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SCEC2023 Meeting Participants

The SCEC Annual Meeting brings together people from throughout the U.S. and around the world involved in earthquake-related research, education, and outreach activities. SCEC project teams present results from research and activities funded through the SCEC Collaboration Plan and other Center projects. The SCEC leadership, advisory groups, and full-time staff from SCEC headquarters, as well as the Center’s funding agencies and sponsors are represented. Potential academic, government, and industry partners connected with computational science, earthquake engineering research, risk communication and other practical applications of SCEC research also participate. Early career scientists, graduate students, and undergraduate interns typically make up more than 40% of participants at the SCEC annual meetings.

Registrant: Expertise:
Organization: SCEC Role   
Results 301-350 of 350
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vidale's picture
John Vidale, Professor, USC

Expertise: Earthquakes, Earth structure, volcanoes, hazard, numerical modeling.

viesca's picture
Robert Viesca, Associate Professor, Tufts

Expertise: Applied mathematics, solid and fluid mechanics, friction, fracture, earthquake source processes

Plenary Talk

Posters: 136

ValeriaVilla's picture
Valeria Villa, Graduate Student, Caltech

Posters: 008, 025

Miles Wagner, Principal, EMSG

Posters: 086

Alianora Walker, Lab Technician, LLNL
Robert Walker, Geoscientist, Kegman, Inc.

Posters: 145

NatureBrother's picture
Binhao Wang, Graduate Student, USC

Posters: 121

Ruoyan Wang, PhD student, USC
taiyiwang's picture
Taiyi Wang, PhD student, Stanford

Posters: 099

Jia Wang-Connelly, Senior Structural Engineer, Cal OES SSC
Xiaozhuo Wei, Postdoc, Caltech
awein's picture
Anne Wein, Operations Research Analyst, USGS

Expertise: translating natural hazard information and data into societal consequences to help inform decision-making and policy discussions

Plenary Talk

Posters: 161

weldon's picture
Ray Weldon, Professor, UofOregon

Expertise: Neotectonics; Structural and Quarternary Geology

Plenary Talk

werner's picture
Max Werner, Associate Professor of Geophysics and Natural Hazards, U Bristol UK

Expertise: Earthquake Forecasting and Predictability, Earthquake Triggering and Clustering, Earthquake Seismology, Seismic Hazard, Statistical Seismology

Posters: 152, 160, 163

Elizabeth White, Engineering Geologist, CADWR
Otis Wickenhaeuser, Junior Specialist, UCSC
Jack Wilding, Ph.D. Student, Caltech
Maigen Wise, Earthquake Specialist, FEMA
Jeong-Ung Woo, Seismologist, Stanford

Posters: 023, 027

rwoodward's picture
Bob Woodward, Chief Operating Officer, EarthScope
Connie Worthington, Groupie, visitor
baoningwu's picture
Baoning Wu, Post-doc, USC

Expertise: earthquake seismology, dynamic rupture modeling

Posters: 113, 137

kxu_sdsu's picture
Ke Xu (he/him), Joint Doctoral Program, SDSU & UCSD

Expertise: Strong ground motion simulation

Posters: 168

LiuweiXu's picture
Liuwei Xu, Mr, UCLA

Posters: 030

Yan Yang, Graduate Student, Caltech

Posters: 051, 052, 202

Simone Yeager, Student Trainee (Physical Sciences), USGS

Posters: 078

Te-Yang Yeh, Postdoc, SDSU

Posters: 167, 169, 175

yifany's picture
Yifan Yin, Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT

Expertise: Seismology, earthquake cycle simulations

Posters: 126

ceyoon's picture
Clara Yoon, Research Geophysicist, USGS

Expertise: seismology, earthquake detection, earthquake monitoring, seismicity, data mining, software development

Posters: 011, 028, 170

ekyoung's picture
Elaine Young (she/her), Graduate Student, UCDavis &CGS

Posters: 072, 096

Ellen Yu, SCSN/SCEDC Products Manager, Caltech

Expertise: Databases

Posters: 010, 054

yuyifan's picture
Yifan Yu, Graduate Student, Stanford

Posters: 036

j4yun's picture
Jeena Yun, Graduate Student Researcher, SIO, UCSD

Posters: 046

Judy Zachariasen, Senior Engineering Geologist, CGS
Jaiden Zak, Graduate Student, Wisconsin

Posters: 114

Eva Zanzerkia, Program Director, NSF

Expertise: Seismology

Emily Zawacki, Science Communication Associate, EarthScope
zeng's picture
Yuehua Zeng, Research Geophysicist, USGS

Expertise: GPS modeling, wave propagation, earthquake source, strong ground motion

Posters: 201

Esra Zengin, Research Scientist, UCLA

Posters: 180

Qiushi Zhai, Postdoc, Caltech

Posters: 052

HaoZhang's picture
Hao Zhang, Ph.D. Student, USC

Posters: 005

Shuo Zhang, Research Assistant, UTDallas

Posters: 044

Siyuan Zhang, Student, USC
Chunhui Zhao, Research Assistant, UIUC

Posters: 034, 101

Xiaoyu Zhou, Phd Student, USC

Posters: 047

YijianZHOU's picture
Yijian Zhou, Ph.D. candidate, UCR

Posters: 003

Zheng Zhou, Student, UCSD

Posters: 004

Weiqiang Zhu, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley

Posters: 037, 051

Caifeng Zou, student, Caltech

Posters: 049

malindagrace's picture
Mindy Zuckerman (she/her), PhD Student, ASU

Expertise: Active tectonics

Posters: 071, 072, 076

Results 301-350 of 350
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The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.