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2010 Annual Meeting: Salton Seismic Imaging Project

Organizers: Joann Stock, Gary Fuis, John Hole
Dates: Sunday, September 12, 2010 (1:00-3:00pm)
Location: Horizon Ballroom I, Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA

A meeting to review the Salton Seismic Imaging Project and to coordinate volunteer participation will take place on Sunday, Sept. 12, from 1-3 pm, in the Horizon Ballroom I of the Hilton Palm Springs Resort. You are especially invited to participate in this meeting if you attended the previous workshop on our Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP) at the SCEC Annual Meeting in 2008, or if you have otherwise been in touch with the organizers about participation in field work for this project.

The project has progressed far enough with permitting to be on schedule for the following activities:

  • Drilling beginning in Oct. 2010
  • Surveying seismograph sites (4000) in Jan. 2011
  • Deploying seismographs (including OBS's) in early Feb. 2011
  • Shooting beginning in early Feb. 2011 and continuing for 3 weeks
  • Cleanup in Mar.-Apr. 2011

Discussion will focus mostly on logistics and the anticipated schedule; however, brief reviews of the seismic targets of each of our lines will also take place.

An important goal of Sunday's meeting is to describe tasks that could be done by volunteers, such as surveying of seismograph sites and deployment of instruments. We will need approximately 4-6 surveyors (non-USGS) for 3 weeks in January 2011, and approximately 48 deployers (non USGS) for 3 weeks in February 2011. You also may be planning additional activities such as logging or other instrument deployments that you would like to coordinate with the activities of this project. If your institution has students who would like to participate in this project, for all or part of the time, please contact the meeting organizers or send a representative to the discussion on Sunday.