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Meeting Abstracts

SCEC Annual Meeting participants are invited to share recent results and activities relevant to SCEC priorities and initiatives during the poster sessions. The SCEC collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience.

Use the search form to view abstracts of presentations that have been accepted for this meeting.


A SCEC username is required to submit an abstract.

The person submitting the abstract is automatically the First Author, and will receive all communications regarding the abstract.

A First Author can have a maximum of one poster and one oral presentation (if invited as a plenary speaker).

Each "poster space" in the online gallery will include general poster information, author contact information, and a PDF of the poster, as well as optional short videos about the poster.

First Authors of accepted abstracts will receive more detailed instructions.

During the meeting, posters are presented in three groups: A (Monday September 12), B (Tuesday September 13), and C (Online Only). See the SCEC2022 agenda and FAQ for more details.

Results 251-300 of 301
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SCEC ID Category Title and Authors SCEC Award
Group B
Seismology Time-Reversal Imaging with Neural Operators for Real-time Earthquake Location
Hongyu Sun, Yan Yang, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, Robert Clayton, Zachary Ross
Accurate and real-time determination of earthquake locations is an essential but still challenging problem. Pick-based earthquake location workflows rely on the accuracy of phase pickers and may be biased when dealing with complex earthquake... more

Themes: Data-Intensive Computing | Post-Earthquake Rapid Response

Group A
Poster 189
SDOT Advances in understanding the late Quaternary activity and post-Miocene slip history of the northwestern “Palomas” Section of the San Gabriel Fault, Black Mountain and Alamo Mountain 7.5’ quadrangles, southern California
Brian Swanson, Don Hoirup, Scott Lindvall, Shannon Mahan, Jonathon Yonni Schwartz
Late Miocene, large-scale, oblique right-lateral slip is well documented along the San Gabriel Fault (SGF); however, the style, magnitude and timing of later movement varies along strike and has been the subject of debate. New studies near Pyramid... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time

Group A
Poster 027
Seismology Material Failure, Ring Faulting, and Caldera Collapse: Insights from the 2018 Kilauea Eruption
Gabrielle Tepp
The Failure Forecast Method (FFM) was introduced as an empirical model for forecasting catastrophic material failures related to natural hazards, such as landslides and volcanic eruptions, with mixed success. During the 2018 eruption of Kilauea... more

Group B
Poster 102
Geology The Newport-Inglewood Fault at Long Beach: How Restraining Bends Control Slip Partitioning and Rupture Propagation Pathways Past and Future
Natasha Toghramadjian, John Shaw
The Newport-Inglewood fault (NIF), an active, complex strike-slip system that cuts over 60 km through metropolitan Los Angeles, poses one of the greatest deterministic seismic hazards in the US. A portion of the NIF sourced the 1933 Long Beach (M6.4... more

Themes: Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates

Group A
Poster 083
Geology Inherent Asymmetry in Reporting Geologic Slip Rates
Nathan Toke
Slip rates are fundamental data for understanding individual faults and fault system interactions. Slip rates are difficult to constrain because they require both accurate geometrical correlations of offset ‘piercing point’ features (e.g., landforms... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group B
Poster 116
CS GrowClust3D.jl: A Julia Package for the Relative Relocation of Earthquake Hypocenters Using 3D Velocity Models
Daniel Trugman
Relative relocation techniques have become widely used to refine the resolution of earthquake hypocentral positions. GrowClust3D.jl is an open-source software package written in the programming language Julia that builds and improves upon the... more

Themes: Data-Intensive Computing | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Induced Seismicity

Group A
FARM An Elastic Impact Model of High-Frequency Earthquake Radiation: Predictions and Observational Constraints
Victor Tsai, Greg Hirth, Daniel Trugman, Shanna Chu
Most earthquakes occur within complex fault zones containing numerous intersecting discrete strands. To approximate the complex interactions fault-zone structures must undergo to accommodate large-scale fault motion, we have proposed a stochastic... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Beyond Far-Field Approximations | Ground Motion Simulation

Group B
FARM Progress Report 3 on Addition of a High-Speed Drive to High-Pressure, Rotary-Shear Apparatus
Terry Tullis, Cameron Meyers
The purpose of this project is to develop the capability to study high-speed frictional behavior and processes at elevated confining pressure. Existing high-speed frictional apparatus only operate at modest normal stresses and consequently cannot... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group B
CXM Updates and improvements of the consensus InSAR Community Geodetic Model
Ekaterina Tymofyeyeva, Michael Floyd, Kathryn Materna, Gareth Funning, Zhen Liu, Katherine Guns, Xiaohua Xu, Kang Wang, Simran Sangha, Eric Fielding
The continuing efforts of the InSAR Community Geodetic Model (CGM) working group have been focused toward advancing research into improving InSAR processing techniques, establishing best practices, reaching a community consensus for the best InSAR-... more

