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2012 SCEC Ground Motion Simulation Validation Progress Workshop

Conveners: Nico Luco
Dates: September 9, 2012 (13:00-17:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA
SCEC Award and Report: 12171

SUMMARY: At the 2010 SCEC Annual Meeting, SCEC established a Technical Activity Group (TAG) focused on Ground Motion Simulation Validation (GMSV). The purpose of this TAG is to develop and implement, via collaboration between ground motion modelers and engineering users, testing/rating methodologies for simulated ground motions to be used in engineering applications. An initial planning workshop held in January of 2011 resulted in recommendations for initial efforts to be undertaken by the GMSV TAG. Building on these recommendations, the subsequent GMSV Plenary Session at the 2011 SCEC Annual Meeting resulted in identification of six priority activities/topics for the 2012 SCEC Science Collaboration Plan. As stipulated there, any Principal Investigators funded to work on GMSV-related projects were to become members of the GMSV TAG who would be required to coordinate with each other. To coordinate and discuss the seven GMSV-related SCEC projects funded in 2012, two workshops were convened via this award. The first workshop (in April 2012) coordinated the seven projects before they began in earnest, and also resulted in a discussion of what would become the SCEC Broadband Platform Validation Project. The second workshop (at the 2012 SCEC Annual Meeting) shared progress on some of the 2012 GMSV-related SCEC projects, the Broadband Platform Validation Project, and other GMSV projects. Feedback was obtained on these projects and on priority activities/topics for the 2013 SCEC Science Collaboration Plan. It is important to note that each of the two workshops included participation from both ground motion modelers and engineering users.


13:00-13:05 Welcome and Background of GMSV Technical Activity Group and Broadband Platform Validation Project Tom Jordan
13:05-13:10 Overview of Agenda Tom Jordan
  SCEC Broadband Platform Validation Project  
  Moderator: Phil Maechling  
13:10-13:15 Session Introduction Phil Maechling
13:15-13:30 Motivation and Needs Norm Abrahamson
13:30-13:45 Validation Plans Christine Goulet
13:45-14:00 Stimulation Plans Paul Somerville
14:00-14:30 Discussion All
14:30-14:45 Break  
  SCEC GMSV Technical Activity Group Projects  
  Moderator: Nico Luco  
14:45-14:50 Session Introduction Nico Luco
14:50-15:05 Engineering Perspective on Simulation Validation and Use of the Broadband Platform Jack Baker
Lynne Burks
15:05-15:20 Validation of Broadband Platform Ground Motion Simulations for Historical Events Farzin Zareian
Sanaz Rezaeian
15:20-15:35 Comparison of CyberShake Hazard Models with NGA Models Using Averaging-Based Factorization Feng Wang
Tom Jordan
15:35-15:50 Discussion All
14:50-16:05 Break  
  Priority GMSV Activities/Topics for 2013 SCEC Science Collaboration Plan  
  Moderator: Kim Olsen  
16:05-16:10 Session Introduction Kim Olsen
16:10-16:20 Summary and Background of 2012 Priorities Nico Luco
16:20-16:50 Discussion All
16:50-17:00 Summary of Discussions Kim Olsen, Nico Luco
17:00 Adjourn  

Notes from Workshop Discussions

  • Distinguish between validation for hazard calculations (where what matters is getting distributions of the intensity measure correct, including joint distributions of multiple intensity measures) and validation for engineering analysis (where what matters is building response, and typically the target intensity measure level that the ground motion should have is specified).
  • Make sure there is language linking GMSV to the six main objectives in the science plan, so that proposers understand how to note which science plan objectives their proposal addresses.
  • Invite proposals for implementation and/or validation of new components on the Broadband platform (e.g, nonlinear site response).
  • Emphasize analysis/estimation of site effects, including nonlinear effects (for GMP-related projects, as well as GMSV-related projects).
  • Expand pseudo-dynamic rupture generators, in particular to include super-shear rupture.


