Waveform Relocated Earthquake Catalog for Southern California (1981 to June 2011)

Egill Hauksson, Wenzheng Yang, & Peter M. Shearer

Published October 2012, SCEC Contribution #1528

We have relocated the southern California seismicity recorded by the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) from 1981 to June 2011. First, we applied a 3D velocity model from Hauksson (2000) to improve the SCSN catalog locations using the method of Thurber (1993). Second, we have applied a similar approach as Hauksson and Shearer (2005); Shearer et al. (2005); and Lin et al. (2007) by clustering the events and using the differential travel times to perform relative re-locations within each cluster. The resulting catalog contains more than 502,000 earthquakes including 386,277 events that were relocated using differential travel-times. The magnitude range for the SCSN catalog is from M0.0 to M7.3, with the 1992 Landers earthquake being the largest event (Hutton et al., (2010).

Hauksson, E., Yang, W., & Shearer, P. M. (2012). Waveform Relocated Earthquake Catalog for Southern California (1981 to June 2011). Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102, 2239-2244. doi: 10.1785/0120120010.