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SCEC2021 Meeting Abstracts

SCEC Annual Meeting participants are invited to share recent results and activities relevant to SCEC priorities and initiatives during the poster sessions. The SCEC collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience.

Use the search form to view abstracts of presentations that have been accepted for this meeting.


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A First Author can have a maximum of one poster and one oral presentation (if invited as a plenary speaker).

Abstracts should not exceed 2,500 characters in length.

Each "poster space" in the online gallery will include general poster information, author contact information, and a PDF of the poster, as well as optional short videos about the poster.

First Authors of accepted abstracts will receive more detailed instructions.

Results 1-50 of 292
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SCEC ID Category Title and Authors SCEC Award
Poster 009
CXM The USGS San Francisco Bay region 3D seismic velocity model (SF-CVM) version 21.1.0: Updates for the East and North Bay and a new storage scheme for 3D Earth models
Brad Aagaard, Evan Hirakawa
Version 21.1.0 of the USGS San Francisco Bay Region 3D Seismic Velocity Model (SF-CVM) updates regions east and north of the San Francisco Bay and uses an improved storage scheme and query interface. This latest version revises version 08.3.0 (... more

FARM Advanced Earthquake Cycle Simulations: Bimaterial Interfaces, LVFZ, and nonlinear bulk rheology
Mohamed Abdelmeguid, Ahmed Elbanna
Modeling earthquake ruptures is a complex challenge due to the eclectic sources of nonlinearities and heterogeneities, in addition to the multi-scale nature of the problem, both spatially and temporally. In this study, we utilize FEBE and efficient... more

Poster 243
Seismology Brune stress drop, fault slip distribution and high frequency radiation during the 2016-2018 Amatrice-Visso-Norcia seismic sequence
Rachel Abercrombie, Giovanna Calderoni
The predominantly normal-faulting sequence of earthquakes in the Appenines of central Italy during 2016-2018 included nine Mw > 5 earthquakes. Multiple researchers (e.g., Bindi et al., 2020; Morasca et al., 2019) have estimated Brune-style stress... more

Geodesy Spatiotemporal variations of stress and strain in the crust near 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquakes
Niloufar Abolfathian, Eric Fielding, David Bekaert, Andrea Donnellan, Simran Sangha
Recent advances in data acquisition, analysis methods, and computational capabilities allow spatiotemporal estimations of stress and strain in high-resolution within the Earth’s crust. We analyze the interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)... more

Poster 065
Geology Pre and post rupture Fault Mapping Comparisons applications to Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard
Rachel Adam, Joseph Powell, John Ford, Chelsea Scott, Ramon Arrowsmith
Pre- and post- earthquake fault maps inform Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Assessment (PFDHA) to anticipate locations and other characteristics of coseismic ruptures. Our goal is to create pre-rupture fault maps for a series of recent... more

Poster 072
Geology Surficial fractures from the middle of the 2019 Ridgecrest mainshock mapped from high-resolution aerial imagery
Brian Aguilar, Alba Rodriguez Padilla, Mercedes Quintana, Thomas Shea, Michael Oskin
The surface deformation field of an earthquake contains information about rupture propagation and fault geometry. The 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake sequence caused a surface rupture that was documented by 5cm resolution aerial imagery collected by the... more

CXM Beyond 1 Hz: Double-difference active source adjoint tomography of Salton Trough
Rasheed Ajala, Patricia Persaud, Alan Juarez
A decade after the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP), we have initiated the overdue high-frequency adjoint tomography of Salton Trough crust. We are mainly motivated by previous results showing that embedding 3D travel time Earth models... more
18074, 19014, 20023, 21059
13-Sep (11:00)
Seismology Exploring The Subsurface with Regional DAS Networks: Results from the Imperial Valley Dark Fiber Project
Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Veronica Rodriguez-Tribaldos, Patrick Dobson, Avinash Nayak, Feng Cheng, Benxin Chi, Todd Wood, Michelle Robertson, Rob Mellors, Cody Rotermund, Bin Dong, John Wu, Christina Morency, Dennise Templeton, Eric Matzel
Recent studies by several research groups have conclusively demonstrated that existing telecommunication infrastructure can be effectively paired with Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) to provide high-density broad band recordings at 10s of km... more

