Introduction to the Focus Section on Validation of the SCEC Broadband Platform V14.3 Simulation Methods

Doug S. Dreger, & Thomas H. Jordan

Published January 8, 2015, SCEC Contribution #6069

This Special Focus Section comprises a collection of eight papers describing recent advances in methods for the broadband simulation of earthquake ground motions and their evaluation against recorded data and empirical models. In the jargon of engineering seismology, “broadband” implies seismograms with periods ranging from less than 0.1 s to greater than 10 s. Broadband simulations are of scientific and engineering interest because they provide complete time histories that can be useful in ground‐motion forecasting, especially for parameter ranges that are poorly sampled by observed seismograms.

Dreger, D. S., & Jordan, T. H. (2015). Introduction to the Focus Section on Validation of the SCEC Broadband Platform V14.3 Simulation Methods. Seismological Research Letters, 86(1), 15-16. doi: 10.1785/0220140233.

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