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Meeting Abstracts

SCEC Annual Meeting participants are invited to share recent results and activities relevant to SCEC priorities and initiatives during the poster sessions. The SCEC collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience.

Use the search form to view abstracts of presentations that have been accepted for this meeting.


A SCEC username is required to submit an abstract.

The person submitting the abstract is automatically the First Author, and will receive all communications regarding the abstract.

A First Author can have a maximum of one poster and one oral presentation (if invited as a plenary speaker).

Each "poster space" in the online gallery will include general poster information, author contact information, and a PDF of the poster, as well as optional short videos about the poster.

First Authors of accepted abstracts will receive more detailed instructions.

During the meeting, posters are presented in two groups:
A (Sunday/Monday), and B (Monday/Tuesday). See the SCEC2023 agenda and FAQ for more details.

Results 51-100 of 231
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SCEC ID Category Title and Authors SCEC Award
Group A
Poster 053
Seismology What Causes Ubiquitous Earthquake Dynamic Triggering in Southern California?
Nicolas DeSalvio, Wenyuan Fan, Andrew Barbour
Although there are now global observations spanning multiple decades of earthquakes triggered by teleseismic waves, the physical mechanisms behind this phenomenon remain unclear. In this study, we systematically identify cases of dynamic triggering... more

Group B
SDOT Mechanical Models of Fault Slip Rates in the Transverse and Peninsular Ranges, CA
Savannah Devine, Hugh Harper, Scott Marshall
The Transverse and Peninsular Ranges of Southern California host a geometrically complex network of seismically active faults that pose challenges to deformation modelers. Many of these faults have finite lengths, are disconnected, and intersect... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time

Group B
FARM On-fault damage along the southern San Andreas fault: material characterization from natural and experimental clay-rich faults
Alexandra DiMonte, Alexis Ault, Greg Hirth, Cameron Meyers
The last major earthquake on the southern San Andreas fault (SSAF) occurred ~300 years ago. Triggered and episodic shallow creep events occurring on this segment accommodate some of the slip, but estimating the potential near-surface distribution of... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Velocity and Rheology of Basin Sediments

23081, 22082
Group B
CXM The California-Nevada Adjoint Simulations (CANVAS) Model
Claire Doody, Arthur Rodgers, Michael Afanasiev, Christian Boehm, Lion Krischer, Andrea Chiang, Nathan Simmons
Though high-resolution adjoint waveform tomography (AWT) models exist for southern California, a statewide model has not been previously reported. Therefore, we present the California-Nevada Adjoint Simulations (CANVAS) model, an AWT model of the... more

Themes: Community Models | Data-Intensive Computing | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group B
FARM Towards bridging the SEAS and earthquake simulator efforts: Using the Cajon Pass earthquake gate as a test site
Benchun Duan, Qingjun Meng, Zhi Shang
The SEAS group in SCEC has been working on verifying various codes in the community for simulating the Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS) in recent years. Another group working on earthquake simulators (such as RSQSim) has a longer... more

Themes: Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group B
FARM Coevolution of Fault Zones and Earthquakes in a Multi-Cycle Simulation of Fault Networks
Ahmed Elbanna, Md Shumon Mia, Mohamed Abdelmeguid
Fault networks are more prevalent in geologic environments posing significant seismic hazard. Understanding the pattern of seismicity in such complex fault zones as well as their evolution is crucial in developing seismic hazard models and in... more

Themes: Beyond Elasticity | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Beyond Far-Field Approximations

Group A
Geodesy Data on Northern California’s Creeping Faults: The Decades-Running Alinement Array Network and its Role in Plate Boundary Science
Austin Elliott, Forrest McFarland, John Caskey, James Lienkaemper
All the major faults in northern CA creep to some degree along some of their lengths. Understanding earthquake hazards thus requires knowing the distribution of aseismic slip in space and time. Here we present the current state of a foundational... more

