce College)
Thibaut Perol (Harvard)
Stephen Perry (Caltech)
Sue Perry (USGS)
Mark Petersen (USGS)
Arben Pitarka (LLNL)
John Platt (Harvard)
Andreas Plesch (Harvard)
Jascha Polet (Cal Poly Pomona)
Kate Potter (ASU)
Bob Powell (USGS)
Peter Powers (USGS)
Veronica Prush (UC Davis)
Hongrui Qiu (USC)
Santiago Rabade Garcia (UNAM)
Christine Rains (CSUN)
Lina Ramirez (Pierce College)
Leo Ramirez-Guzman (UNAM)
Sohom Ray (Tufts University)
Francisco Raygoza (PCC)
Reyes (UCSD)
Laura Reynolds (UCSB)
Sanaz Rezaeian (USGS)
David Rhoades (GNS Science)
Nima Riahi (UC San Diego)
Jim Rice (Harvard)
Hannah Riegel (CSUN)
Bryan Riel (Caltech)
Krystel Rios (ELAC)
Tom Rockwell (SDSU)
Marshall Rogers-Martinez (USC)
Chris Rollins (Caltech)
Mark Romano (Video Production)
Lindsay Rosenbaum (Morongo School)
Anne Rosinski (CGS)
Zachary Ross (USC)
Daniel Roten (SDSC)
Nick Rousseau (SCEC)
Justin Rubinstein (USGS)
Braden Ruddy (CalPoly Pomona)
Christine Ruhl (NSL, UNR)
John Rundle (UCD)
Kenny Ryan (UC Riverside)
Mike Rymer (USGS)
Valerie Sahakian (SIO)
Barrett Salisbury (ASU)
Charlie Sammis (USC)
David Sandwell (UCSD)
Jessie Saunders (SIO)
Heather Savage (LDEO)
William Savran (UCSD/SDSU)
Kate Scharer (USGS)
Brandon Schmandt (Univ. New Mexico)
Martin Schoenball (USGS / Temple)
Sean Schroeder (Cal Poly Pomona)
Kasey Schultz (UC Davis)
Paul Segall (Stanford)
Margarita Segou (CNRS)
Gordon Seitz (CGS)
Jacob Selander (UC Davis)
Hope Seligson (MMI Engineering)
Deanna Sellnow (U of Kentucky)
Tim Sellnow (Kentucky)
Alicia Sellsted (Washington State)
Nader Shakibay Senobari (UCR)
Pieter Share (USC)
Warren Sharp (BGC)
Bruce Shaw (LDEO)
John Shaw (Harvard)
Peter Shearer (UCSD)
David Shelly (USGS)
Zheng-Kang Shen (NSF)
Kate Shervais (CSU)
Jian Shi (Caltech)
Zheqiang Shi (SDSU)
Manoochehr Shirzaei (ASU)
Kerry Sieh (NTU/EOS)
Fabio Silva (SCEC / USC)
Gerry Simila (CSUN)
Alexander Simms (UCSB)
Andreas Skarlatoudis (URS Corp)
Norm Sleep (Stanford)
Patrick Small (SCEC)
Deborah Smith (USGS, Menlo Park)
Karissa Smith (WWU)
Paul Somerville (URS)
Xin Song (USC)
Chris Sorlien (UCSB)
Frank Sousa (Caltech)
Josh Spinler (Arizona)
Kathleen Springer (SB County Museum)
Jamie Steidl (UCSB)
Ross Stein (USGS)
Jakub Stemberk (USMH (Czech))
Petra Stepancikova (IRSM)
Aviel Stern (UMASS)
Jon Stewart (UCLA)
Joann Stock (Caltech)
Fabienne Stockmann (Muenster)
Anne Strader (UCLA)
Ricardo Taborda (CERI)
Taka’aki Taira (UC Berkeley)
Rumi Takedatsu (SDSU)
Stephanie Taylor (UCSC)
Leon Teng (USC)
Wayne Thatcher (USGS)
Hong Kie Thio (URS)
Valerie Thomas (USGS)
Tarra Thompson (CalState LA)
Ben Thompson (Harvard)
Cliff Thurber (UW-Madison)
Shinji Toda (Tohoku Univ)
Nate Toke (UVU)
Xiaopeng Tong (U of Washington)
Dave Tratt (Aerospace Corporation)
Jerry Treiman (CGS)
Daniel Trugman (SIO)
Stephanie Tsang (UCSB)
Kenichi Tsuda (Osaki Research Ins)
Hiroshi Tsuruoka (University of Tokyo)
Terry Tullis (Brown)
Cedric Twardzik (UCSB)
Katia Tymofyeyeva (SIO)
Mike Vadman (Cal Poly Pomona)
Nicholas van der Elst (LDEO)
Bernadette Vargas (Etiwanda HS)
Sarah Vargas (Chaffey College)
Frank Vernon (UCSD)
John Vidale (U of Washington)
Rob Viesca (Tufts University)
Michael Vine (U of Cambridge, England)
Dave Wald (USGS)
Robert Walker (USC)
Seth Wallace (GTHS)
Chris Walls (UNAVCO)
Kang Wang (SIO/UCSD)
Weitao Wang (CEA (China))
Yongfei Wang (UCSD/SDSU)
Brandie Ward (RMC Research)
Kaibo Wei (CEA (China))
Shengji Wei (Caltech)
Zhanyu Wei (CEA (China))
Luke Weidman (SDSU)
Debbie Weiser (USGS and UCLA)
Max Werner (Bristol)
Louis Wersan (Indiana University)
Crystal Wespestad (U of Wisconsin)
Kaitlin Wessel (SDSU)
Jim Whitcomb (NSF)
Malcolm White (UCSD)
Charles Williams (GNS Science, NZ)
Katherine Williams (Colton MS)
Kyle Withers (SDSU/UCSD)
Ryan Witkosky (Caltech)
Lisa Wolff (CSUN)
Katie Wooddell (PG&E)
Francis Wu (USC/SUNY-Binghamton)
Frank Wyatt (UCSD)
Furen Xie (ICD,CEA)
Xiaohua Xu (IGPP, SIO)
Lian Xue (UCSC)
Mark Yoder (UC Davis)
Sayokoi Yokoi (ERI U of Tokyo)
Alan Yong (USGS)
Clara Yoon (Stanford)
Karen Young (USC)
Ellen Yu (Caltech)
Zhang Yuan (CEA (China))
Doug Yule (CSUN)
Sang-Ho Yun (NASA JPL)
Ilya Zaliapin (UNR)
Farzin Zareian (UCI)
Tina Zeidan (San Diego State)
Yuehua Zeng (USGS)
Ailin Zhang (UCLA)
Dandan Zhang (Cal Poly Pomona)
Peng Zhong (PBEE-UCI)
Jiancang Zhuang (ISM)
Olaf Zielke (KAUST)
Dimitri Zigone (USC)
Robert Zinke (USC)