SAFS Multidisciplinary investigation of determining channel incision ages in the Carrizo Plain, California.
Sinan Akciz, Matthew Kirby
Offset channels are routinely used to determine slip rates and slip-per-earthquake measurements. Plots showing the distribution of slip along the strike of a fault are used to infer the slip distribution during previous earthquakes and even... more
FARM Very long timescale of grain size and shear zone evolution in a continental strike-slip setting
Kali Allison, Laurent Montesi
Understanding the mechanical interaction between brittle faults and deeper ductile shear zones provides insights into the long-term behavior of active fault systems. We explore this interaction in a 2D model of a continental strike-slip fault zone.... more
Poster 127
FARM Using Active Source Seismology to Image a Strike-Slip Fault Damage Zone as a Function of Depth, Distance, and Geology
Travis Alongi, Emily Brodsky, Jared Kluesner, Daniel Brothers
Fault damage zones provide a window into the non-elastic processes and products of an earthquake, but geological and seismic tomography methods have limited resolution and in particular have been unable to measure damage zones at depth with... more
SDOT New initiative to examine the impacts of oil and gas operations on fault stability and earthquake processes in the Los Angeles basin, CA
Josimar Alves da Silva, Franklin Wolfe, Annika Huprikar, Andreas Plesch, Ruben Juanes, John Shaw
We have initiated a new effort to explore how nearly a century of oil and gas production and associated wastewater injection have impacted the state of stress on tectonically active faults in the Los Angeles basin. We begin with a study of the... more

Seismology Ambient noise monitoring of stress-induced seismic velocity changes associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
Yanru An, Taka'aki Taira
An improved understanding of the stress field in the seismogenic crust is central to studies of earthquake physics and its spatial variations will provide crucial observational insights into the faulting processes. The 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake... more

Poster 091
SAFS Estimating tractions along the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults prior to ground-rupturing earthquakes of the last four centuries
Emery Anderson-Merritt, Michele Cooke
Understanding the state of stress in a fault system prior to previous ground-rupturing earthquakes can help us understand the conditions that generate these events and constrain initial conditions for dynamic rupture models of large earthquakes. We... more

Poster 106
Geodesy Using optical image correlation to quantify the three-dimensional displacement field of historical events: Example from the 1959 Mw 7.2 Hebgen Lake earthquake.
Lucia Andreuttiova, James Hollingsworth, Pieter Vermeesch, Thomas Mitchell, Eric Bergman
Optical image correlation has been previously used to retrieve the ground displacement caused by recent earthquakes. However, applying this method to historical ruptures can be challenging because historical aerial photographs may be affected by... more

Geology Back-limb and fore-limb folding of the Puente Hills blind-thrust fault with implications for late Pleistocene slip-rate estimates and seismic hazard analysis in the Los Angeles Basin, southern California
Chris Anthonissen, Franklin Wolfe, Lorraine Leon, Jessica Don, James Dolan, John Shaw, Tammy Rittenour, Ed Rhodes, Andrew Ivester
We used a combination of high-resolution and industry seismic reflection profiles, historical well logging data, and luminescence and 14C ages to determine a detailed, late Pleistocene to present-day incremental slip rate record for the Santa Fe... more

SAFS Constraining long-term sediment depositional history at ancient Lake Cahuilla, Coachella, California
Marina Argueta, Sourav Saha, Seulgi Moon, Nathan Brown, Thomas Rockwell, Katherine Scharer, Zoe Morgan, Jenifer Leidelmeijer
The depositional history of the Salton Sea region provides a rich framework for understanding the timing of paleoearthquakes along the southern San Andreas fault and the lake level history of Lake Cahuilla (LC). Previous trenching investigations... more
21100, 20144
FARM Comparison of zircon (U-Th)/He and biomarker analyses to quantify coseismic temperature rise along the Punchbowl fault, CA
Emma Armstrong, Alexis Ault, Kelly Bradbury, Heather Savage, Stuart Thomson, Pratigya Polissar
During an earthquake, work done to overcome fault friction is dissipated as heat. However, coseismic temperature rise, critical for identifying past earthquakes, is difficult to accurately quantify in the rock record. To address this issue we... more
GM 2D Refraction Microtremor Analysis of SW4 Synthetics
Chelsey Assor, Jenna Graham, Lauren Lewright, Aditya Prathap, John Louie
Geotechnical measurements of shear-wave velocity currently rely on one-dimensional surface-wave dispersion analyses. Such analyses do not account for 3D wave propagation across lateral velocity heterogeneities. Pancha and others, as an example, used... more