Themes: Community Models | Post-Earthquake Rapid Response | Risk to Distributed Infrastructure

Group B
FARM Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Understanding Earthquake Slip Complexity
Brittany Erickson, Cody Rucker
Faults are home to a vast spectrum of event types, from slow aseismic creep, to slow-slip to fast earthquakes followed by postseismic afterslip. Understanding the physical mechanisms for the diversity of slip styles is crucial for mitigating the... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Data-Intensive Computing | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group B
Poster 056
Geodesy Understanding off-fault deformation in geodetic block models of southern California
Eileen Evans, Jayson Sellars
Determining fault slip rates throughout a complex fault system, such as the Pacific-North America plate boundary in southern California, is essential for understanding tectonic strain partitioning at the plate-boundary scale. However, the presence... more

Themes: Community Models | Beyond Elasticity

Group B
Poster 142
FARM Quaternary Slope Failure History from Repeated Submarine Landslide Deposits at Cortes Basin, Outer California Borderland
Andrea Fabbrizzi, Jillian Maloney, Boe Derosier, Bradley Keith, Sofia Quintero, Hernan Guerrero
Episodic submarine mass transport deposits (MTDs) are identified in high-resolution sub-bottom data collected within the fault-bounded Cortes Basin within the Outer California Borderland (OCB). The identified MTDs are likely associated with... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group B
Poster 206
CXM Tropospheric delay estimates for InSAR derived from Vienna Mapping Function products
Michael Floyd, Katherine Guns
The Generic Atmospheric Correction Online Service for InSAR (GACOS) uses the method of Yu et al. (2017) to estimate tropospheric delay corrections to InSAR acquisitions. Their method includes estimating terms for the stratified portion of the... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Community Models

22020, 22036
Group A
Poster 077
Geology Advancements to the Garlock fault incremental slip rate record: an update on ongoing research
Dannielle Fougere, James Dolan, Ed Rhodes, Sally McGill, Andrew Ivester
An expanding catalog of slip rate and paleoearthquake age data reveals that while some major plate-boundary faults experience constant slip behavior (e.g., Alpine fault, New Zealand; North Anatolian fault, Turkey), many others experience non-... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time

Group A
SAFS Off-Fault Damage Characterization in the Damage Zone of the Coachella Segment of the Southern San Andreas Fault, California
Aidan Fullriede, William Griffith, Thomas Rockwell
Evidence from laboratory earthquake experiments, observational seismology, and theoretical fracture mechanics suggest that inelastic off-fault deformation may be significantly more extensive for large earthquakes than small events. This begs the... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Earthquake Early Warning

Group A
Poster 063
Geodesy A statewide surface fault creep model for California derived from ARIA Sentinel-1 standard product interferograms
Gareth Funning, Simran Sangha, Marin Govorcin, David Bekaert
Fault creep – aseismic slip of faults in the brittle uppermost crust – is an important factor in assessing seismic hazards. The presence of creep on faults can reduce the amount of strain that accumulates on them that may drive future earthquakes,... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Community Models | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

CS Embracing the complexities of earthquake modeling
Alice-Agnes Gabriel
Connecting observational data and high-performance cyberinfrastructure will allow for next-generation earthquake modeling. The lack of quantitative data on timescales capturing multiple large earthquake cycles is a fundamental impediment to progress... more

Themes: Data-Intensive Computing | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Ground Motion Simulation

Group A
Poster 055
Geodesy GNSS Crustal Velocity in Northern Baja California, Mexico
Ignacio Garcia-Meza, Alejandro Gonzalez-Ortega, Elvia Ramon Morales, Jose Javier Gonzalez-Garcia
As a response to the occurrence of the El Mayor-Cucapah (EMC) earthquake M_w7.2 on April 4, 2010, the physical realization of the Red Geodésica del Noroeste de México (REGNOM; http://regnom.cicese.mx/), consolidated with 29 permanent GNSS/GPS... more

