SCEC2022 Meeting Participants
The SCEC Annual Meeting brings together people from throughout the U.S. and around the world involved in earthquake-related research, education, and outreach activities. SCEC project teams present results from research and activities funded through the SCEC Collaboration Plan and other Center projects. The SCEC leadership, advisory groups, and full-time staff from SCEC headquarters, as well as the Center’s funding agencies and sponsors are represented. Potential academic, government, and industry partners connected with computational science, earthquake engineering research, risk communication and other practical applications of SCEC research also participate. Early career scientists, graduate students, and undergraduate interns typically make up more than 40% of participants at the SCEC annual meetings.
Hamid HADDADI, Program Manager/ California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program, CGS/CSMIP
Posters: 039 |
Lijam Hagos, Senior Engineering Geologist, CGS
Expertise: Strong motion data processing and ShakeMap analysis, near real time processing of earthquake data. |
Tom Hanks, Geophysicist, USGS
Expertise: Causes and effects of earthquakes |
Jeanne Hardebeck, Research Geophysicist, USGS
Expertise: Stress triggering of earthquakes, crustal stress, fault mechanics |
Ruth Hartshorn, Operations Manager, QuakeCoRE
Masooma Hasnain, Undergraduate Researcher, UCLA
Posters: 261 |
Gavin Hayes, Senior Science Advisor for Earthquake and Geologic Hazards, USGS EHP
Tom Heaton, Emeritus Professor of Engineering & Seismology, Caltech
Expertise: Engineering Seismology, Earthquake Sources Posters: 273 |
Dick Heermance, Professor, CSUN Geology
Expertise: stratigraphy, tectonic geomorphology Posters: 253 |
Scott Henderson, Research Scientist, UW
Janis Hernandez, Senior Engineering Geologist, Supervisor, CGS
Expertise: CA STATEMAP and CGS Geologic Mapping Unit lead. Experience in Seismic Hazards mapping; SoCal EQ event response field team coordinator. |
Vanessa Herrera, SCEC Intern, SDSU
Expertise: Mechanics of rupture propagation through earthquake gates; focus on fault bends in strike-slip earthquakes. Analysis of ambient ground motion using... |
Thomas Herring, Professor of Geophysics, MIT
Expertise: GPS Applications |
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Ryley Hill, Student, SIO/SDSU
Posters: 255 |
Evan Hirakawa, Researcher, USGS ESC
Don Hoirup- State of CA, Senior Engineering Geologist (Specialist), DWR
Expertise: Faulting and seismicity issues involving the California State Water Project Posters: 189 |
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Litong Huang, PhD student, UCSC
Posters: 155 |
Shuye Huang, Student, USC
Posters: 053 |
Ruei-Jiun Hung, PhD student, SDSU/UCSD
Posters: 022 |
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Tran Huynh, Associate Director for Science Operations, USC/SCEC
Expertise: research center operations, scientific collaborations, strategic planning, marketing, information architecture |
Heiner Igel, Prof, LMU Munich
Posters: 218 |
Matt Ikari, Senior Scientist, Univ. Bremen
Expertise: Laboratory friction experiments, scientific drilling Posters: 254 |
Ana Cadena, Paleoseismologist, Petra
Expertise: Paleoseismology |
Pablo Iturrieta, Researcher, GFZ
David Diether Jackson, Consultant, UCLA
Expertise: Seismology, statistics, earthquake forecasting, hypothesis testing |
Antoine Jacquey, Postdoctoral Scholar, Tufts
Expertise: Geomechanics, Induced seismicity, Fault mechanics, Numerical modeling Posters: 145 |
Susanne Jänecke, Professor, USU
Expertise: Regional tectonics, structural geology, basin analysis |
Seokho Jeong, Assistant Professor, CWNU
Posters: 237 |
Zhe Jia, PostDoc Scholar, UCSD-SIO
Junle Jiang, Assistant Professor, U Oklahoma
Expertise: Fault mechanics, earthquake physics, tectonic geodesy |
Marilyn Johnson, Computer Technical Support Specialist, PCC
Expertise: Student Centered Diversity Outreach, and Social Justice |
Tom Jordan, W. M. Keck Foundation Professor of Earth Sciences, SCEC-USC
Expertise: Seismology, geophysics |
Frank Jordan, Jr., Engineering Geologist, SanBerdoo Co
Expertise: Faulting, Landsliding, Geomorphology, SMARA, Oil & Gas Posters: 105 |
Ayush Joshi, Graduate Researcher, UTA
Posters: 096 |
Hojjat Kaveh, Student, Caltech
Expertise: Dynamical system, Chaos theory, Inverse problems, earthquake cycles |
Graham Kent, Director, Nevada Seismological Laboratory, NVSeismo Lab
Expertise: Reflection Seismology; Visualization; Neotectonics, Paleoseismology |
Caje Kindred Weigandt, PhD Student, USC
Expertise: Structural Geology, Field Mapping, Rock Mechanics Posters: 099 |
Chi-Yu King, Geophysicist, Retired
The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.