Meeting Abstracts
The SCEC collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience. Use the form below to search and view all poster and invited talk abstracts submitted to this meeting.
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SCEC ID | Category | Title and Authors | SCEC Award |
Poster 272 |
Ridgecrest |
ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning Performance for the 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence
Brad Aagaard, Sarah Minson, Annemarie Baltay, Elizabeth Cochran, Tom Hanks We evaluate the performance of the ShakeAlert earthquake early warning (EEW) system for M5+ earthquakes in the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence using a cost-savings, ground-motion-based performance metric for public alerting strategies. We find... more |
Poster 232 |
Ridgecrest |
Surface deformation of the Mw 6.4 and Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes measured from subpixel correlation of Copernicus Sentinel-2 optical images
Saif Aati, Jean-Philippe Avouac We use sub-pixel correlation of optical images to measure surface deformation in the epicentral area of the Mw6.4 Searles Valley and the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes, which struck California on July 4, and 5 respectively. This study provides an... more |
Poster 255 |
Ridgecrest |
A Multiscale Seismic Deployment with 463 Sensors Following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence in Eastern CA
Amir Allam, Rufus Catchings, Jamison Steidl, Elizabeth Berg, Nathan Downey, Yehuda Ben-Zion, Mark Goldman, Joanne Chan, Coyn Criley, Daniel Langermann, Adrian McEvilly, Ziqiang Ma, Daniel Mongovin The 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake sequence in the Eastern California Shear Zone includes the M6.4 and M7.1 July 4-5 events and numerous aftershocks that extend to the north towards the Owens Valley and to the south towards the Garlock fault. The July... more |
Poster 261 |
Ridgecrest |
Seismic Velocity Changes Associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Yanru An, Taka'aki Taira, Chenyu Li, Zhigang Peng The 2019 M 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence triggered widespread local and regional seismicity including the Coso Geothermal Field (CGF). To understand spatiotemporal variations in stress transients associated with the Ridgecrest sequence, we... more |
Poster 253 |
Ridgecrest |
Earthquake Magnitudes from Dynamic Strain: Application to the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes
Andrew Barbour, Noha Farghal We investigate the attenuation and geometrical spreading characteristics of dynamic strain measurements of seismic waves from local earthquakes. We assemble a catalog of earthquakes along the Pacific/North-American plate boundary with moment... more |
Poster 241 | Ridgecrest |
Triggered slip and afterslip in the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes: evidence for rotation of fault zone fabrics
Roger Bilham, Castillo Bryan We report sub-cm triggered slip and afterslip from eighteen creepmeters in the epicentral region and at distances of up to 450 km from the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. Eleven extensometers 300-450 km south and NE of the July 2019 Mw6.4 and Mw7.1... more |
Poster 254 |
Ridgecrest |
Three-Component Nodal Array Aftershock Deployments for the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Rufus Catchings, Mark Goldman, Joanne Chan, Amir Allam, Jamison Steidl, Yehuda Ben-Zion, Coyn Criley, Zhenning Ma, Daniel Langermann, Adrian McEvilly, Daniel Mongovin To better evaluate subsurface faulting, seismic wave propagation, instrument response of seismometers, Vp and Vs structure, and seismic energy transmission from the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake sequence onto the Garlock fault, collaborators from the... more |
Poster 262 |
Ridgecrest |
Cascading, pulse-like ruptures during the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes, East California Shear Zone
Kejie Chen, Jean-Philippe Avouac, SAIF AATI, Chris Milliner, Fu Zheng, Chuang Shi On July 4 2019, a Mw 6.5 earthquake struck the Searles Valley in California; 34 hours later, a larger Mw 7.1 shock ripped ~15 km to the northwest. Both ruptured previously unrecognized faults within the East California Shear Zone. Here, we present... more |
Poster 274 |
Ridgecrest |
Performance of the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System During the Ridgecrest Sequence
Angela Chung, Deborah Smith, Jennifer Andrews, Maren Böse, Jeff McGuire, Men-Andrin Meier, Igor Stubailo, Richard Allen On July 4, 2019 an earthquake sequence began near Ridgecrest, CA. The sequence began with a M4.0 earthquake followed 30 minutes later by a M6.4 earthquake. Less than 36 hours later, a M7.1 earthquake shook the Los Angeles region. This mainshock was... more |
Poster 251 |
Ridgecrest |
CSN/LAUSD Network: A Dense Accelerometer Network in Los Angeles Schools
Robert Clayton, Monica Kohler, Richard Guy, Julian Bunn, Thomas Heaton, Kanianthra Chandy The CSN/LAUSD is a network of 300 low-cost MEMS accelerometers located in schools in the Los Angeles, CA region. They are capable of accurately recording strong motion up to ±2g and are sufficiently spatially dense that they provide unaliased... more |
Poster 281 |
Ridgecrest |
