MASTODON: An open source finite element tool to model seismic response of structures
Swetha Veeraraghavan, Chandrakanth Bolisetti, Andrew Slaughter, William Hoffman, & Justin ColemanPublished August 15, 2019, SCEC Contribution #9703, 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting Poster #299
Multi-hazard Analysis for STOchastic time-DOmaiN phenomena (MASTODON; - is an open source finite element tool built on top of the Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE; developed at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). This tool is capable of analyzing the response of 3D soil-structure systems to external hazards with the current development focused on earthquakes. It is capable of simulating seismic events and can perform source-to-site simulations including earthquake fault rupture, nonlinear wave propagation, and nonlinear soil-structure interaction analysis, all within the same framework. MASTODON also includes a probabilistic risk assessment capability that enables analysts to perform probabilistic simulations, fragility analysis, and fault-tree analysis for the purpose of risk assessment.
The open source object-oriented architecture used for MOOSE and MASTODON allows users to add new capabilities with relative ease. Moreover, MASTODON also has direct access to a large set of physics modules, including thermodynamics, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, fracture mechanics (extended finite-element method), and porous flow, which are in-built in MOOSE. The solid mechanics and contact modules are particularly useful for MASTODON in simulating nonlinear wave propagation and soil-structure interaction. Finally, the solvers available in MOOSE/MASTODON are inherently parallel, dimension agnostic, adaptive in time and space, fully coupled, and capable of interacting with other applications.
Key Words
soil-structure interaction, fault ruptpure, source-to-site
Veeraraghavan, S., Bolisetti, C., Slaughter, A., Hoffman, W., & Coleman, J. (2019, 08). MASTODON: An open source finite element tool to model seismic response of structures. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting.
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