Meeting Abstracts
The SCEC collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience. Use the form below to search and view all poster and invited talk abstracts submitted to this meeting.
SCEC ID | Category | Title and Authors | SCEC Award |
Poster 079 | Geology |
Fault Scarp Degradation Analysis At Dragon’s Back Using High Resolution Topography Data
Emil Chang, Gilles Peltzer, Seulgi Moon Fault scarps degrade over time, and their geomorphic forms may provide information of relative activity of surface processes or formation ages. The recent advances in remote sensing techniques and high-resolution topographic data allow us to... more |
Poster 246 |
Seismology |
Low wave speed zones in the crust beneath SE Tibet revealed by ambient noise adjoint tomography
Min Chen, Hui Huang, Huajian Yao, Rob van der Hilst, Fenglin Niu We present a refined 3D crustal model beneath SE Tibet from ambient noise adjoint tomography. Different from ray-theory-based tomography, adjoint tomography in this study incorporates a spectral-element method (SEM) and takes empirical Green’s... more |
Poster 182 |
Seismology |
Data-driven ambient noise correlation for characterization and fragility evaluation in power grids
Qianli Chen, Ahmed Elbanna The response of ambient noise has been used to cross correlate and extract the Green’s function for general hyperbolic PDE’s in many fields including acoustics, seismology and helioseismology. The equipartitioning of wave field enable the successful... more |
Poster 184 |
Seismology |
Seismicity and spectral analysis in Salton Sea Geothermal Field
Yifang Cheng, Xiaowei Chen The surge of “man-made” earthquakes in recent years has led to considerable concerns about the associated hazards. Improved monitoring of small earthquakes would significantly help understand such phenomena and the underlying physical mechanisms. In... more |
14097, 16061
Poster 031 |
Multi-Scale Flash Heating and Frictional Weakening at Seismic Slip-Rates in Rock
Frederick Chester, Omid Saber, J. L. Alvarado Sliding rock-samples at rates > 1 mm.s^-1 can lead to a significant reduction of friction, often referred to as dynamic weakening. Thermal effects are understood to be the cause of dynamic weakening, and the Flash Weakening (FW) mechanism that... more |
Poster 348 | CS |
SeedMe: Data sharing building blocks
Amit Chourasia, David Nadeau, John Moreland, Dmitry Mishin, Michael Norman Computational simulations have become an indispensible tool in a wide variety of science and engineering investigations. Nearly all scientific computation and analyses create important transient data and preliminary results. These transient data... more |
Poster 308 |
Testing the effect of deficient real-time earthquake catalogs on non-Poissonian earthquake likelihood models: Examples from the Canterbury earthquake sequence
Annemarie Christophersen, David Rhoades, David Harte, Matthew Gerstenberger The still on-going Canterbury earthquake sequence has provided us with a wealth of seismological data. Among them are a series of near-real time earthquake catalogs that show the deficiency of real-time data. For example, while the final GeoNet... more |
Poster 260 |
Seismology |
Deformation of the Xishancun Landslide, Sichuan, inferred from seismicity
Risheng Chu Unstability of landslides, e. g. the slope movement and the internal fracturing of the rock mass, can often generate microseismicity, which is recorded as seismic signals on seismographs. The temporal and spatial distribution of the unstable regions... more |
Poster 046 | FARM |
Localization and delocalization of shear in fault gouge from thermal pressurization
Shanna Chu, Eric Dunham Field observations of extreme shear localization in fault gouge have been attributed to a number of factors, including thermal pressurization. The extent of the localization is affected by various parameters such as diffusion, friction, and gouge... more |
Poster 209 |
Seismology |
Ground Motion Amplitude Variations in the Los Angeles Region Measured by the Community Seismic Network
Robert Clayton, Robert Sanchez, Julian Bunn, Richard Guy We show variations in ground motion amplitude in the Pasadena and northern Los Angeles regions due to the Borrego-Springs earthquake (2016/06/10, M5.2) and other earthquakes in 2015-2016. The measurements are from the Community Seismic Network... more |
