SCEC Highlights and News
Archive of SCEC highlights and news articles that may be of interest to the SCEC community.
Tie rods aren’t just a pretty facade. Here’s how they help earthquake proof Charleston
Some brick buildings weathered the devastating 1886 Charleston earthquake. Their secret was an ingenious structural elem...
Some brick buildings weathered the devastating 1886 Charleston earthquake. Their secret was an ingenious structural elem...
AI Predicts Physics of Future Fault Slip in Laboratory Earthquakes
The technique applies AI to the fault’s acoustic signals, advances previous work and goes beyond by predicting aspects...
The technique applies AI to the fault’s acoustic signals, advances previous work and goes beyond by predicting aspects...
DesignSafe Award-Winning Dataset to Enable Better Tsunami Modeling
DesignSafe offers dataset sharing, data analysis tools, HPC access portals and more to support researchers working to un...
DesignSafe offers dataset sharing, data analysis tools, HPC access portals and more to support researchers working to un...
A Grand Challenge International Infrastructure for Earthquake Science (SRL editorial by Yehuda Ben-Zion, Greg Beroza, Marco Bohnhoff, Alice‐Agnes Gabriel, and Paul Martin Mai)
Scientific communities need cutting‐edge collaborative observational facilities to test models and to enable ground‐...
Scientific communities need cutting‐edge collaborative observational facilities to test models and to enable ground‐...
Earthquakes don’t occur out of nowhere (Interview with Marco Bohnhoff, regarding "A Grand Challenge International Infrastructure for Earthquake Science")
In a paper published in the journal Seismological Research Letters, a group of the world's leading earthquake researcher...
In a paper published in the journal Seismological Research Letters, a group of the world's leading earthquake researcher...
SCEC2022 Poster Archive Now Open!
More than 280 posters were exhibited live from September 11-21, 2022. The online poster gallery featured the breadth of ...
More than 280 posters were exhibited live from September 11-21, 2022. The online poster gallery featured the breadth of ...
Mexico earthquake partially reloads fault that ruptured in devastating 1985 shock
Though unlikely sufficient to trigger another great earthquake soon, about one-quarter of the fault surface that broke i...
Though unlikely sufficient to trigger another great earthquake soon, about one-quarter of the fault surface that broke i...
The plate boundary between Africa and the Iberian Peninsula could cause large tsunamis
The paper, recently published in Nature Communications, defines for the first time the complex geometry of this act...
The paper, recently published in Nature Communications, defines for the first time the complex geometry of this act...
SCEC Scores Large-scale HPC Allocations
Great news on the high-performance computing (HPC) front: this summer, SCEC researchers working on large-scale seismolog...
Great news on the high-performance computing (HPC) front: this summer, SCEC researchers working on large-scale seismolog...
Deepest Scientific Ocean Drilling Sheds Light on Japan’s Next Great Earthquake
Scientists who drilled deeper into an undersea earthquake fault than ever before have found that the tectonic stress in ...
Scientists who drilled deeper into an undersea earthquake fault than ever before have found that the tectonic stress in ...
UT Austin News