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SCEC2022 Meeting Participants

The SCEC Annual Meeting brings together people from throughout the U.S. and around the world involved in earthquake-related research, education, and outreach activities. SCEC project teams present results from research and activities funded through the SCEC Collaboration Plan and other Center projects. The SCEC leadership, advisory groups, and full-time staff from SCEC headquarters, as well as the Center’s funding agencies and sponsors are represented. Potential academic, government, and industry partners connected with computational science, earthquake engineering research, risk communication and other practical applications of SCEC research also participate. Early career scientists, graduate students, and undergraduate interns typically make up more than 40% of participants at the SCEC annual meetings.

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Results 51-100 of 496
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mblanpied's picture
Mike Blanpied, Associate Coordinator, USGS

Expertise: Laboratory rock mechanics; earthquake triggering; earthquake forecasting and prediction; earthquake hazards assessment. Since 2003: science program...

kblisniuk's picture
Prof. Kim Blisniuk, Associate Professor, SJSU

Expertise: application of field investigations, high resolution digital topography data and Quaternary geochronologic techniques to study how evolution of earth...

EkaterinaBolotskaya's picture
Ekaterina Bolotskaya, PhD Candidate in Geophysics, MIT

Expertise: Rock mechanics, fault mechanics, seismology, FEM modeling

Posters: 128

dboyd's picture
Dan Boyd, Engineering Geologist, CGS

Expertise: Earthquake geology, 3D geologic framework modeling

olboyd's picture
Oliver Boyd, Research Geophysicist, USGS

Expertise: Seismology, Crustal Characterization, Earthquake Ground Motions and Hazards

Posters: 239, 266

Brendon Bradley, Professor, UCanterbury

Expertise: Seismic Hazard and Risk analysis, Structural and Geotechnical response analyisis

branum's picture
Dave Branum, Senior Engineering Geologist, CGS/CSMIP

Posters: 039

littleg3's picture
Guadalupe Bravo, Student, UC Davis

Posters: 153

brodsky's picture
Emily Brodsky, Professor of Geophysics, UC SantaCruz

Expertise: Earthquake Physics

Posters: 101, 137, 141, 155

Online Only
Ben Brooks, Research Geophysicist, USGS

Expertise: Tectonic Geodesy

Posters: 166, 168, 186

nbrown's picture
Nathan Brown, Assistant Professor, UT Arlington

Expertise: Luminescence dating

Posters: 096, 098, 245, 247

Matt Burgess, Permitting Assitant, UNAVCO
burgmann's picture
Roland Bürgmann, Professor, UC Berkeley

Expertise: Geodesy, Earthquakes, GPS, InSAR, Active Tectonics, Structural Geology, Slow Fault Slip, Landslides

Posters: 073, 186, 190, 256, 269

dana.caccamise@noaa.gov's picture
Dana Caccamise, PSW Geodetic Advisor, NOAA's NGS

Expertise: Geodesy, Geophysics and government

scottcal's picture
Scott Callaghan, Computer Scientist, SCEC/USC

Expertise: High Performance and Scientific Computing

Posters: 121, 123, 231, 240, 274

Lajhon's picture
Online Only
Lajhon Campbell, Research Assistant, SBU

Expertise: Geodynamics, Geophysics, Tectonophysics, Data Modelling, Underworld Geodynamics, GPS

Posters: 191

bcast91's picture
Bryan Castillo, Adjunct Professor, CSUSB

Expertise: Bryan specializes in earthquake geology/paleoseismology. He recently started focusing on Science Communication and teaches about the importance of...