Themes: Community Models

Group B
GM Towards realistic simulated broadband ground motion of multi-faults earthquake using physics-based dynamic earthquake rupture models.
Thomas Ulrich, Alice-Agnes Gabriel
Supercomputing-empowered 3D physics-based earthquake scenarios, assimilating available regional knowledge, such as fault geometry, community velocity and stress models, topography, past earthquakes, can enable non-ergodic Probabilistic Seismic... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Ground Motion Simulation

Wed 0800
EFP The power of positive statistics
Nicholas van der Elst
The earthquake magnitude-frequency distribution is characterized by the b-value. Some observations suggest that the b-value for aftershocks is larger than for spontaneous events (mainshocks), and that exceptions to this rule occur exclusively in... more

Themes: Operational Earthquake Forecasting

Group B
Poster 026
Seismology Earthquake Source Spectra Estimates Obtained from S-Wave Maximum Amplitudes: Application to the 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence
Ian Vandevert, Peter Shearer, Wenyuan Fan
Earthquakes radiate a wide spectrum of seismic energy, from which properties like seismic moment and stress drop can be estimated. A common approach to large data sets of local earthquakes with many sources and receivers is spectral decomposition,... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group A
EFP Bayesian Assimilation of Multicycle Earthquake Simulations into Probabilistic Forecasting Models.
Luis Vazquez, Thomas Jordan
A general problem in earthquake forecasting is how to assimilate deterministic physical simulations into probabilistic forecasting models. Here we focus on recalibrating the time-independent Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast Version 3 (... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis | Operational Earthquake Forecasting

Group B
Poster 100
Geology Fault Mapping in Trona, West Searles Valley, San Bernardino County as a result of the 2019 Trona-Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, Part 1
Miles Wagner
Mapping of the Trona-Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence began 7/5/19 in Trona for Initial Damage Estimates (IDE). First faulting was marked at the Garlock Fault on Trona Road, continuing 7/6 in Searles Valley. Fault mapping as part of the IDE continued... more

Themes: Post-Earthquake Rapid Response

Group A
Geology Improved precision for 10Be-based chronology by optimizing carrier addition
Alianora Walker, Alan Hidy, Susan Zimmerman, Scott Tumey, Thomas Brown, Sandra Braumann, Roseanne Schwartz, Joerg Scheafer
We conducted a series of carrier mixing and target packing experiments to optimize 10Be measurement precision for samples analyzed at the CAMS-LLNL (Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)—the primary... more

Group B
FARM Pulse-like ruptures, seismic swarms, and tremorgenic slow-slip events with thermally activated friction
Binhao Wang, Sylvain Barbot
The evolution of frictional resistance on a fault affects the characteristics of seismic ruptures. A wide range of rupture styles, from slow-slip events to fast earthquakes, can be explained under the isothermal rate- and state-dependent friction... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group B
SDOT Complex postseismic relaxation following the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence illuminated by high-resolution geodetic observations
Kang Wang, Roland Bürgmann, Zhen Liu, Eric Fielding, Benjamin Brooks, Jerry Svarc
Postseismic deformation following large earthquakes carries rich information about the rheological properties of faults and surrounding rocks. In this study we characterize the spatial and temporal distribution of postseismic deformation ~2.5 years... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Community Models

20016, 21019, 22069
Group B
Poster 130
FARM Hindcasting injection-induced aseismic slip and microseismicity at the Cooper Basin Enhanced Geothermal Systems Project
Taiyi Wang, Eric Dunham
There is a growing recognition that subsurface fluid injection can produce not only earthquakes, but also aseismic slip on faults. A major challenge in understanding interactions between injection-related aseismic and seismic slip on faults is... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Induced Seismicity

Group B
Poster 154
FARM Validation of Simulated Fault Displacements and Near-fault Ground Motions for Strike-slip Events from Dynamic Ruptures
Yongfei Wang, Christine Goulet
Coseismic fault displacements in large earthquakes have caused significant damage to structures and lifelines located on or near fault lines. For buildings or distributed infrastructure systems located near active faults, engineering displacement... more

Themes: Data-Intensive Computing | Ground Motion Simulation | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