Poster 187 |
Seismology |
ShakeAlert Testing and Certification Platform: Point Source and Ground Motion Based Evaluations
Elizabeth Cochran, Monica Kohler, Douglas Given, Jennifer Andrews, Men-Andrin Meier, Egill Hauksson, Sarah Minson, Mohammad Ahmad, Jonathan DeLeon, Stephan Guiwits An earthquake early warning system, ShakeAlert, has been developed over the last decade through a collaboration between the U.S. Geological Survey and its partners. ShakeAlert messages are composed of point source information generated by three... more |
Poster 025 | FARM |
Biomarkers as a tool to measure coseismic temperature rise
Genevieve Coffey, Heather Savage, Pratigya Polissar, Brett Carpenter, Cristiano Collettini During earthquake slip, frictional resistance within a fault can lead to the generation of extremely high temperatures. As a consequence, investigating temperature rise within fault zones provides a promising mechanism for the detection of past... more |
Poster 289 |
Simulation of multi-segment kinematic rupture of the 1992 Landers earthquake and ground motion validation of ground motion
Jorge Crempien, Ralph Archuleta The ability of earthquake rupture to jump across faults, or to propagate on complex faults with multiple bends can significantly affect the ground motion different sites might experience in the near source region. Based on the dynamic rupture... more |
Talk 9/14 09:00 | EEII |
Progress Report of the SCEC Utilization of Ground Motion Simulations (UGMS) Committee
C.B. Crouse, Thomas Jordan The goal of the UGMS committee, since its inception in the spring of 2013, has been to develop digital long-period response spectral acceleration maps for the Los Angeles region, for inclusion in the NEHRP and ASCE 7 Seismic Provisions and in the... more |
Poster 153 |
Geodesy |
Single station automated detection of transient deformation in GPS time series with the relative strength index: A case study of Cascadian slow-slip
Brendan Crowell, Yehuda Bock, Zhen Liu The discovery of transient slow-slip events over the past decades has changed our understanding of tectonic hazards and the earthquake cycle. Proper geodetic characterization of slow-slip events is necessary for studies of regional interseismic,... more |
Poster 344 |
CS |
Recent Improvements to AWP-ODC-GPU supported by Blue Waters PAID Program
Yifeng Cui, Daniel Roten, Peng Wang, Dawei Mu, Carl Pearson, Kyle Withers, William Savran, Kim Olsen, Steven Day, Wen-Mei Hwu Supported by the NSF’s Petascale Application Improvement Discovery (PAID) program, the SCEC computational team has recently worked with the Improvement Method Enablers (IME) team of UIUC, led by Wen-Mei Hwu, to optimize the nonlinear AWP-ODC-GPU... more |
Poster 084 |
Geology |
Geology of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading, new results from Christchurch, New Zealand
Gregory De Pascale, Jeffrey Bachhuber, Ellen Rathje, Jing Hu, Peter Almond, Christian Ruegg, Mike Finnemore Earthquake triggered liquefaction and lateral spreading was widespread in Canterbury, New Zealand during the 2010-2012 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES) and led to ~$20 Billion NZD of damage to infrastructure. Permanent lateral ground... more |
Talk 9/14 08:30 | GMSV |
Utilization of earthquake ground motions for nonlinear analysis and design of tall buildings
Gregory Deierlein, Nenad Bijelic, Ting Lin One of the promising applications of simulated ground motions is in the design of tall buildings and other unique structures, where nonlinear dynamic analyses are used to evaluate their seismic performance. In contrast to current practice, which... more |
Poster 065 |
Geodetic Measurements of Slow Slip and Tremor in Parkfield, CA
Brent Delbridge, Roland Bürgmann, Robert Nadeau It has been proposed that large bursts of deep tremor ( >20km depth) near Parkfield, CA are associated with quasi-periodic shear dislocations on the deep extent of the San Andreas Fault. Geodetic studies have shown that slow slip accompanies... more |
Poster 273 |
Ground motion amplification in the Kanto Basin from future Itoigawa-Shizuoka earthquakes near Tokyo using virtual earthquakes.
