SCEC 1-on-1 Media Training Sessions
Dates: September 9 - 11, 2019 |
Convener: Jason Ballmann
Dates: September 9 - 11, by appointment
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort
SUMMARY: During the 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting, free 1-on-1 media training experiences are offered by request of any registered attendee. These will be 30 minute-to-1-hour sessions in a relaxed, comfortable, and private environment that will include time for simulating media interview and general discussion.
To request a time, email Jason Ballmann (, SCEC’s communication manager, who will be conducting and coordinating the trainings. Please include the following details in your email:
- What 2 or 3 times work best for you throughout the meeting (September 9 - 11)?
- What is your contact information and area(s) of expertise?
- Do you want to focus on broadcast or print interviews, or both?
- What you hope to achieve from the training (3-4 sentences)?
Workshop attendees will be notified of their accepted specific time no later than September 1st.
You may also wish to register for the Communications Workshop, “Empower Yourself for Public Speaking” on Sunday, September 8th.
It is SCEC policy to foster harassment-free environments wherever our science is conducted. By accepting an invitation to participate in a SCEC-supported event, by email or online registration, participants agree to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.