Meeting Participants
The SCEC Annual Meeting has become a premier gathering of earthquake scientists in the United States and from around the world, bringing together one of the largest collaborations in all of geoscience. Attendees are comprised of people from various organizations (including profit, non-profit, domestic, and foreign) involved in SCEC-related research, education, and outreach activities.
Phil Resor, Associate Professor, Wesleyan University
Becky Roh, Student, California Institute of Technology
Dylan Rood, Assistant Research Geologist, Imperial College London
Anne Rosinski, Senior Engineering Geologist, CA Geological Survey - CA Clearinghouse
Kenny Ryan, Assistant Project Scientist, University of California, Riverside
Jessie Saunders, Graduate Student Researcher, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
William Savran, Graduate Research Assistant, San Diego State University
Gordon Seitz, Engineering Geologist, California Geological Survey, Menlo Park
Tim Sellnow, Professor of Communication, University of Central Florida
Yanxiu Shao, Research Assistant, China Earthquake Administration
Zhigang Shao, Recearcher, Institute of Earthquake Science, CEA
Warren Sharp, Geochronologist/Associate Director, Berkeley Geochronology Center
Bruce Shaw, Lamont Associate Research Professor, Columbia University
The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.