Themes: Community Models

Group A
Geology Non-characteristic slip behavior on the Kekerengu fault throughout the past four to five earthquakes at Bluff Station, New Zealand
Judith Gauriau, James Dolan, Russ Van Dissen, Tim Little, Ed Rhodes, Andrew Ivester
The 2016 rupture of the Kekerengu fault, one of the fastest-slipping faults onshore New Zealand, generated much of the seismic moment of the Mw=7.8 Kaikōura earthquake. We use field- and lidar-based geomorphological mapping to study the Kekerengu... more

Themes: Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates

Group A
SAFS Which way rupture will propagate at the junction of the San Andreas and Garlock fault? – insights from the intersection of earthquake simulation and machine learning
Abhijit Ghosh, Shankho Niyogi, Evan Marschall, Roby Douilly, David Oglesby
It is challenging to anticipate the direction of rupture propagation in a fault junction, as it depends on multiple factors that are often difficult to estimate accurately. A machine learning approach may provide important new insights as it can... more

Themes: Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group B
Seismology Towards a better understanding of the Los Angeles basin structure using data recorded from the LAB2022 nodal array
Konstantinos Gkogkas, Fan-Chi Lin, Valeria Villa, Robert Clayton, Heather Ford, Amir Allam
In the summer of 2022, we deployed ~300 nodal geophones (Fairfield Z-Land and SmartSolo sensors) in the Los Angeles basin, structured by two dense linear arrays (station spacing of ~ 0.6 km) and a 2-D distributed shotgun array (inter-station spacing... more

Themes: Community Models | Velocity and Rheology of Basin Sediments

23129, 22128
Group B
Seismology The effect of solid-earth tides on earthquake rate in Oklahoma and Kansas
Margaret Glasgow, Justin Rubinstein
Natural stress oscillations from Earth’s tides provide short-timescale (e.g., daily and bi-weekly), semi-repeatable tests of fault strength. Given that induced earthquakes are likely occurring in areas that are critically stressed due to high fluid... more

Themes: Induced Seismicity

Group A
Poster 109
FARM The Complex Interplay Between Pore Fluid Pressure, Rupture Dynamics, and Fault Mechanics in the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Insights from 3D Dynamic Rupture Simulations
Jonatan Glehman, Alice-Agnes Gabriel
Pore fluid pressure (Pf) in subduction zones may play a significant role in governing the dynamics of megathrust earthquakes. While, in some regions, Pf may be approximated by observations, the state and potential variability of Pf at the Cascadia... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

22135, 22162, 23121
Group B
Poster 062
Geodesy Investigating the Effects of the GACOS Tropospheric Correction on 6+ years of Integrated GNSS+InSAR Time Series Over the San Andreas Plate Boundary, California
Katherine Guns, Xiaohua Xu, David Sandwell, Yehuda Bock
Time series derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data, in combination with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) vector time series have enabled us to observe and explore evolving crustal deformation processes at high spatial resolution,... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Community Models

Group A
Poster 125
FARM Afterslip and triggered creep in the rate-dependent framework: Inversion of borehole strain and GNSS displacements for the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake
Catherine Hanagan, Richard Bennett, Amanda Hughes, Andrew Barbour
The elusive transition toward afterslip following an earthquake is challenging to capture with typical limits on data resolution in the presence of overlapping deformation processes operating on similar timescales. Considerable evidence supports... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time

Group B
EFP Physical Properties of the Crust Influence Aftershock Locations
Jeanne Hardebeck
Aftershocks do not uniformly surround a mainshock, and instead occur in spatial clusters. Spatially-variable physical properties of the crust may influence the spatial distribution of aftershocks. I study four aftershock sequences in Southern... more

Themes: Community Models | Operational Earthquake Forecasting

Group B
FARM A method for dissipating energy in elastic dynamic earthquake rupture simulations: Non-linear radiation damping
Ruth Harris, Michael Barall
We introduce 'non-linear radiation damping', a new mechanism that dissipates energy in elastic dynamic rupture simulations and results in more realistic ground motions and slip velocities, while not requiring the large number of assumed... more

