Workshop on the Processes that Control the Strength of Faults and Dynamics of Earthquakes
Participation: 100 people maximum, register with the 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting Date: September 10, 2016 SCEC Award: 16288 |
CONVENERS: David Goldsby, Whitney Behr, Eric Dunham, and Greg Hirth
OVERVIEW: The workshop aims to take stock of where the community stands on understanding the microphysical processes associated with dynamic weakening and drive discussion of how these new constraints can improve our understanding of the earthquake rupture process. There will be three sessions, one on the mechanisms of dynamic weakening, one on spatial variations in fault resistance, and one on the evolution of the slip zone during an earthquake. We emphasize the power of combining experiments, seismic data, field observations and models in each session and hope to spark further interdisciplinary collaboration.
Presentation slides may be downloaded by clicking the title of the presentation. PLEASE NOTE: Files are the author’s property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used while viewing the talk.
SEPTEMBER 10, 2016
09:00-09:10 | Workshop Overview and Introductions (PDF, 3.7MB) | David Goldsby / Whitney Behr |
Mechanisms of coseismic weakening | ||
09:10-09:35 | Controls on frictional strength and stability in gouge-filled faults in the seismogenic zone | Chris Spiers |
09:35-10:00 | The role superplasticity may play during seismic slip (PDF, 7.4MB) | Nicola De Paola |
10:00-10:25 | How coseismic weakening can be incorporated into earthquake models and linked with seismic data (PDF, 5.0MB) | Rob Viesca |
10:25-10:55 | Group Discussion | |
10:55-11:10 | Break | |
Spatial Variations in fault resistance | ||
11:10-11:35 | Field measurements of fault roughness (PDF, 23.2MB) | Emily Brodsky |
11:35-12:00 | How roughness influences the dynamics of an earthquake in numerical models (PDF, 6.5MB) | Eric Dunham |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch | |
13:00-13:25 | How changes in coseismic weakening within the seismogenic zone limit the depth penetration of large earthquakes (PDF, 14.4MB) | Nadia Lapusta |
13:25-13:50 | Earthquake source scaling (PDF, 7.4MB) | Marine Denolle |
13:50-14:20 | Group Discussion | |
14:20-14:35 | Break | |
Evolution of the slip zone during an earthquake | ||
14:35-15:00 | Recent progress identifying field evidence for seismic slip (PDF, 51.6MB) | Heather Savage |
15:00-15:25 | How dynamic stresses influence the properties of fault damage fault zones (PDF, 5.8MB) | Ashley Griffith |
15:25-15:50 | How chemical alteration of slip surfaces can be linked to coseismic weakening mechanisms such as flash heating (PDF, 65.4MB) | Jim Evans |
15:50-16:20 | Group Discussion | |
Where we are and whither we are tending | ||
16:20-17:00 | Summary discussion / Wrap up (PDF, 4.4MB) | |
17:20 | Adjourn |