Seismology Bayesian framework for inversion of second-order stress glut moments
James Atterholt, Zachary Ross
We present a fully Bayesian inverse scheme to determine second moments of the stress glut using teleseismic earthquake seismograms. The second moments form a low-dimensional, physically-motivated representation of the rupture process that captures... more

14-Sep (08:00)
Geology What can hematite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry tell us about fault mechanics in the shallow crust?
Alexis Ault
Above the seismogenic zone, earthquake ruptures may propagate to the surface along discrete fault planes or earthquake energy is attenuated in fault damage zones. Forecasting earthquake hazards requires knowledge of the slip distribution and... more
21068, 17164, 14125
FARM The effects of temperature and pressure on thermal pressurization in localized fault zones
Nir Badt, Terry Tullis, Greg Hirth, Christian Huber
Thermal pressurization (TP) of pore fluids is predicted to be a dominant frictional weakening mechanism during earthquakes. The current prevailing models for frictional sliding with TP assume constant hydraulic and thermal properties (e.g.,... more
GM 3D Modeling of the Kathmandu Basin Effects on Ground Motions for the 2015 Gorkha earthquake
Amrit Bal, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Thomas Ulrich
The 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha earthquake unzipped a locked portion of the Main Himalayan Thrust, which caused nearly 9000 fatalities across Nepal. However, the damage was less severe in Kathmandu when compared to empirical hazard estimates, particularly... more

Poster 195
Seismology Introduction to the SCEC Community Stress Drop Validation Study TAG
Annemarie Baltay, Rachel Abercrombie, Taka'aki Taira
We introduce a community stress drop validation study using the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, in which researchers are invited to use a common dataset to estimate earthquake stress drop. Earthquake stress drop is a key parameter in many... more
FARM Investigating the influence of mm-scale contact processes on dynamic weakening in high-speed rock friction experiments
Monica Barbery, Frederick Chester, Judith Chester
Dynamic weakening due to flash heating arises from asperity-scale processes during seismic slip, however processes at the mm-scale and larger may contribute to the total weakening and help resolve transient and hysteretic friction observed in... more
Poster 262
EFP Pseudo-prospective testing of five year time-independent California earthquake forecasts with inlabru
Kirsty Bayliss, Mark Naylor, Farnaz Kamranzad, Ian Main
Probabilistic forecasts estimate the likelihood of future seismicity in some specified time-space-magnitude window, but a forecast can only truly be considered meaningful if it demonstrates a degree of proficiency at describing future seismicity.... more

EFP Are regionally calibrated earthquake forecast models more informative than global models? First results from California and Italy
José Bayona, William Savran, Maximilian Werner
Earthquake forecasting models formalize critical hypotheses about seismogenesis that can support regional and global seismic hazard assessments. Regional models provide detailed seismicity forecasts due to the increasing availability of high-... more

Poster 146
FARM Dynamic Interactions Between the Southern San Andreas Fault and Normal Faults in the Brawley Seismic Zone
LUIS BAZAN FLORES, Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, David Oglesby, Aron Meltzner, Thomas Rockwell, John Fletcher
In this work, we investigate the initiation phase and subsequent triggering of the Southern San Andreas Faut (SSAF) by adjacent smaller faults that could serve as nucleation points and/or participate in larger multi-fault ruptures. Our target area... more

Poster 113
SDOT Tectonic inheritance during plate boundary evolution in southern California constrained from seismic anisotropy
Thorsten Becker, Vera Schulte-Pelkum, Whitney Behr, Meghan Miller
The style of convective force transmission to plates and strain-localization within and underneath plate boundaries remain debated. To address some of the related issues, we analyze a range of deformation indicators in southern California from the... more
18083, 15059, 14026
Alexander Berne, Joann Stock
Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) is continuously discharged from volcanic systems with shallow subsurface magma chambers (Irwin and Barnes, JGR,1980). In these regions, faulted rock exhibits a higher permeability than surrounding country rock and can act as a... more

