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Meeting Participants

The SCEC Annual Meeting has become a premier gathering of earthquake scientists in the United States and from around the world, bringing together one of the largest collaborations in all of geoscience. Attendees are comprised of people from various organizations (including profit, non-profit, domestic, and foreign) involved in SCEC-related research, education, and outreach activities.

Results 1-50 of 646
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Brad Aagaard, Research Geophysicist, USGS
Zagid Abatchev, Graduate Student Researcher, UCLA
Rachel Abercrombie, Associate Professor, Boston University
Niloufar Abolfathian, Research Assistant, USC
Norm Abrahamson, Chief, PG&E
Mareike Adams, PhD Student, UC Santa Barbara
Duncan Agnew, Professor, IGPP/Scripps/UCSD
Sean Ahdi, Graduate Student Researcher, UCLA
Sinan Akciz, Asst. Professor, CSU Fullerton
Amir Allam, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Utah
Richard Allen, Professor, UC Berkeley
Kali Allison, grad student, Stanford University
Karen Alvarez, Graduate Student, Cal State Polytechnic University Pomona
Greg Anderson, Program Director, NSF
John Anderson, Professor, Univ. of Nevada
Joe Andrews, retired, retired
Stephen Angster, PhD Student, University of Nevada, Reno
Adam Arce, Student, UCSB
Ralph Archuleta, Research Professor Emeritus, UCSB
Ramon Arrowsmith, Professor, Arizona State University
Domniki Asimaki, Professor, Caltech
Gail Atkinson, Professor, Western University
Alexis Ault, Assistant Professor, Utah State Univ
Jean-Philippe Avouac, Director of Caltech Tectonics Observatory, Caltech
Shima Azizzadeh-Roodpish, Ph.D. Student, CERI
Curtis Baden, Graduate Student, Stanford University
Sung Bae, IT Architect, QuakeCoRE
Alireza Bahadori, Student (Graduate), Stony Brook University
Jack Baker, Associate Professor, Stanford University
Jason Ballmann, Communications Specialist, SCEC / USC
Annemarie Baltay, Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow, USGS Menlo Park
Han Bao, Student Research, UCLA
Michael Barall, Software Engineer, Invisible Software
Magali Barba, Graduate Student Researcher, CU-Boulder / CIRES
Monica Barbery, PhD Student, Texas A&M University
Andy Barbour, Research Geophysicist, USGS
Hebert Mtz Barcena, Engineering, CICESE
Elizabeth Barnett, Geologist, Shannon & Wilson Geotech Engineering
Bill Barnhart, Assistant Professor, University of Iowa
Katherine Barragan, Student, Cal Poly Pomona
Beth Bartel, Outreach Specialist, UNAVCO
Nic Barth, Assistant Professor, UC Riverside
Jeff Bayless, Earthquake Engineer / PhD Candidate, AECOM / UC Davis
Bruce Beaudoin, Director, PASSCAL Instrument Center
Thorsten Becker, Professor, UT Austin
N.M. Beeler, research scientist, USGS
Whitney Behr, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin
Sophia Belvoir, SCEC UseIT Intern, SCEC USEIT
Yehuda Ben-Zion, Prof. of Geophysics, USC
Rick Bennett, Professor, University of Arizona

The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.