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SCEC Community Geodetic Model (CGM) Workshop

Conveners: Jessica Murray (USGS), Rowena Lohman (Cornell), and David Sandwell (UCSD)
Dates: September 6, 2014 (10:00 – 18:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA

SCEC Workshop Report: 14014

OVERVIEW: The development of a Community Geodetic Model (CGM) is a SCEC4 initiative with the goal of producing a comprehensive geodetic time series data product that leverages the complimentary spatial and temporal features of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data. By bringing together experts in the field of geodesy to identify and implement the best strategies for processing, analyzing, and merging the wealth of GPS and InSAR data now available for southern California, the CGM will not only provide input for a variety of SCEC science activities but will be a valuable resource for a broad range of studies both within and beyond the field of earthquake science. Development of the CGM is directly tied to the fundamental problems of earthquake physics that are central to the SCEC science plan. These research topics drove the development of the list of target applications for the CGM. The target applications for the CGM were defined at the 2013 SCEC CGM Worskshop include:

  1. quantifying spatially variable slip rates, locking depths, and strain rates, including off-fault strain
  2. assessing non-tectonic time-varying signals
  3. racking the space/time evolution of transient deformation
  4. constraining lithospheric rheology and evaluating its role in earthquake cycle deformation, and
  5. providing input to the Community Stress Model (CSM) (in particular for stressing rate models).

In order to maintain the CGM collaboration for which we laid the groundwork in 2013, we will convene a workshop to address the 2013-2014 SCEC4 CGM milestone, “Start generating a unified GPS time series dataset for secular and transient deformation and compiling LOS velocity maps from available SAR catalogs. Establish strategy for estimating secular rate as well as temporally variable signals (e.g., seasonal, postseismic).”

PARTICIPANTS: Duncan Agnew (IGPP/SIO/UCSD), Scott Baker (UNAVCO), Eileen Evans (Harvard), Yuri Fialko (UCSD), Gareth Funning (UCR), Jennifer Haase (UCSD/SIO), Bill Hammond (Nevada Geodetic Laboratory), Tom Herring (MIT), Chris Johnson (UC Berkeley), Eric Lindsey (Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UCSD)), Zhen Liu (UCLA), Rowena Lohman (Cornell), Rob McCaffrey (Portland State), Jessica Murray (USGS), Susan Owen (JPL), Bryan Riel (Caltech), David Sandwell (UCSD), Zheng-Kang Shen (National Science Foundation), Manoochehr Shirzaei (ASU), Xiaopeng Tong (University of Washington), Katia Tymofyeyeva (SIO), Yuehua Zeng (USGS)

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