21010, 21126
Group A
Poster 025
Seismology Assessing the impact of geothermal energy production on seismicity in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field
Malcolm White, Nori Nakata, Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos, Avinash Nayak, Patrick Dobson
We seek a unified conceptual understanding of seismicity in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field (SSGF) that integrates the effects of geothermal energy production into the context of its seismotectonic evolution. The SSGF is one of the largest... more

Themes: Induced Seismicity

Group A
FARM How far will a rupture travel past a fault junction during a strike-slip event?
Sophia White, Alba Rodriguez Padilla, Vanessa Herrera, Michael Oskin
Surface ruptures pose a direct hazard to infrastructure and populations. Splay faults branch off of primary faults at acute angles. At these junctions, ruptures may propagate into the splay and continue for kilometers beyond the junction, allowing... more

Themes: Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group A
Seismology Scattering of Moment Tensors During Aftershock Sequences at Global and Local Scales
John Wilding, Zachary Ross
Observations of regional stress field rotations in the wake of large earthquakes have been used to argue for a weak seismogenic crust. Identifying these stress rotations requires high-quality foreshock and aftershock source mechanisms, which has... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time

Group A
EEII Variability in the natural frequencies of a nine-story concrete building from seconds to decades
Ethan Williams, Thomas Heaton, Zhongwen Zhan, Valere Lambert
Since 2001, the Southern California Seismic Network has archived continuous waveform data from strong-motion station CI.MIK in Caltech Hall (formerly Millikan Library), a nine-story reinforced concrete building in Pasadena, CA. Simple spectral... more

Themes: Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis | Risk to Distributed Infrastructure

Group A
GM Near Source High-Frequency Ground Motion from Physics-based Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Simulations
Kyle Withers, Shuo Ma, Yongfei Wang, Thomas Ulrich, Dunyu Liu, Benchun Duan, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Elif Oral, Luis Dalguer, Christine Goulet, Domniki Asimaki, Jean-Paul Ampuero
This work uses a group modeling approach to simulate ground motions from physics-based dynamic earthquake rupture simulations. Our purpose is to supplement sparse empirical ground motion data, to ultimately help inform seismic hazard assessment.... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Ground Motion Simulation | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

22043, 21010, 20046, 19077
Group A
Poster 051
Seismology Variability in finite-fault slip models of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and implications for observationally constrained dynamic rupture simulations
Jeremy Wing Ching Wong, Wenyuan Fan, Alice-Agnes Gabriel
Megathrust earthquakes are among the most damaging natural hazards. Imaging their rupture processes can provide insights into mitigating the associated hazards. However, finite-fault models suffer large uncertainties which are often poorly... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group A
Seismology Detection of seismic activity in South Korea using Machine learning
Jeongung Woo, William Ellsworth
South Korea, located hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest plate boundaries, is a tectonically inactive intraplate region with low levels of seismicity. Characterizing the source properties of intraplate earthquakes can be challenging due to... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Data-Intensive Computing | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group B
FARM Evolution of the real area of contact at the laboratory scale during fully dynamic seismic cycles
Baoning Wu, Sylvain Barbot
Empirical rate- and state-dependent friction laws explain many observations of the seismic cycle in the laboratory and in nature. However, the underlying physics is still vibrantly debated. Some physical models explain the strength of frictional... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group B
Poster 118
CS Enabling performance portability in wave propagation simulation on future supercomputers via Kokkos
Rui Wu, Yongfei Wang, Christine Goulet
Numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation is a fundamental tool for seismological studies such as for the inversion of heterogeneous velocity structures, the study of seismic source processes, and for hazard assessment. The advancement of... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Ground Motion Simulation

Group B
Poster 230
GM 3D Deterministic Ground Motion Simulations up to 5Hz: Calibration, Validation, and Application of a Seismic Velocity Model in Peru-Chile Coastal Regions
Ke Xu, Daniel Roten, Kim Olsen
Given the high seismic activity and risk of earthquake damage in the Peru-Chile coastal regions along the South American subduction zone, it is crucial to properly estimate the level of ground motions expected for future megathrust events. In this... more

Themes: Ground Motion Simulation | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group B
Seismology The 2021 Mw7.4 Maduo Earthquake: rupture kinematics and dynamics and implication for crustal physical properties
Liuwei Xu, Lingsen Meng, Chen Ji, Zhang Yunjun, Eric Fielding, Robert Zinke, Han Bao
We utilize the slowness-enhanced back projection (SEBP) and joint finite fault inversion (FFI), which combines body waves, surface waves, and 3D ground displacements to image the rupture process and slip distribution of the Mw7.4 Maduo earthquake.... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group B
Seismology Fault zone imaging using surface wave scattering in noise interferometry
Yan Yang, Zhongwen Zhan, Zhichao Shen, James Atterholt
Fault zone complexities contain important information about factors controlling earthquake dynamic rupture. High-resolution fault zone imaging requires high-quality data from dense arrays and new seismic imaging techniques that can utilize large... more