Themes: Beyond Elasticity | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Ground Motion Simulation

Group B
Seismology Seismotectonics of the 1857 Mw7.9 Fort Tejon Earthquake Rupture Zone Along the San Andreas Fault, Southern California
Egill Hauksson, Lucile Jones, Joann Stock, Allen Husker
The 9th of January 1857 Mw7.9 Fort Tejon earthquake ruptured the Southern San Andreas Fault (SSAF) with an average slip of 5 m for a distance of 350 km, from Parkfield in the north to Wrightwood near Cajon Pass in the south (Sieh, 1978a). It was... more

Themes: Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates

Group B
CXM Evaluation and Updates for the USGS San Francisco Bay region 3D seismic velocity model (SF-CVM) with focus on shallow sediments in the Central Bay Block
Evan Hirakawa, Brad Aagaard
We evaluate and update the shallow (<500 m) velocity structure in the USGS San Francisco Bay region 3D seismic velocity model (SF-CVM) in the Central Bay Block (CBB) by comparing recorded and simulated motions using the SF-CVM from ~1000 ground-... more

Themes: Community Models | Ground Motion Simulation | Velocity and Rheology of Basin Sediments

FARM Spatial- and temporal-scaling of laboratory friction data to geologic conditions
Greg Hirth
While our understanding of earthquake processes has been guided by insights provided by laboratory experiments, the application of lab data to natural conditions requires daunting extrapolation in spatial scale and, for interseismic deformation,... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Beyond Elasticity

23081, 22082
Group A
Poster 139
FARM Quantifying the Sensitivity of Dynamic Rupture to Variable Fault Geometry Using Mesh Morphing
Gabrielle Hobson, Dave May, Alice-Agnes Gabriel
The dynamics of coseismic rupture has been shown to be sensitive to variability in fault geometry, for example: dip angle; roughness; and the existence and orientation of secondary fault segments. However, systematically quantifying the effect of... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Data-Intensive Computing | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group B
Poster 058
Geodesy Did creep stop the 2023 Mw7.8 Pazarcık earthquake rupture?
Celeste Hofstetter, Seda Özarpacı, Gareth Funning
The February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquake Sequence initiated with a Mw7.0 earthquake on the Narlı fault, followed immediately by the Mw7.8 Pazarcık earthquake on the East Anatolian Fault (EAF), and the Mw7.5 Elbistan earthquake on the Çardak... more

Themes: Data-Intensive Computing | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group A
GM Characterizing Historic ShakeMaps: A Tale of Two "SC" Earthquakes
Susan Hough
U.S. Geological Survey ShakeMaps for current earthquakes are now generated using a combination of model predictions, recorded ground motions, and sometimes macroseismic intensities from the Did You Feel It? (DYFI) system. This same recipe can be... more

Group B
Seismology Informative modes of seismicity in nearest-neighbor earthquake proximities
Yu-Fang Hsu, Ilya Zaliapin, Yehuda Ben-Zion
We analyze nearest-neighbor proximities of earthquakes in California based on the joint distribution (T, R) of rescaled time T and rescaled distance R between pairs of earthquakes (Zaliapin and Ben-Zion, 2013), using seismic catalogs from several... more

Themes: Induced Seismicity

FARM Understanding the coevolution of earthquakes and fault damage zones: Implications on earthquake source physics and fault zone structure
Yihe Huang
Earthquakes occur in fault damage zones whose structure is dynamically evolving over time. Thus, fault zone structure is highly variable along the fault and can influence the locations, magnitudes, and recurrence intervals of earthquakes. In this... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

17071, 20091, 23069
Group A
Poster 193
EEII Intersections: A Strategy for Increasing Seismic Infrastructure Resilience
Kenneth Hudnut
Risk is high at intersections between fault lines and infrastructure lifelines, so these are sites where seismic mitigation projects can have an especially strong risk reduction impact. Using a tranched approach to categorize importance of... more

