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Workshop on Strategies for Implementing a Community Stress Model

Convener: Bruce E. Shaw, Jeanne L. Hardebeck, Brad Aagaard, John H. Shaw, and Thorsten W. Becker
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 (13:00 - 17:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort
SCEC Award and Report: 11013

SUMMARY: This workshop was supported by SCEC under grant 11013 to help kick off the discussions of the construction of a community stress model (CSM). The workshop was held after the 2011 Annual SCEC meeting in Palm Springs on September 14, 2011, and had 128 registered participants. The workshop program consisted of six invited presentations, 15 minutes each, four contributed five minute discussion presentations, and extensive group discussions (total of ~two hours), as detailed in the appendix. Workshop presentations were chosen to represent the observational, theoretical, and modeling aspects involved in the construction of a CSM.

Lively discussions ensued, including on the degree of homogeneity or heterogeneity of crustal stress, how to best model it, and how to take action to get started on the assembly of a stress indicator database. It was decided that the logical first step for the CSM group and SCEC CSM efforts is to compile all of the existing relevant data and stress models for California, and put them into common formats. This compilation should eventually become a resource for the SCEC community to be able to easily find and use these data and models. Such a compilation will also facilitate comparisons between the currently existing stress models in order to better understand where various models differ. The database will also facilitate evaluating the relative coverage of various data/models, etc, and will help get the ball rolling on putting together a numerical implementation of stress models overall.

It was also decided to strive to hold a followup CSM workshop in 2012 that will be focused on comparing the currently existing stress models (including the full range from geodynamic models to observational "models" such as borehole measurement compilations or focal mechanisms inversions). As one goal of the 2012 workshop, the group identified the process of coming with specific next steps by targeting areas of differences between the existing models. Attendance of the 2012 workshop is to be limited to contributors of data/models and representatives of user communities of the CSM, as we will be getting into the nitty-gritty of data/model formats and comparisons. The larger community will of course be updated on our progress, and a mailing list was established to continue the discussions related to the CSM and the CSM 2012 workshop. A proposal for the followup workshop was submitted by Jeanne Hardebeck as the lead.


13:00 Introduction  
13:10 Talk 1: Stress Required for Rupture Dynamics Models B. Aagaard
13:25 Talk 2: Stress Required for Fault Loading Models B. Meade
13:40 Talk 3: Stress Required for Simulators K. Richards-Dinger
13:55 Group Discussion and 5-Minute Presentations:
Bird, Hearn, Bykovtsev #1 and #2
14:45 Break  
15:00 Talk 4: Alternative Stress Observations from Boreholes, etc. N. Davatzes
15:15 Talk 5: Stress Observations from Seismicity E. Hauksson
15:30 Talk 6: Connecting Stress Models to Real World Measurements D. Sandwell
15:45 Discussion
- What Do Users Want?
- How Do We Implement the Database?
- Can We Self-Organize into Smaller Working Groups?
- What are CSM Targets for 2012?
17:00 Adjourn  