Marine Denolle, Pierre Boué, Naoshi Hirata, Shigeki Nakagawa, Gregory Beroza The Tokyo Metropolitan area is subject to high seismic risk due to the nearby triple junction and because it is sitting atop the deep Kanto sedimentary basin. In addition, the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) is one of the crustal faults that... more |
15036, 16246
Poster 134 |
Geodesy |
Surface slip rate of the Imperial Fault estimated from remote controlled quadcopter photogrammetry
John DeSanto, David Sandwell In recent years, advances in photogrammetry have allowed remote controlled quadcopters to emerge as a useful tool for remote geological surveying. These tools allow pilots to collect photographic data of difficult to reach outcrops and create a... more |
Poster 145 |
Geodesy |
USGS Southern California GPS Network
Daniel Determan, Aris Aspiotes, Derik Barseghian, Kenneth Hudnut, Keith Stark The USGS Pasadena field office now operates 140 permanent, continuously-operating Global Positioning System monitoring stations as part of the Southern California GPS Network (SCGN). The SCGN network has grown and modernized significantly over the... more |
Poster 018 |
Learning viscoelasticity with neural networks
Phoebe DeVries, Thomas Thompson, Brendan Meade Viscoelastic models have been widely used to explain geodetic observations of the earthquake cycle, time-dependent stress transfer, and delayed earthquake triggering. The calculations involved in these modeling efforts are often computationally... more |
Poster 101 |
Geology |
Progress towards a comprehensive incremental slip rate and paleo-earthquake age and displacement record for the central Garlock fault
James Dolan, Sally McGill, Ed Rhodes, Thomas Crane As part of our ongoing studies of the incremental slip-rate and paleo-earthquake age and displacement record of the Garlock fault, we present new slip rate results from our Pilot Knob Valley (PKV) site along the east-central part of the fault. These... more |
Poster 343 |
CS |
Access to Geodetic Imaging Products through GeoGateway Analysis, Modeling, and Response Tools
Andrea Donnellan, Jay Parker, Robert Granat, Michael Heflin, Marlon Pierce, Jun Wang, John Rundle, Lisa Grant Ludwig GeoGateway is a web map analysis, modeling, and response tool to allow users to efficiently find and use NASA geodetic imaging data products. GeoGateway tools steer users to relevant products using automated feature extraction, manual search tools,... more |
Poster 197 |
Seismology |
LArge-n Seismic Survey in Oklahoma (LASSO): Probing injection-induced seismicity with a dense array
Sara Dougherty, Elizabeth Cochran, Rebecca Harrington In response to the increased seismicity in Oklahoma, we deployed a temporary large-N array of more than 1,800 vertical-component nodal seismometers over a 25-km-by-32-km region (nominal spacing of ~400 m) in northern Oklahoma during spring 2016.... more |
Poster 021 |
Calculating regional stresses for northern Canterbury: the effect of the 2010 Darfield earthquake
Susan Ellis, Charles Williams, John Ristau, Martin Reyners, Donna Eberhart-Phillips, Laura Wallace We model regional stresses before and after the Mw 7.1 Darfield earthquake of September 2010 in Canterbury, New Zealand including crustal structure derived from seismic tomography. Models show that the Banks Peninsula volcanic assemblage acts as a... more |
Poster 117 |
Applying newly developed luminescence dating to alluvial fans in the Anza Borrego Desert, southern California
Brittney Emmons, Seulgi Moon, Nathan Brown, Kimberly Blisniuk, Ed Rhodes Over recent decades, multiple geochronologic tools have been used to date various geomorphic offsets (e.g., alluvial fans, fluvial terraces), enabling long-term slip rate studies of active faults. In this study, we show the robustness of the newly... more |
Poster 045 |
Plasticity Throughout the Earthquake Cycle
Brittany Erickson, Eric Dunham, Jeremy Kozdon We are developing an earthquake cycle model to simulate multiple ruptures in complex geometries, with material heterogeneity and off-fault plastic response. This initial study focuses on the 2D antiplane shear case of ruptures on strike-slip faults... more |
Poster 147 |
Geodesy |
Geodetic slip rate estimates in California, and their uncertainties
Eileen Evans Current understanding of the seismic potential of faults in California is limited in part by our ability to resolve spatial and temporal changes in fault slip rates across the Pacific-North American plate boundary, and quantify their uncertainties.... more |