Themes: Risk to Distributed Infrastructure

Group B
Poster 214
CS Championing Software Best Practices and Discoverability at CIG
Lorraine Hwang, Rene Gassmoeller
The Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics was established in 2005 as a partnership between computational and solid-Earth science to advance computational modeling in geodynamics. Our approach includes supporting the development of open source... more

Group B
FARM Discrete Fault Network Modeling of Induced Seismicity
Kyungjae Im, Jean-Philippe Avouac
Numerical simulations of earthquake sequences in a discrete set of finite size faults governed by rate-and-state friction can successfully reproduce earthquake phenomenology (e.g., seismic and aseismic slip, the Gutenberg-Richter law, the Omori and... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Induced Seismicity

Group B
Poster 054
Seismology Evaluating location and depth uncertainties in the Southern California earthquake catalog
Erika Jaski, Gabrielle Tepp, Ellen Yu, Egill Hauksson
The Caltech/USGS Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) has maintained a regional seismic event catalog since 1932. The physical network and analysis procedures have changed many times over the years, improving the quality and completeness of... more

Group A
GM Apparent stress and stress parameter of moderate earthquakes during the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence: uncertainty in depth dependent stress variation
Chen Ji, Ralph Archuleta, Aaron Peyton
As part of the community stress-drop validation study, we use S wave strong motion records at ∆<50 km to constrain the apparent stress \sigma_a and stress parameter ∆σ (Boore, 1983) for selected moderate earthquakes during the 2019 Ridgecrest... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Ground Motion Simulation

Group B
Seismology Rupture directivities of 70 M 3.5-5.5 Ridgecrest earthquakes obtained from energy envelope deconvolution
Zhe Jia, Peter Shearer, Wenyuan Fan
Earthquake rupture directivity characterizes rupture propagation and impacts ground motion. This source property can be used to infer rupture dynamics and fault zone properties, having important implications in earthquake physics. However, rupture... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group A
GM Comparison of Site-Adjustment Methods in Broadband Simulated Waveforms for Moderate Magnitude Earthquakes
Sajan K C, Chukwuebuka Nweke, Jonathan Stewart, Robert Graves
Earthquake simulation platforms like the SCEC Broadband platform are attractive tools for predicting ground motion intensities particularly in data-scarce regions. The Broadband platform can generate simulated time series with and without accounting... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Ground Motion Simulation | Velocity and Rheology of Basin Sediments

Group A
EFP Predictability of Extreme events in a dynamical model of earthquake cycles
Hojjat Kaveh, Jean-Philippe Avouac, Andrew Stuart
Earthquakes and Slow Slip Events (SSEs) result from episodic slips on faults. Elastic stress transfer between faults or slip patches on the same fault result in a chaotic evolution that challenges the predictability of large events. We... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Data-Intensive Computing

Group A
Seismology Evaluating an Earthquake Early Warning System in Utah
Debi Kilb, Emily Morton, Keith Koper, Relu Burlacu
According to a 2023 FEMA report, Utah has the fourth highest seismic risk among U.S. states—behind only California, Oregon, and Washington—with an annualized earthquake loss estimate of $367 million. This high risk results from the concentration of... more

Themes: Earthquake Early Warning

Group B
Geology Stability of Rock Gouge in the Presence of Fluids
Taeho Kim, Nadia Lapusta, Daniel Faulkner, John Bedford
Earthquake ruptures on pre-existing natural faults occur as shear deformation – or slip - in layers of fault gouge composed of grains with the characteristic length of microns. The shear resistance of fault gouge to slip and how it evolves with the... more

Themes: Beyond Elasticity | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Induced Seismicity