Posters: 245, 277

raul's picture
Raul Castro, Research Seismologist and Professor, CICESE

Expertise: Strong-motion Seismology, Seismotectonics

Posters: 003

kerry's picture
Kerry Cato, Associate Professor, CSUSB

Expertise: Engineering Geology, Site Investigations, Fault Investigations

Posters: 112

Jenna Chaffeur, Summer Intern, USGS

Posters: 219

sfchen's picture
Online Only
Sifang Chen, Graduate Student, UChicago

Posters: 234

xchen's picture
Online Only
Xiaowei Chen, Associate Professor, Texas A&M

Expertise: seismology, earthquake source processes

zhiang's picture
Zhiang Chen, PhD Student, ASU SESE

Posters: 272

cecece08's picture
Yifang Cheng, Postdoc, UCB

Posters: 256

chester's picture
Fred Chester, Professor, Texas A&M

Expertise: Geomechanics, Structural geology, Earthquake physics

Posters: 159

chesterj's picture
Judi Chester, Professor, Texas A&M

Expertise: structural geology, rock mechanics

Posters: 159

kchiama's picture
Kristen Chiama, PhD Candidate, Harvard

Posters: 120

Shanna Chu, Mendenhall Research Fellow, USGS

Posters: 012, 037, 167

Robbie Churchill, Seismology PhD, Uo Bristol

Expertise: Statistical Seismology (Aftershocks) & Active Tectonics (Afterslip)

Posters: 030

clayton's picture
Robert Clayton, Professor of Geophysics, Caltech

Expertise: Crustal Geophysics; Wave propagation

Posters: 013, 040, 042, 220, 248, 264

Brian Clements, Engineering Geologist, CGS
thclements's picture
Tim Clements, Postdoc, USGS

Posters: 002, 021

cochran's picture
Elizabeth Cochran, Research Geophysicist, USGS

Expertise: Seismology

Plenary Talk

Posters: 002, 019, 021, 045, 069, 219

Scott Condon, Seismologist, AECOM

Posters: 241

Norma Contreras, Graduate Student, UCR
cooke's picture
Online Only
Michele Cooke, Professor, UMass

Expertise: structural geology and rock mechanics Fault system evolution numerical models scaled physical experiments

Posters: 164, 187, 249, 252

yfcui's picture
Yifeng Cui, Computational Scientist, SDSC

Expertise: HPC

Posters: 231, 244

dalguer's picture
Luis A. Dalguer, Seismologist and Structural Engineer, 3Q-Lab

Expertise: Earthquake source dynamic, ground motion modeling, seismic hazard assessment, ground motion selection for engineering application, earthquake-...

Posters: 217

fkdanne's picture
Online Only
Kelian's picture
Kelian Dascher-Cousineau, Miller Fellow, UC Berkeley

Plenary Talk

dawson's picture
Tim Dawson, Senior Engineering Geologist, Fault Zonation Program, CGS

Expertise: Paleoseismology, neotectonics, earthquake geology

Posters: 087

gdepascale's picture
Online Only
Gregory De Pascale, Assistant Professor, U. Iceland

Expertise: Seismotectonics, neotectonics, seismic hazard, earthquake geology, structural geology

Posters: 088

mdefrisco's picture
Mike DeFrisco, Engineering Geologist, CGS

Expertise: Engineering geology, earthquake geology, seismic hazards, fault and landslide mapping

mdenolle's picture
Marine Denolle, Assistant Professor, UW

Expertise: Ambient noise seismology, ground motion predictions, environmental seismology, observation and basic modeling of earthquake dynamics, cloud computing...

Posters: 017, 122

ndesalvio's picture
Nicolas DeSalvio, Graduate Student, SIO/UCSD

Posters: 038

Online Only
Mahesh Dhar, Engineering Geologist, CGS
sauldiaz321's picture
Saul Diaz, VR Development SCEC Intern, SCEC

Expertise: Characteristics: leadership, time management, and communication skills. Technical skills include: Computer Programming: SQL, R, Python, C#. Data...

Posters: 281

Online Only
Mark Dober, Senior Seismologist, AECOM
dolan's picture
James Dolan, Professor of Earth Sciences, USC

Expertise: Earthquake Geology, Tectonic Geomorphology, Structural Geology

Posters: 086, 107, 112, 131

cddoody's picture
Claire Doody, PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley

Posters: 058

Results 51-100 of 496
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The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.