Poster 232 |
Seismology |
Differential Waveform Analysis to Test for a Mid-Crustal Low-Velocity Zone Beneath the Western Mojave
William Eymold, Thomas Jordan, David Okaya Lee et al. (JGR, 2014a) have applied full-3D tomography to a large set of three-component earthquake waveforms and vertical-component ambient-field correlagrams to obtain a revised community velocity model for Southern California, CVM-S4.26. An... more |
Poster 173 |
Seismology |
Local near-instantaneously dynamically triggered aftershocks of large earthquakes
Wenyuan Fan, Peter Shearer Aftershocks are often triggered by static- and/or dynamic-stress changes caused by mainshocks. The relative importance of the two triggering mechanisms is controversial at near-to-intermediate distances. We detect and locate 48 previously... more |
Poster 016 |
Quantifying Late Quaternary deformation in the Santa Maria Basin: A OSL, GPS and soil chronosequence based model for determining strath terrace deformation in the Zaca Creek drainage, Santa Barbara County
Andrew Farris, Nate Onderdonk The Santa Maria Basin is located on the Central Coast of California and comprises the area bound by the Santa Ynez Fault to the south, and the Little Pine-Foxen Canyon Fault Zone to the north. The Santa Maria Basin is a zone of convergence between... more |
Poster 230 |
Seismology |
Mento Carlo Inversion of the 1D velocity and anisotropic model in the Juan de Fuca plate
Tian Feng, Thomas Bodin, Lingsen Meng In this study, we demonstrate the advantage of the Monte Carlo method in solving 1D velocity models. In order to obtain accurate models, both velocity and anisotropy need to be accounted for in the inversion. However, the unknown number of layers of... more |
Poster 038 | FARM |
Physical controls of spontaneous and triggered slow-slip and stick-slip at the fault gouge scale
Behrooz Ferdowsi, David Goldsby Fault slip modes span a continuum of behaviors from tremors and slow slips to earthquakes. Recent laboratory studies reveal that a spectrum of slow-slip responses emerge near the threshold between stable and unstable failure, governed by the complex... more |
Poster 298 |
A Spatiotemporal Clustering Model for the Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3-ETAS) – Toward an Operational Earthquake Forecast
Edward Field, Kevin Milner, Jeanne Hardebeck, Morgan Page, Nicholas van der Elst, Thomas Jordan, Andrew Michael, Bruce Shaw, Maximilian Werner We, the ongoing Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities, present a spatiotemporal clustering model for the third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3), with the goal being to represent aftershocks, induced seismicity,... more |
Poster 074 |
The mechanics of multifault ruptures and the keystone fault hypothesis
John Fletcher, Michael Oskin, Orlando Teran Regardless of global tectonic regime, most large earthquakes activate slip on more than one fault. Likewise, the magnitude of an earthquake increases substantially with the number of faults that become activated. Despite the importance of multifault... more |
1697, 16190
Poster 122 |
Sedimentary provenance constraints on the Quaternary faulting history of the Mission Creek fault strand, southern San Andreas Fault Zone, CA
Julie Fosdick, Kimberly Blisniuk, Louis Wersan Quaternary alluvial fan deposits along the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains record sediment dispersal from upland catchments across the Mission Creek fault strand of San Andreas fault in the San Gorgonio Pass, CA, and thereby yield key... more |
Poster 329 | CEO |
2016 SCEC Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (UseIT): Earthquake Forecasting Through Physics-Based Simulations
Zhenyu Fu, Morgan Bent, Hernan Lopez, Spencer Ortega, Kevin Scroggins As part of the 2016 Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (UseIT) internship program, students worked in collaborative groups to tackle unsolved problems in earthquake information technology presented in the form of a Grand... more |
Poster 005 |
Structure of the San Andreas Fault Zone in the Salton Trough Region of Southern California: A Comparison with San Andreas Fault Structure in the Loma Prieta Area of Central California
Gary Fuis, Rufus Catchings, Daniel Scheirer, Mark Goldman, Edward Zhang The San Andreas fault (SAF) in the northern Salton Trough, or Coachella Valley, in southern California, appears non-vertical and non-planar. In cross section, it consists of a steeply dipping segment (75 deg dip NE) from the surface to 6- to 9-km... more |