Modeling the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Jordan Cortez, Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, Baoning Wu, David Oglesby, Roby Douilly, Gareth Funning, Abhijit Ghosh The July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence ruptured two nearly-perpendicular conjugate fault planes within 36 hours of each other. It produced a rich set of aftershocks outlining the ruptured fault surfaces, and triggered events in the Coso... more |
Poster 229 | Ridgecrest |
Targeted High-Resolution Topographic Imaging of Active Faults and the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Ruptures in Southern California
Andrea Donnellan, Gregory Lyzenga, Jay Parker, Adnan Ansar, Christine Goulet, Yehuda Ben-Zion, Frank Vernon, David Lynch We discuss observations from UAVSAR, small inhabited areal systems (sUAS or drones), and continuous camera streams over active faults, the moving Mundo Mudpot, and the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence ruptures in southern California. We have targeted... more |
Poster 236 |
Ridgecrest |
Postseismic deformation and stress evolution following the 2019 M 7.1 and M 6.4 Ridgecrest earthquakes
Jacob Dorsett, Kaj Johnson, Simone Puel, Thorsten Becker The 2019 M 7.1 and M 6.4 Ridgecrest earthquakes present the first opportunity to study ongoing postseismic deformation and crustal stress evolution following a large earthquake in southern California in two decades. Coseismic Coulomb stress changes... more |
Poster 249 |
Ridgecrest |
Strain-estimated ground motions of recent earthquakes in California
Noha Farghal, Annemarie Baltay We utilize strain data from the Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) borehole strainmeter network to estimate peak ground velocities (PGVs) and earthquake magnitudes from dynamic strains recorded during recent earthquakes in California. We show that... more |
Poster 231 |
Ridgecrest |
SAR Imaging of the Coseismic and Early Postseismic Deformation from the 2019 Mw 7.1 and Mw 6.4 Ridgecrest Earthquakes in California
Eric Fielding, Oliver Stephenson, Minyan Zhong, Simran Sangha, Cunren Liang, Mong-Han Huang, Zhen Liu, Sang-Ho Yun, Mark Simons, Benjamin Brooks We analyzed synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images from Copernicus Sentinel-1A and -1B satellites operated by the European Space Agency and the Advanced Land Observation Satellite-2 (ALOS-2) satellite operated by Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency... more |
Poster 233 |
Ridgecrest |
Distinguishing slip from the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes using campaign GPS data
Gareth Funning, Michael Floyd, Rachel Terry The 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes pose interesting questions about the nature of intersecting conjugate ruptures, and also the possibility of re-rupture of fault segments. Aftershocks of the July 4th M6.4 event suggest the possibility of a secondary... more |
Poster 256 |
Ridgecrest |
A rapid seismic deployment to capture aftershock sequence of 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake
Abhijit Ghosh, Manuel Mendoza, Shankho Niyogi, Kuntal Chaudhuri, Baoning Wu, Andrew Birkey A Mw 6.4 earthquake strikes near Ridgecrest on July 4th, 2019. Next day, a Mw 7.1 occurs within a few miles. A prolific aftershock sequence follows, which is still continuing. They have caused damage to infrastructure and structures in nearby cities... more |
Poster 243 |
Ridgecrest |
Survey of Damaged Tufa Pinnacles in Trona Following the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake
Christine Goulet, Xiaofeng Meng, Andrea Donnellan, Gregory Lyzenga The determination of ground motion upper limits is a key knowledge gap for the design of critical infrastructure such as power plants or even dams. Precariously balanced rocks (PBRs) are a type of fragile geologic features (FGFs) that can be toppled... more |
Poster 252 |
Ridgecrest |
3D ground motion simulations for small to moderate magnitude events in the Ridgecrest sequence
Robert Graves The main goals of this work are to examine the adequacy of existing SCEC 3D Community Velocity Models (CVMs) in simulating near-fault, long period (T > 1 sec) ground motions for small-to-moderate magnitude events in the Ridgecrest area, and to... more |
Poster 220 |
Ridgecrest |
Coseismic Variations in Slip Orientation from Curved Striations and Projectile Playa Soils during the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake
Elizabeth Haddon, Scott Bennett, Jason Patton, Katherine Kendrick, David Oglesby, Brian Olson, Christopher DuRoss, Alexandra Pickering Porpoising fault striations and overturned soil horizons in China Lake playa record coseismic oscillations in fault slip vector orientation during the July 5, 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. We investigated aspects of the dynamic rupture process by... more |
Poster 270 |
Ridgecrest |
Aftershock forecasts following the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, earthquakes of July 2019
Jeanne Hardebeck, Andrew Michael, Morgan Page, Nicholas van der Elst, Michael Barall, Andrea Llenos, Eric Martinez, Sara McBride The M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes were the first significant California earthquakes since the USGS developed a new national capability for aftershock forecasting. The USGS has for decades issued aftershock forecasts in California, based on... more |
Poster 263 |
Ridgecrest |
Recent Damaging Earthquakes on Conjugate Structures in the Walker Lane: Characteristics of the The Nine Mile Ranch Sequence (2016-2019) and Comparison to the Ridgecrest Sequence of 2019
