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Meeting Participants

The SCEC Annual Meeting has become a premier gathering of earthquake scientists in the United States and from around the world, bringing together one of the largest collaborations in all of geoscience. Attendees are comprised of people from various organizations (including profit, non-profit, domestic, and foreign) involved in SCEC-related research, education, and outreach activities.

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Amanda M. Thomas, Assistant Professor, University of Oregon
Valerie Thomas, SCSN Manager, USGS
Ben Thompson, Graduate Student, Harvard
Cliff Thurber, Professor, UW-Madison
Kristy Tiampo, Director, University of Colorado Boulder
Yunfeng Tian, Associate Professor, Institute of Crustal Dynamics, CEA (China)
Josh Tobin, Graduate Student Researcher, UCSD
Nate Toke, Assistant Professor, Utah Valley University
Jerry Treiman, Senior Engineering Geologist (retired), California Geological Survey
Daniel T Trugman, Graduate student researcher, UCSD: Scripps
Victor Tsai, Assistant Professor, California Institute of Technology
Terry Tullis, Professor, Brown University
Jeff Tyson, Engineering Geologist, LA Department of Water and Power
Carsten Uphoff, Graduate Student, Technical University of Munich
Annie Valovcin, Graduate Student, UCSB
Nicholas van der Elst, Geophysicist, USGS
Chris Van Houtte, Fellow, Harvard University
Patrick Vanderwall, SCEC UseIT Intern, SCEC UseIT
Bernadette Vargas, Geology Teacher, Etiwanda High School
Frank Vernon, Director, Array Network Facility, UCSD
John Vidale, Professor, U Washington
Rob Viesca, Assistant Professor, Tufts University
Victor Villaverde, MSC STUDENT, CICESE
Margaret Vinci, Manager, Caltech
Adam Wade, Research Geologist, Arizona State University
Robert L. Walker, Graduate Student, University of Southern California
Chris Walls, Southwest Regional Engineer, PBO, UNAVCO
Jiong Wang, PhD candidate, University of California Santa Barbara
Kang Wang, Graduate Student, SIO, UC San Diego
Nan Wang, student, SDSU/SIO
Wei Wang, Research Assistant, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Yongfei Wang, Student (Graduate), UCSD
Steven Ward, Research Geophysicist, UCSC
Heather Webb, Instructional Support Technician, SAN DIEGO STATE UNIV
Luke Weidman, Student, SDSU
Debbie Weiser, Geologist, US Geological Survey
Max Werner, Lecturer in Natural Hazards and Risks, Bristol
Steve Wesnousky, Professor, CNS and NSL at UNR
Nadav Wetzler, Postdoctoral, UCSC
Jim Whitcomb, Section Head, Deep Earth Processes, NSF
Isabel White, Student Trainee, USGS
Malcolm White, PhD Student, University of Southern California
Andrew Whittaker, Professor, MCEER/University at Buffalo
Sarah Wigginton, Graduate Student, Utah State University
Alana Williams, Graduate Student, Arizona State University
Pat Williams, Geologist, Williams Associates
Chris Wills, Supervising Geologist, CGS
Andrew Wilson, Student, San Diego State University
John Max Wilson, PhD Candidate, UC Davis

The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.