Brad Aagaard (USGS)
Sinan Akciz (UCI)
Jean Paul Ampuero (Caltech)
Bob Anderson (CEA)
Iain Bailey (USC)
Thorsten Becker (USC)
Greg Beroza (Stanford)
Thomas Beutin (GFZ Potsdam)
Peter Bird (UCLA)
Oliver Boyd (USGS)
Brendon Bradley (U of Canterbury)
Peter Bridges (UMass)
Alexander Bykovtsev (RANS)
Raymond Chen (UCLA)
Judith Chester (TAMU)
Tracy Compton (UC Davis)
Michele Cooke (UMass)
Ethan Coon (LANL)
Paul Cox (UCLA)
Jorge Crempien (UCSB)
Hugo Cruz Jimenez (KAUST)
Trevor Currie (Caltech)
Karin Dahmen (Illinois)
Nick Davatzes (Temple University)
Lindsey Davidge (USC)
Paul Davis (UCLA)
Ben Duan (TAMU)
Eric Dunham (Stanford)
Ahmed Elbanna (UCSB)
Eileen Evans (Harvard)
Tarana Farhat (Hampton)
Yuri Fialko (UCSD)
Tom Freeman (GeoPentech)
Frantisek Gallovic (Charles U, Prague)
Margaret Gooding (LSA Associates)
Rebecca Greenwood (CPP)
Tomohiro Hakamata (UCSB)
Audra Hanks (Cal Poly Pomona)
Jeanne Hardebeck (USGS)
Bob Harris (QuakeSafeKits)
Sharon Harris (QuakeSafeKits)
Ruth Harris (USGS)
Egill Hauksson (Caltech)
Liz Hearn (UBC)
Pamela Henry (Fault Line)
Justin Herbert (UMass)
Evan Hirakawa (SDSU)
Dan Hollis (NodalSeismic)
Tran Huynh (SCEC/USC)
Kazutoshi Imanishi (GS Japan)
Dave Jackson (UCLA)
Junle Jiang (Caltech)
Kaj Johnson (Indiana)
Andrea Jones (USC)
Lucy Jones (USGS)
Tom Jordan (SCEC/USC)
Frank Jordan, Jr. (JRB, Inc)
Jingqian Kang (TAMU)
Sharon Kedar (NASA JPL)
Hyun-Tae Kim (ASU)
Nadia Lapusta (Caltech)
Ya Ting Lee (NCU Taiwan)
Xiangyu Li (UCSB)
Charles Lieou (UCSB)
Amy Lim (PCC)
Eric Lindsey (SIO/IGPP)
Brad Lipovsky (Stanford)
Semechah Lui (Caltech)
Yingdi Luo (Caltech)
Dave Lynch (USGS)
Betsy Madden (Stanford)
Martin Mai (KAUST)
Scott Marshall (App State)
Mary Mclellan (PCC)
John McRaney (SCEC/USC)
Brendan Meade (Harvard)
Laura Mendes (UFR Rio de Janeiro)
Xiaofeng Meng (Georgia Tech)
Andy Michael (USGS)
Bernard Minster (UCSD)
Ramses Mourhatch (Caltech)
Kaliymah Muhammad (CSUSB)
Marleen Nyst (RMS)
Tatev Papikyan (UCLA)
Sulaimon Paseda (Howard)
Christian Pelties (LMU Munich)
Moises Ponce-Zepeda (ELAC)
Rupa Purasinghe (CSULA)
Ruwanka Purasinghe (UC Davis)
Shahid Ramzan (CSUN)
Keith Richards-Dinger (UCR)
David Rodriguez-Castro (PRM)
Baptiste Rousset (Caltech)
Vito Rubino (Caltech)
Kenny Ryan (UCR)
Valeria Sahakian (UCSD)
David Sandwell (UCSD)
Tsu Sato (ASU)
Danijel Schorlemmer (USC/GFZ)
Margarita Segou (USGS)
Chad Severson (UCR)
John Shaw (Harvard)
Bruce Shaw (LDEO)
Sam Shi (SDSU)
Hemanth Siriki (Caltech)
Norm Sleep (Stanford)
Deborah Smith (CIW)
Bridget Smith-Konter (UTEP)
Surendra Somala (Caltech)
Seok Goo Song (ETHZ)
Anne Strader (UCLA)
Igor Stubailo (UCLA)
Danielle Sumy (USGS)
Hillary Tahtinen (UCSD)
Chris Takeuchi (UCSD)
Jennifer Tarnowski (UCR)
Wayne Thatcher (USGS)
Angel Torrens-Bonano (PRM)
Terry Tullis (Brown)
Katharine Turkle (USGS)
Christina Valen (UCSD)
Swetha Veeraraghavan (Caltech)
Brendon Walker (SDSU)
Rob Wesson (USGS)
Kyle Withers (SDSU)
Tomoko Yano (UCSB)
Lingling Ye (UCSC)
Panxu Zhang (USC)

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