Group B
FARM Characterizing deformation patterns along the maximum slip zone of the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake surface rupture
Simone Yeager, Johanna Nevitt, Benjamin Brooks, Todd Ericksen, Kenneth Hudnut, Craig Glennie
The distribution of fractures and topographic relief associated with earthquake surface ruptures along strike-slip faults has been a topic of interest to scientists for many years, yet we still do not have a clear understanding of what factors (e.g... more

Themes: Post-Earthquake Rapid Response | Risk to Distributed Infrastructure

Group B
Poster 226
GM Data-constrained fault zone structure improves 0-3 Hz deterministic ground motion predictions for the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake
Te-Yang Yeh, Kim Olsen
We have simulated 0-3 Hz deterministic wave propagation in the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Community Velocity Model (CVM) version CVM-S4.26-M01 for the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake incorporating a data-constrained high... more

Themes: Ground Motion Simulation

21111, 20157
Group A
Seismology WaveDecompNet: A multi-task encoder-decoder to separate earthquake and ambient noise signal in seismograms
Jiuxun Yin, Marine Denolle, Bing He
Seismograms contain multiple sources of seismic waves, from distinct transient signals such as earthquakes to continuous ambient seismic vibrations such as microseism. Ambient vibrations contaminate the earthquake signals, while the earthquake... more

Group A
CS Progress toward modernizing the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) earthquake catalog with cloud-native machine learning approaches
Clara Yoon, Ryan Tam, Gabrielle Tepp, Rayomand Bhadha, Zachary Ross, Ellen Yu, Weiqiang Zhu, Allen Husker, Michael Black
Earthquake monitoring systems used at regional seismic networks run software on local servers that process continuous seismic data in real-time and output an earthquake catalog. The Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) has used the Earthworm-... more

Themes: Data-Intensive Computing

Group A
Geology Post earthquake response application: a new and improved method for data collection using ArcGIS Field Maps
Elaine Young, Kate Thomas, Timothy Dawson
Earthquake response coordination requires planning, practice, and cooperation, balancing a variety of needs including safety and medical responses, utility repair, damage assessments, and scientific data collection. The scientific response,... more

Themes: Post-Earthquake Rapid Response | Risk to Distributed Infrastructure

Group A
Poster 013
Seismology Using the Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) and the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) Products and Services for Earthquake Research
Ellen Yu, Prabha Acharya, Aparna Bhaskaran, Shang-Lin Chen, Jennifer Andrews, Gabrielle Tepp, Jiuxun Yin, Valerie Thomas, Zachary Ross, Allen Husker, Egill Hauksson, Robert Clayton
Cloud Computing and Big Data – Ridgecrest DAS dataset in the Amazon Cloud (s3://scedc-pds us-west-2 region.) - To support the SCEC community’s exploration of DAS datasets, and to develop use cases for community standards in its archival, the... more

Themes: Data-Intensive Computing

Group A
SAFS Where's the slip? No known slip in ~40,000 years on northern-route strands of the San Andreas Fault from the northwest Indio Hills to central San Gorgonio Pass, southern California
Doug Yule, Jonathan Matti, Katherine Kendrick, Richard Heermance
If any large earthquake on the southern San Andreas Fault (SAF) ruptures through San Gorgonio Pass (SGP) and the NW Coachella Valley (CV) it must follow one of two routes: a southern route involving the San Bernardino, Banning, and Garnet Hill... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Community Models | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group B
Poster 036
Seismology What prevented the instantaneous dynamic triggering of the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest mainshock by the Mw 5.4 foreshock?
Jeena Yun, Yuri Fialko, Alice-Agnes Gabriel
The July 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake was preceded by multiple foreshocks including the two largest Mw 6.4 and Mw 5.4 events, the latter being particularly close to the mainshock hypocenter both spatially and temporally. One might expect that... more

Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes

Group A
Poster 213
EFP Critical Invariant Galton-Watson Branching Process for Earthquake Occurrence
Ilya Zaliapin, Yevgeniy Kovchegov, Yehuda Ben-Zion
We propose a new theoretical modeling framework for seismicity based on a recently introduced family of invariant Galton-Watson (IGW) stochastic branching processes. The IGW framework overcomes some well-recognized problems in existing approaches... more

