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Meeting Participants

The SCEC Annual Meeting has become a premier gathering of earthquake scientists in the United States and from around the world, bringing together one of the largest collaborations in all of geoscience. Attendees are comprised of people from various organizations (including profit, non-profit, domestic, and foreign) involved in SCEC-related research, education, and outreach activities.

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Stacy Larochelle, Student (Graduate), Caltech
Homan (Nick) Lau, Undergraduate, UCSD/SIO
Alexander Laws, Teaching Assistant, San Diego State University
Robin Lee, Mr, University of Canterbury
Yajie Lee, Director of Risk Modeling, ImageCat
Robert Leeper, PhD Student, UC Riverside
Mark Legg, President, Legg Geophysical, Inc.
Bill Leith, Senior Science Advisor for Earthquake and Geologic Hazards, U.S. Geological Survey
Julie Leiva, Student, Cal Poly Pomona
Jonathan Levario, Graduate Student, Cal Poly Pomona
Yuval Levy, PhD Student, SDSU/UCSD
Bo Li, Graduate Student, EarthScience Department, UCR
Chenyu Li, Research Assistant, Georgia Tech
Xinnan Li, Student, Institute of Geology, CEA
Yonggang Li, Research Professor, USC
Youjuan Li, Student, Institute of Geology, CEA
Zefeng Li, Graduate Student, Georgia Tech
Nathaniel Lifton, Associate Professor, Purdue University
Jessica C Lin, Graduate Student, University of California, Los Angeles
Ting Lin, Assistant Professor, Marquette University
Yen-Yu Lin, Postdoc, Seismological Laboratory, Caltech
Yu-Pin Lin, Postdoc, University of Southern California
Eric O Lindsey, Graduate Student, Earth Obs. of Singapore / UC Berkeley
Scott Lindvall, Principal Geologist, Lettis Consultants International, Inc.
Brad Lipovsky, Postdoctoral Associate, Harvard University
Rachel Lippoldt, Graduate Student, University of Southern California
Dunyu Liu, graduate research assistant, Texas A&M University
Jing Liu, Dr., Inst of Geology, CEA
Taojun Liu, Research Associate, University of Colorado Boulder/USGS
Xin Liu, Postdoc, Stanford University
Zhen Liu, Researcher, JPL/Caltech
Masha Liukis, research programmer, SCEC/USC
Andrea Llenos, Research Geophysicist, US Geological Survey
Rowena Lohman, Associate Professor, Cornell University
Kate Long, Earthquake Program Officer, Cal OES
Hernan Lopez, SCEC UseIT Intern, SCEC UseIT
John N. Louie, Professor, Nevada Seismological Lab
Julian Lozos, Assistant Professor, CSU Northridge
Nico Luco, Research Structural Engineer, USGS
Molly Luginbuhl, Graduate Student Researcher, University of California Davis
Eloy Luna, Engineer Geologist Associate IV, LAFD CUPA
Bin Luo, Graduate Student, Texas A&M University
Karen Luttrell, Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University
Andy Lutz, Senior Engineering Geologist, CA DWR Safety of Dams
Shuo Ma, Associate Professor, San Diego State University
Kyle Macy, Student, Cal Poly Pomona Geological Sciences Dept
Beatrice Magnani, Associate Professor, SMU
Martin Mai, Professor of Earth Science and Engineering, KAUST
Jillian Maloney, Assistant Professor, San Diego State University
Eui-jo Marquez, Teaching associate, San Diego State University

The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.