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2013 SCEC Source Inversion Validation Workshop

Conveners: P. Martin Mai, Danijel Schorlemmer, and Morgan Page
Dates: September 8, 2013 (08:00-12:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA
SCEC Award and Report: 13116

SUMMARY: In the 2013 Source Inversion Validation (SIV) workshop we presented results on the benchmarks for the M7 normal-faulting ruptures, one of which is embedded in a 3D heterogeneous Earth model that leads to seismic scattering and hence uncertain Green's functions. Effects of uncertain Earth structure on earthquake source inversions were discussed in the context of teleseismic data and their use for source imaging. Teleseismic source inversions were the main focus of this SIV workshop. One goal of the workshop was to then design a first benchmark exercise for teleseismic source modeling. Such a benchmark will also help to address the question of how to quantitatively reconcile back-projection results with tele seismic rupture models.

Presentation slides may be downloaded by clicking the title. PLEASE NOTE: Slides are the author’s property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used while viewing the talk.




08:00-08:15 Introduction and Workshop Goals
Current SIV Benchmarks and Results
Martin Mai
08:15-08:45 Seismic Source Inversion and Back Projection
  1. Introduction of uncertainty of Green's Function into Waveform Inversion for Seismic Source Processes
  2. Theoretical Relationship Between Back-Projection Imaging and Inverse Solutions
Yuji Yagi
08:45-09:00 Toward Accounting for Prediction Uncertainty When Inferring Subsurface Fault Slip Zacharie Duputel
09:15-09:30 Uncertainty in Kinematic Rupture Models from Variation in Source time Function and Earth Structure Hoby Razafindrakoto, Martin Mai
09:30-09:45 Near Realtime Teleseismic and Geodetic Finite Fault Modeling at the NEIC William Barnhart, Gavin Hayes
09:45-10:00 High Resolution Finite Fault Modeling of the Largest Events (M>4.8) in the 2012 Brawley Swarm Shengji Wei
10:10-10:15 Group Discussion on Workshop Presentations  
10:15-10:30 Break  
10:30-12:00 Group Discussion:
  • Reconciling Back-Projection and Seismic Source Inversion
  • Accounting for Uncertain Earth Structure in Source Inversion
  • What Do We Learn from Near Real-Time Source Inversion?
  • Defining the Next SIV Benchmark: Teleseismic Source Inversion
12:00 Adjourn  


Kioumars Afshari (UCLA)
Pablo Ampuero (Caltech)
John Anderson (UNR)
Ralph Archuleta (UCSB)
Kimiyuki Asano (DPRI Kyoto U)
Jason Ballmann (SCEC)
Michael Barall (Invisible Software)
Magali Barba (Cal Poly Pomona)
Andy Barbour (UCSD)
William Barnhart (USGS/NEIC)
Greg Beroza (Stanford)
Jacobo Bielak (CMU)
Ben Brooks (USGS)
Lucile Bruhat (Stanford)
Alexander Bykovtsev (RANS)
Ken Campbell (EQECAT, Inc.)
Kevin Chantrapornlert (CPP)
Matthew Cook (UCSB)
Luis Dalguer (ETHZ)
Simon Daout (EOS)
Marine Denolle (Stanford)
Joe Dierkhising (UNR)
Luyuan Ding (UCSB)
Jessica Donovan (USC)
Zacharie Duputel (Caltech)
Ken Duru (Stanford)
Bill Ellsworth (USGS)
Eileen Evans (Harvard)
Wenyuan Fan (SIO/UCSD)
Jeff Freymueller (Alaska)
Alice Gabriel (LMU Munich)
Dylan Garcia (CSUF)
Peter Gerstoft (UCSD)
David Gill (SCEC)
Michal Giveon (Paradigm Geophysical )
Luis Gomez (Chaffey College)
Javier Gonzàlez-Garcìa (CICESE)
Alejandro Gonzalez-Ortega (CICESE)
Jessica Grenader (USC)
Guzavina (U of Muenster)
Jennifer Haase (UCSD/SIO)
Ruth Harris (USGS)
Egill Hauksson (Caltech)
Tom Heaton (Caltech)
Don Helmberger (Caltech)
Caroline Holden (GNS Science)
Tran Huynh (SCEC / USC)
Marius Isken (USGS)
Dave Jackson (UCLA)
Chen Ji (UCSB)
Junle Jiang (Caltech)
Kendra Johnson (CSM)
Tom Jordan (USC)
Taka Kanaya (Brown)
Haydar Karaoglu (CMU)
Olga Joan Ktenidou (ISTerre, Grenoble)
Hisahiko Kubo (DPRI Kyoto U)
Sebastien Leprince (Caltech)
Zefeng Li (Georgia Tech)
Charles Lieou (UCSB)
Xin Liu (USC)
Semechah Lui (Caltech)
Shuo Ma (SDSU)
Martin Mai (KAUST)
Daniel Markowski (Utah State)
Gayatri Marliyani (ASU)
Eric Matzel (LLNL)
Alexa McBean (UNR)
Diego Melgar (UCSD/SIO)
Lingsen Meng (UC Berkeley)
Sarah Minson (USGS)
Jessica Murray (USGS)
Stephanie Nale (UCSC)
David Nget (Cal Poly Pomona)
Ed Nissen (CSM)
Margo Odlum (UCLA)
G. Harris Ohland (Cal Poly Pomona)
Keishi Okazaki (Brown)
Morgan Page (USGS Pasadena)
Jaime Parada (U Central de Venezuela)
Michael Pasyanos (LLNL)
Celia Pazos (Cal Poly Pomona)
Hongrui Qiu (USC)
Hannah Rabinowitz (Columbia)
Leo Ramirez-Guzman (UNAM)
Hoby Razafindrakoto (KAUST)
Kyle Remmenga
Jim Rice (Harvard)
William Savran (UCSD/SDSU)
Danijel Schorlemmer (USC)
Pieter Share (USC)
Peter Shearer (UCSD)
Zheng-Kang Shen (NSF)
Zheqiang Shi (SDSU)
Manoochehr Shirzaei (ASU)
Seok Goo Song (ETHZ)
Anne Strader (UCLA)
Carl Tape (Alaska)
Hong Kie Thio (URS)
Ben Thompson (Harvard)
Xiaopeng Tong (SIO/UCSD)
Vanessa Vega (CSUSB)
Miguel Villasana (PCC)
Melanie Walling (Lettis Consultants Intl)
Honglei Wang (USGS)
Shengji Wei (Caltech)
Kyle Withers (SDSU)
Yuji Yagi (U of Tsukuba)
Qian Yao (UCSD/SDSU)
Yuehua Zeng (USGS)
Jianchang Zheng (USC)
Olaf Zielke (KAUST)
Jessica Zimmerman (TAMU)

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