Themes: Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group B
FARM The Role of Subcritical Cracking during Slow Faulting of Rocks Deformed Under Well-Drained Conditions
Zachary Zega, Wen-lu Zhu
Regions of elevated pore fluid pressures are often collocated with slow slip events on natural faults. During undrained deformation when the timescale for deformation is faster than the timescale for fluid diffusion, dilatant microcracking in rock... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Beyond Elasticity

Group B
CXM Lower Seismogenic Depth Model of Western U.S. Earthquakes
Yuehua Zeng, Mark Petersen, Oliver Boyd
We present a model of the lower seismogenic depth of earthquakes in the western U.S. estimated using the hypocentral depths of events M>1 from the USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) catalog from 1980 to 2021 supplemented with... more

Themes: Community Models | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group B
Poster 008
Seismology Internal Structure of Southern San Andreas Fault Zone from Traffic Signals recorded by a Dense Seismic Array
Hao Zhang, Haoran Meng, Yehuda Ben-Zion
We derive detailed properties of the shallow seismic structure across the southern San Andreas fault zone (SoSAFZ) in the Coachella Valley, using signals generated by freight trains and trucks and recorded by a dense nodal array near the Thousand... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates

Group C
EFP Analysis on the Characteristic of Sequence and Aftershock Forecasting for Lushan 6.1 Earthquake on Jun. 1, 2022
Shengfeng Zhang, Yongxian Zhang
In Jun 1, 2022, a MS6.1 earthquake with focal depth of 17 km occurred in Lushan, Sichuan which place has also occurred the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake in Apri. 20, 2013 and the distance between these two events is 9 km. Through the scientific research... more

Themes: Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis | Operational Earthquake Forecasting | Post-Earthquake Rapid Response

Group C
EFP Recent Progress of CSEP Testing Center, China
Yongxian Zhang, Huaizhong Yu, Shengfeng Zhang, Hui Wang, Xiaotao Zhang, Chen Yu, Zhengyi Yuan, Chaozhong Hu, Guiping Liu, Yue Liu, Jianchang Zheng, Jun Zhong, Gang Li, Xiaodong Zhang, Xiqiang Liu, Zijian Cui, Zhengyu Zou, Zhengshuai Zhang, Huajian Cui, Dongmei Li, Guoyi Li, Xiaoyi Fan, Zonghui Dai
In the end of 2019, a China-US cooperation project named “CSEP China in the Context of China Seismic Experimental Site (CSEP-CSES)” was approved which is led by Prof. Yongxian Zhang at the Institute of Earthquake Forecasting (IEF), China Earthquake... more

Themes: Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis | Operational Earthquake Forecasting | Post-Earthquake Rapid Response

Group B
FARM Simulations of localization process leading to large earthquakes
xiaoyu zhou, Jessica McBeck, Francois Renard, Yehuda Ben-Zion
Recent work shows that large events (M>7) such as the Landers 1992 and Ridgecrest 2019 earthquakes in Southern California were preceded by localization of low magnitude background seismicity around their eventual rupture zones (Ben-Zion &... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time

Group B
Poster 054
Seismology Connecting the Co- and Post-seismic Fault Behavior in Ridgecrest-Coso Region with the Pre-earthquake Seismicity (2008-2019): a Revisit with AI Phase Picker
Yijian ZHOU
The co- and post-seismic processes cause most seismic hazard, but it is unclear how much they are connected to the pre-seismic phenomena. The 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake provides a unique opportunity to investigate the connection between the... more

Themes: Beyond Far-Field Approximations | Induced Seismicity | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Group A
Poster 267
CXM Multi-resolution seismic tomography maps fusion with probability graphical models near the 2019 Ridgecrest area
Zheng Zhou, Peter Gerstoft, Kim Olsen
The resolution of velocity models obtained by tomography varies due to the inversion approach, ray coverage, etc. Fusing such tomography models with different resolutions is desired when updating community models, to enable more accurate ground... more

Themes: Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates | Community Models | Data-Intensive Computing

22053, 21133
Tue 0800
CS Deep Learning and Cloud Computing for Earthquake Science
Weiqiang Zhu

Group B
Poster 194
EFP How epistemic uncertainty of sub-surface fault geometry affects large earthquakes recurrence variability
The geometric complexity of fault surfaces (i.e., their fault roughness) strongly influences seismotectonic behavior, affecting the initiation, propagation, and termination of individual earthquakes as well as the stress-slip relationship, fault... more

Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.