EarthScope Complementary Geophysics Workshop
EarthScope Complementary Geophysics Workshop
Date: March 2-4, 2003
Location: Denver, Colorado
The purpose of the workshop is to explore the added benefit complementary geophysical techniques can bring to the broader EarthScope scientific goals. A partial list of such techniques includes gravity, magnetics, magnetotellurics, electromagnetics, petrophysics, heat flow, well logging, remote sensing (including TM imaging, DEM, LIDAR) and commercial seismic reflection. EarthScope will include aspects of some of these techniques, but this workshop will focus on supplementary observations that could or should be made to enhance the overall scientific return.
Issues to be addressed will include:
- What complementary geophysical methods are relevant to the EarthScope mission,
- What datasets are important, currently available, and easily accessible,
- What needs to be done to make existing data sets easy to access and use,
- For datasets that are important, but incomplete or non-existent, which of these are best acquired through community initiatives, which would be best proposed and carried out as individual PI projects, and which should be carried out by the EarthScope facilities (USArray, PBO, or SAFOD),
- What complementary facilities/instruments may already exist and could be made available to the EarthScope scientific community,
- Is some type of community operated and maintained complementary geophysical instrumentation needed to achieve Earthscope goals,
- How might such instrumentation be coordinated with the core EarthScope facilities, and
- What should the data and IT policies and procedures for new complementary geophysics be, including such issues as data access, data archival, and community data reduction and analysis software.
The workshop will consist of a series of introductory talks followed by breakouts and plenary sessions. Breakouts will be structured along the lines of the various complementary geophysical disciplines, and the breakout participants will be asked to address the issues described above. Major recommendations will be captured in a final workshop report.
Organizing Committee
Tom Henyey (Chair), University of Southern California
Anne Meltzer, Lehigh University
Nik Christensen, University of Wisconsin
Stephen Park, University of California, Riverside
Colin Williams, USGS, Menlo Park
Will Prescott, UNAVCO
Carol Finn, USGS, Denver, CO
Randy Keller, University of Texas, El Paso
Ron Blom, JPL
Brian Wernicke, Caltech
Tim Ahern, IRIS
Participation and Support
Questions regarding the workshop can be addressed to:
Tom Henyey
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Southern California
Los Angeles CA 90089-0740
fax: 213-740-0011
Assistance for travel and living expenses is available. Participants will be selected on the basis of their statements of interest and the need to organize a balanced program, including representation from the various major earth science disciplines, government agencies, industry, and underrepresented groups.