Brad Aagaard (USGS)
Norm Abrahamson (PG&E)
Pablo Ampuero (Caltech)
Bob Anderson (CSSC/CEA)
Tiffany Anderson (CSUSB)
John Anderson (UNR)
Ralph Archuleta (UCSB)
Gregg Armstrong (Georgia Tech)
Karen Assatourians (UWO)
Dominic Assimaki (Georgia Tech)
Gail Atkinson (Western Ontario)
Jack Baker (Stanford)
Scott Baker (UNAVCO)
John Barneich (GeoPentech)
Yehuda Ben-Zion (SCEC/USC)
Joseph Berg (CSUSB)
Greg Beroza (Stanford)
Thomas Beutin (GFZ Potsdam)
Glenn Biasi (UNR)
Jacobo Bielak (CMU)
Mike Blanpied (USGS)
Cecilia Booker (U.S. Navy)
Brendon Bradley (U of Canterbury)
Tom Brocher (USGS)
Justin Brown (Caltech/USGS)
Lynne Burks (Stanford)
Simmie Chehal (CSUN)
Xiaofei Chen (UST China)
Po Chen (UWYO)
Ray Chiou (NAVFAC ESC)
Matthew Cook (UCSB)
Tom Crane (CSUSB)
Jorge Crempien (UCSB)
C.B. Crouse (URS)
Yifeng Cui (SDSC)
Steve Day (SDSU)
Jason De Cristofaro (USGS)
Jared DeBock (UC Boulder)
Marine Denolle (Stanford)
Dan Determan (USGS)
Ohilda Difo (U Mass)
Luis Dominguez (UNAM)
Jessica Donovan (USC)
Roby Douilly (Purdue)
Jennifer Dreiling (USGS)
Sean Dunbar (CA DWR)
Eric Dunham (Stanford)
Donna Eberhart-Phillips (UC Davis)
Ahmed Elbanna (UCSB)
Geoffrey Ely (Argonne National Lab)
Tom Freeman (GeoPentech)
Frantisek Gallovic (Charles U, Prague)
Laura Gerbi (Macalester College)
Hadi Ghofrani (U of Western Ontario)
Jacqui Gilchrist (UCR)
David Gill (SCEC/USC)
Val Gorbunov (UCSB)
Christine Goulet (PEER)
Lisa Grant-Ludwig (UCI)
Jennifer Haase (UCSD/SIO)
Elizabeth Haddon (CGS)
Lijam Hagos (CGS/SMIP)
Ruth Harris (USGS)
Pamela Henry (Fault Line, LLC)
Evan Hirakawa (UCSD)
James Holliday (UCD)
Tran Huynh (SCEC/USC)
Walter Imperatori (KAUST)
Junle Jiang (Caltech)
Tom Jordan (USC)
Frank Jordan, Jr. (CSULA)
Yoshihiro Kaneko (WHOI)
Aitaro Kato (U of Tokyo)
Katere Khodavirdi (UCLA)
Rich Klimczak (PG&E)
Keith Knudsen (USGS)
Franklin Koch (Caltech)
Swami Krishnan (Caltech)
Kayla Kroll (UCR)
Nadia Lapusta (Caltech)
En-Jui Lee (Wyoming)
Bill Leith (USGS)
Sebastien Leprince (Caltech)
Dunzhu Li (Caltech)
Xiangyu Li (UCSB)
Yen-Yu Lin (Caltech)
Ting Lin (Stanford)
Zaifeng Liu (TAMU)
Qiming Liu (UCSB)
Pengcheng Liu (USBR)
Masha Liukis (SCEC/USC)
Julian Lozos (UCR)
Yingdi Luo (Caltech)
Rainer Luptowitz (CSUSB)
Dave Lynch (USGS)
Shuo Ma (SDSU)
Philip Maechling (SCEC/USC)
Martin Mai (KAUST)
Gayatri Marliyani (ASU)
Silvia Mazzoni (Degenkolb Engineers)
John McRaney (SCEC/USC)
Meghan Miller (UNAVCO)
Raffaella Montelli (NSF)
Morgan Moschetti (USGS)
Ramses Mourhatch (Caltech)
Shunichi Nomura (ISM (Japan))
Steve Okubo (UCLA)
Kim Olsen (SDSU)
Anna Olsen (USGS)
Arben Pitarka (LLNL)
Moises Ponce-Zepeda (UCSB)
German Prieto (U de los Andes)
Ernesto Prudencio (UT Austin)
Hoby Razafindrakoto (KAUST)
Doriam Restrepo (CMU)
Yuval Reuveni (NASA)
Sanaz Rezaeian (USGS)
Jim Rice (Harvard)
Ivan Rodriguez-Pinto (NASA JPL)
Dylan Rood (SUERC)
Tsu Sato (ASU SESE)
William Savran (UCSD)
Danijel Schorlemmer (GFZ Potsdam)
Zheqiang Shi (SDSU)
Liwen Shih (U of Houston - Clear Lake)
Fabio Silva (USC)
Hemanth Siriki (Caltech)
Norm Sleep (Stanford)
Surendra Somala (Caltech)
Paul Somerville (URS)
Seok Goo Song (ETZH)
Xin Song (USC)
Feng Su (USBR)
Mark Swift (SBCM)
Steeve Symithe (Purdue)
Ricardo Taborda (Carnegie Mellon)
Taka’aki Taira (UC Berkeley)
Rumi Takedatsu (SDSU)
Terry Tullis (Brown)
Martin Vallée (U of Nice, France)
Manuela Villani (UC Davis)
Dave Wald (USGS)
Feng Wang (USC)
Andrew Whittaker (U at Buffalo)
Kyle Withers (SDSU)
Katie Wooddell (PG&E)
Yi-Hsuan Wu (UC Davis)
Lian Xue (UCSC)
Wenzheng Yang (Caltech)
Qian Yao (UCSD/SDSU)
Lingling Ye (UCSC)
sayokoi Yokoi (ERI Tokyo)
Han Yue (UCSC)
Farzin Zareian (UCI)
Yuehua Zeng (USGS)
Jianbo Zhu (Caltech)
Olaf Zielke (KAUST)

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