Poster 094
SAFS Fault-zone gas venting and aseismic slip: ventilation or lubrication?
Roger Bilham, John Langbein, Todd Ericksen, Johanna Nevitt, Benjamin Brooks, David Mencin
In the days following the February 2020 Mw 6.7 Sivrice earthquake, a 2-km-length of the East Anatolian fault beneath the Euphrates River was observed to vent gasses that formed distinct en-echelon lines of bubbles above the surface rupture. One... more

Poster 189
Seismology Ambient noise cross-correlation precursor imaging using dense seismic arrays
Ettore Biondi, Jorge Castellanos, Robert Clayton
Non-uniform noise source distributions are common whenever seismic stations record data in proximity of a continental coast (Stehly et al., 2006). When seismic data in these areas are used to compute noise cross-correlations, it is possible to... more

Geodesy Geodetic Data, Data Products and Displacement Time Series Portal
Yehuda Bock, Angelyn Moore, Peng Fang, Dorian Golriz, Donald Argus, Zhen Liu, Katherine Guns, Xiaohua Xu, David Sandwell, Anne Sullivan, Songnian Jiang, Alistair Knox
Our NASA MEaSUREs project “Extended Solid Earth Science ESDR System” (ES3) is a long-lived collaboration of JPL and SIO. Using independent software packages, GipsyX Network Processor and GAMIT/GLOBK and a common source metadata at SOPAC to process... more

FARM Microstructural Controls on Mixed Mode Dynamic Fracture Propagation in Crystalline and Porous Sedimentary Rocks
Michael Braunagel, William Griffith
The growth and interaction of fractures in fault damage zones plays an important role in earthquake rupture propagation. However, crack propagation in rocks is a complex process due to grain-scale heterogeneity and rapidly evolving stress states... more

GM Comparison of Depth-to-Bedrock with VS30 and Terrain Classes, Including Implications for Predicting Dominate Site Frequencies (fd)
Elizabeth Brown, Alan Yong
Local geologic conditions can strongly influence seismic responses that are due to subsurface stiffness and resonance effects of a site. Depth-to-Bedrock (DtB)—known to directly affect site resonance frequencies—is an important site parameter but is... more

Poster 056
Geology Assessment of the paleoseismic potential of the Ferrum site along the southernmost San Andreas fault using new UAV imagery, GPR data, and preliminary trenching
William Buckley, Thomas Rockwell, Katherine Scharer, Allen Gontz, Paula Figueiredo, Zoe Morgan
We initiated studies along the southern San Andreas fault at Ferrum, CA, where a double releasing bend has ponded Holocene alluvium against an uphill-facing scarp. Ferrum is located along the east side of the Salton Sea between Bombay Beach and... more

Geology Geomorphic Indicators of Neotectonic Activity along the Santa Ynez fault, in Santa Barbara County, CA
Faith Burkett
The Santa Ynez Fault (SYF) is located on the northern edge of the western Transverse Ranges (WTR) in southern California. Past studies have interpreted reverse and left-lateral offset along the SYF based on the displacement of Miocene and older... more

Poster 039
GM Verification of the broadband CyberShake platform
Scott Callaghan, Christine Goulet, Fabio Silva, Philip Maechling, Robert Graves, Ossian O'Reilly, Kim Olsen, Te-Yang Yeh, Albert Kottke, Yehuda Ben-Zion
SCEC has developed the CyberShake software platform to implement a physics-based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) approach using 3D wave propagation simulations to calculate seismograms and ground motions from sources defined in regional... more

Poster 204
Seismology Correlation between Aλ fault parameter and statistical frequency of earthquakes along depth: a case study in Southern California
Andrea Carducci, Antonio Petruccelli, Angelo De Santis, Rita de Nardis, Giusy Lavecchia
Using a relocated earthquake catalog and focal mechanisms from Southern California, we investigated a connection between statistical frequency-magnitude relation from Gutenberg-Richter equation, also known as b-value and Aλ: this is a quantification... more

Poster 141
FARM Role of background stress state in fluid induced aseismic slip and dynamic rupture on a 3 meter laboratory fault
Sara Cebry, Chun-Yu Ke, Gregory McLaskey
Fluid injection for oil and gas operations, CO2 sequestration, or enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) stimulates seismicity far from active tectonic regions however, the details of how propagating fluid causes stress changes and potentially triggers... more