Poster 119 |
Preliminary late Pleistocene slip rate for the western Pinto Mountain fault, Morongo Valley, southern California
Katherine Gabriel, Doug Yule, Richard Heermance The northern Coachella Valley region of the San Andreas fault (SAF) system in southern California is complicated by overlapping, active strands and its intersection with prominent, secondary structures such as the Pinto Mountain fault. Recent work... more |
Poster 055 | FARM |
Asperity break after 12 years: The Mw6.4 2015 Lefkada (Greece) earthquake
Frantisek Gallovic, Efthimios Sokos, Jiri Zahradnik, Anna Serpetsidaki, Vladislav Plicka, Anastasia Kiratzi The Mw6.4 earthquake sequence of 2015 in western Greece is analyzed using seismic data. Multiple point source modeling, nonlinear slip patch, and linear slip inversions reveal a coherent rupture image with directivity toward the southwest and... more |
Poster 190 | Seismology |
Monitoring of Microseismicity in the Peach Tree Valley Region with Array Techniques
Jose Luis Garcia-Reyes, Robert Clayton This study is focused on the analysis of microseismicity along the San Andreas Fault in the PeachTree Valley region with the use of array techniques. This zone is located in the transition zone between the locked portion to the south (Parkfield, CA... more |
Poster 255 | Seismology |
Aftershock Productivity on Volcanoes: What can it tell us about interpreting aftershocks?
Ricardo Garza-Giron, Emily Brodsky, Stephanie Prejean Most earthquakes have aftershocks and in some systems, it is thought that the majority of the earthquake rate is comprised of aftershocks. However, volcanic earthquakes are intrinsically different from tectonic ones in that magmatic movement can... more |
Talk 9/13 14:30 | EFP |
Blurring the boundary between earthquake forecasting and seismic hazard
Matthew Gerstenberger, David Rhoades, Graeme McVerry, David Harte, Annemarie Christophersen Earthquake forecasting and seismic hazard have been traditionally considered as independent and separate fields of study. We are currently working on a range of topics that are beginning to blur the bounds between the two fields. With the Canterbury... more |
Poster 251 |
Seismology |
Strong along-strike variation in aftershock distribution and rupture propagation of 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal
Abhijit Ghosh, Bo LI, Manuel Mendoza Gorkha earthquake presents a unique opportunity to study active tectonics, earthquake dynamics and fault structure in the Himalayas in Nepal. We use four large aperture seismic arrays at teleseismic distances to image the rupture propagation of the... more |
Poster 316 |
Simulation Based Earthquake Forecasting with RSQSim
Jacquelyn Gilchrist, Thomas Jordan, James Dieterich, Keith Richards-Dinger We are developing a physics-based forecasting model for earthquake ruptures in California. We employ the 3D boundary element code RSQSim to generate synthetic catalogs with millions of events that span up to a million years. The simulations... more |
Poster 328 |
SCEC Web in the Clouds: Motivations and Experiences
David Gill, Philip Maechling, Tran Huynh, John Marquis, John Yu, Edric Pauk, Jason Ballmann, Mark Benthien, Deborah Gormley, Annie Lo Last year, the website underwent a major overhaul in terms of technology and appearance. We went from a custom PHP solution to an open-source solution based on Drupal 7. Basing the site on Drupal meant that we could use an actively... more |
Poster 152 |
Geodesy |
Constraining Interacting Fault Models in the Salton Trough with Remote Sensing Data
Margaret Glasscoe, Jay Parker, Andrea Donnellan, Gregory Lyzenga, Chris Milliner Constraining the distribution of slip and determining the behavior of fault interactions is a complex problem. Field and remotely sensed data often lack the necessary coverage to fully resolve fault behavior. However, realistic physical models may... more |
Poster 202 |
Seismology |
The 2016 Mw5.1 Fareview, Oklahoma earthquakes: Evidence for long-range poroelastic triggering at >30 km from disposal wells
Thomas Goebel, Matthew Weingarten, Xiaowei Chen, Jackson Haffener, Emily Brodsky Much of the surge in seismic activity in the central United States has been linked to injection induced pressure changes on pre-stressed faults. This type of pressure-induced seismicity requires a direct hydraulic connection between injection wells... more |
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