Group B
FARM Frictional behaviors of the serpentine-rich East Anatolian Fault Rocks collected from the 2014 Kartal trench site
Hiroko Kitajima, Rodrigo Gomila, Telemaco Tesei, Marco Favero, Giulio Di Toro, Hisao Kondo, Selim Özalp, Hasan Elmaci, Ersin Özdemir
The East Anatolian Fault (EAF) is one of the major strike-slip faults and has hosted devastating earthquakes including the Mw 7.8 earthquake in February 2023. Despite significant earthquake hazard risks, frictional properties of the EAF rocks have... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group A
Seismology Earthquake Source Parameter Analysis Using Peak Narrow Band Displacement Amplitudes
Trey Knudson, William Ellsworth, Gregory Beroza
We present a source parameter analysis of over 3800 earthquakes in the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence as part of the SCEC Stress Drop Study. We determine the corner frequency and moment by measuring an apparent spectrum defined as the maximum amplitude of... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group B
FARM Transition from locked to creeping behavior on the San Andreas Fault, San Juan Bautista, CA
Julia Krogh, Jacquelyn Williams, Heather Savage, Emily Brodsky, Craig Ulrich, Yves Guglielmi
The San Andreas Fault is functionally divided into three regions: the northern and southern locked sections, which are capable of producing large earthquakes, and the middle creeping section. Samples taken from the southern transition from locked to... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time

Group B
CS Exploring the Impact of Operational Management Strategies on the Evolution of Induced Seismicity
Kayla Kroll, Elizabeth Cochran, Christopher Sherman
Understanding the relationship between operational controls at carbon storage sites are becoming increasingly important as these technologies are rolled out on a global scale. Carbon storage operators have a limited number of reliable mitigation... more

Themes: Induced Seismicity

Group A
Poster 041
Seismology Linked and fully-coupled 3D earthquake dynamic rupture and tsunami modeling for the Húsavík-Flatey Fault Zone in North Iceland
Fabian Kutschera, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Sara Aniko Wirp, Bo Li, Thomas Ulrich, Claudia Abril, Benedikt Halldórsson
Tsunamigenic earthquakes pose considerable risks, both economically and socially, yet earthquake and tsunami hazard assessments are typically conducted separately. Earthquakes associated with unexpected tsunamis, such as the 2018 Mw 7.5 strike-slip... more

Themes: Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group A
Poster 217
CEO Highlights from the Second CERI Annual Field Trip to Southern California, May 15-19, 2023
Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, Thomas Goebel, Navin Thapa, Zohreh Abbasi, Alamgir Hosain, Ariful Islam, Khadija Nadimi, Sadia Rinti, Kaushik Sarker, Hadi Shali
We present a photographic diary of the sites visited during a five-day (May 15-19, 2023) field trip to Southern California organized by the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI). The field trip's first stop was inside the... more

Themes: Public Education and Preparedness

Group A
FARM Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): Effects from Dipping Faults and Full Elastodynamics to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
Valere Lambert, Brittany Erickson, Junle Jiang, Eric Dunham, Mohamed Abdelmeguid, Mary Agajanian, Martin Almquist, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Ryosuke Ando, Sylvain Barbot, Segun Steven Bodunde, Camilla Cattania, Alexandre Chen, Luca Dal Zilio, Benchun Duan, Ahmed Elbanna, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Yihe Huang, Yoshihiro Kaneko, Taeho Kim, Jeremy Kozdon, Nadia Lapusta, Duo Li, Meng Li, Chao Liang, Dunyu Liu, Yajing Liu, Jasper Marcum, Md Shumon Mia, So Ozawa, Casper Pranger, Pierre Romanet, Paul Segall, Yudong Sun, Prithvi Thakur, Carsten Uphoff, Ylona van Dinther, Roos Verwijs, Yuyun Yang
Numerical simulations of sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip (SEAS) have rapidly progressed over recent decades to address fundamental problems in earthquake physics and fault mechanics. Challenges in SEAS modeling remain in resolving the... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Community Models | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

19109, 20113, 21065, 22079, 23144

The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.