Poster 190
Seismology Quantifying earthquake source parameter uncertainties associated with local site effects using a dense array
Hilary Chang, Rachel Abercrombie, Nori Nakata, Colin Pennington, Kilian Kemna, Elizabeth Cochran, Rebecca Harrington
We investigate the influence of local site effects on earthquake source parameter estimates using the LArge-n Seismic Survey in Oklahoma (LASSO). The LASSO array consisted of 1825 stations in a 25 km x 32 km region with extensive wastewater... more

Seismology Discovery of Offshore Very Low Frequency Earthquakes in the Cascadia
Kuntal Chaudhuri, Abhijit Ghosh
Cascadia subduction zone is one of the most complicated plate boundaries. Significant amount of stress in this subduction zone is released due to ETS in the form of tremors, low frequency earthquakes (LFE), and onshore very low frequency earthquakes... more

CS Evaluating Seismic Hazard Using Large Scale Ground Motion Simulations
Mary Chen, Christopher Tobar, Alexander Breuer
Large-scale ground motion simulations offer an alternative to evaluate seismic hazards, reducing the reliance on isolated empirical data. These simulations require the integration of field data with the complex computational software. Large extents... more

CS Virtual Shake Robot: Dynamics Simulation of Precariously Balanced Rocks for Hazard Analysis
Zhiang Chen, Devin Keating, Jnaneshwar Das, Christine Wittich, Ramon Arrowsmith
Physical shake tables have been used to study fragility of Precariously Balanced Rocks (PBRs) and other structures. These analyses are critical to reduce uncertainties in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) models. With recent developments... more
Poster 103
Geodesy Power-law viscoelastic flow of the lower Makran accretionary prism following the 2013 Baluchistan earthquake
Guo Cheng, William Barnhart
Accretionary prism is alternatively treated as an elastic, Coulomb prism or a system where permanent deformation is accommodated by faulting and folding of otherwise elastic materials. Recent geodetic observations of post-seismic surface deformation... more

Poster 114
SDOT A Refined Comprehensive Earthquake Focal Mechanism Catalog for Southern California Derived with Deep Learning Algorithms
Yifang Cheng, Zachary Ross, Egill Hauksson, Yehuda Ben-Zion
Earthquake focal mechanisms are primary data for analyzing fault zone geometry, sense of slip, and the crustal stress field. Solving for the focal mechanisms of small earthquakes is challenging because phase arrivals and first-motions are hard to... more
Poster 238
Seismology Fault interactions enhance high-frequency earthquake radiation
Shanna Chu, Victor Tsai, Daniel Trugman, Greg Hirth
Fault complexity has been linked to high-frequency earthquake radiation, although the underlying physical mechanisms are not well understood. Fault complexity is commonly modeled with rough single faults; however, real-world faults are additionally... more

Seismology Optimizing alerts by tuning the PLUM prediction radius for the ShakeAlert System
Elizabeth Cochran, Jessie Saunders, Sarah Minson, Julian Bunn, Debi Kilb, Annemarie Baltay, Colin O'Rourke, Mitsuyuki Hoshiba, Yuki Kodera
We optimize performance of the Propagation of Locally Undamped Motion (PLUM) Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) algorithm in the U.S. ShakeAlert System by testing a range of distances used to forecast ground motions. EEW systems, such as ShakeAlert,... more

Poster 184
Seismology Using foreshocks, aftershocks and sequences to probe earthquake nucleation
Rebecca Colquhoun, Jessica Hawthorne
If earthquake nucleation is governed by single-mode triggering, a series of earthquakes occur, each triggering another event, one of which happens to grow much bigger. In this process, nucleation of each earthquake is rapid. However, nucleation may... more

Poster 142
FARM Stress transfer and fault geometry's influence on the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake slip distribution
Jordan Cortez, Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, Baoning Wu, David Oglesby, Roby Douilly, Kuntal Chadhuri, Abhijit Ghosh
Stress transfer from long-term loading as well as prior earthquakes can lead to seismic triggering and strongly affect subsequent rupture propagation and slip patterns in a fault system. A prime example of this effect is the 2019 Ridgecrest... more

The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.