Rachel Hatch, Ken Smith, Rachel Abercrombie, Christine Ruhl, William Hammond, Ian Pierce Two damaging earthquake sequences have occurred on conjugate fault structures in the Walker Lane tectonic zone in the last 3 years. The Ridgecrest sequence (July 2019, M6.4 and M7.1) in the eastern California Shear Zone, the southern part of the... more |
Poster 242 | Ridgecrest |
Postseismic deformation models for the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes: Applications of the SCEC Community Rheology Model
Elizabeth Hearn, Charles Williams We are developing finite-element models to forward calculate early postseismic deformation following the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. Our goals are to (1) compare modeled surface velocities with postseismic velocity data as they become available... more |
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Poster 260 |
Ridgecrest |
Spatio-temporal foreshock evolution of the 2019 M 6.4 and M 7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes
Hui Huang, Roland Bürgmann, Lingsen Meng, Kang Wang, Baptiste Rousset The 2019 M 7.1 Ridgecrest, California earthquake ruptured in a complex multi-segment fault system in the Eastern California Shear Zone. The mainshock was preceded by an intense foreshock sequence, including a large M 6.4 event. The aftershocks of... more |
Poster 224 |
Ridgecrest |
Airborne lidar and electro-optical imagery along surface ruptures of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, southern California
Kenneth Hudnut, Benjamin Brooks, Katherine Scharer, Janis Hernandez, Timothy Dawson, Michael Oskin, Ramon Arrowsmith, Kelly Blake, Stephan Bork, Matthew Boggs, Craig Glennie, Juan Carlos Fernandez-Diaz, Abhinav Singhania, Darren Hauser Surface rupture from the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence occurred on July 4 along the 17 km long, northeast-southwest oriented, left-lateral zone of faulting associated with the M 6.4 foreshock. Offset across several strands forming a 165 meter-wide... more |
Poster 276 |
Ridgecrest |
The first few days of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
Benjamin Idini, Mark Simons, Minyan Zhong, Oliver Stephenson, Zachary Ross, Eric Fielding, Sang-Ho Yun, Egill Hauksson, Chris Milliner, Angelyn Moore, Zhen Liu A nearly 20-year-long hiatus in significant seismic activity in southern California ended on July 4, 2019 with a sequence of earthquakes near the city of Ridgecrest, CA. This sequence included a M6.4 foreshock followed by a M7.1 mainshock nearly... more |
Poster 259 |
Ridgecrest |
Preliminary seismological analyses of 2019 Mw 6.4 Searles Valley and Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest California earthquakes
Chen Ji, Ralph Archuleta, Kenichi Tsuda, Scott Condon We have studied the co-seismic rupture processes of the 2019 Mw 6.4 Searles Valley and Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes by joint inverting seismic waveforms recorded by local and teleseismic stations, and co-seismic geodetic displacements estimated... more |
Poster 275 | Ridgecrest |
Rupture models of the 2019 M6.4-7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes constrained by space geodetic data and aftershock locations
Zeyu Jin, Yuri Fialko The July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence includes two major events, the M6.4 foreshock and M7.1 main shock that ruptured the nearly orthogonal intersecting strike-slip faults within one day of each other. Analysis of space geodetic observations... more |
Poster 217 |
Ridgecrest |
Geologic observations of surface fault rupture associated with the Ridgecrest M6.4 and M7.1 earthquake sequence by the Ridgecrest Rupture Mapping Group
Katherine Kendrick, Sinan Akciz, Stephen Angster, Jean-Philippe Avouac, Jeffrey Bachhuber, Scott Bennett, Kelly Blake, Stephan Bork, Benjamin Brooks, Paul Burgess, Colin Chupik, Timothy Dawson, Michael DeFrisco, Jaime Delano, Stephen DeLong, James Dolan, Christopher DuRoss, Todd Ericksen, Erik Frost, Ryan Gold, Nicholas Graehl, Elizabeth Haddon, Alexandra Hatem, Janis Hernandez, Christopher Hitchcock, Kenneth Hudnut, Rich Koehler, Ozgur Kozaci, Tyler Ladinsky, Christopher Madugo, Maxime Mareschal, Devin McPhillips, Chris Milliner, Alex Morelan, Johanna Nevitt, Brian Olson, Salena Padilla, Jason Patton, Belle Philibosian, Alexandra Pickering, Ian Pierce, Daniel Ponti, Cynthia Pridmore, Carla Rosa, Nathaniel Roth, Katherine Scharer, Gordon Seitz, Ellie Spangler, Brian Swanson, Kate Thomas, Jessica Thompson Jobe, Jerry Treiman, Alana Williams, Michael Oskin Surface rupture associated with the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence initiated with a M6.4 earthquake on 4 July 2019 that ruptured along a NE-striking, sinistral fault zone. The M7.1 earthquake, the largest of the sequence, followed on 5... more |
Poster 221 |
Ridgecrest |
Rapid post-earthquake reconnaissance and paleoseismic trenching preliminary results for the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, Southern California
Ozgur Kozaci, Christopher Madugo, Jeffrey Bachhuber, Christopher Hitchcock, Albert Kottke, Kaherine Herr A sequence of surface rupturing events started with a magnitude M6.4 earthquake on July 4th, 2019 near Ridgecrest, California. The coseismic deformation associated with this event is identified by an approximately 22-km-long, east-west oriented... more |
Poster 277 |
Ridgecrest |
Co-seismic rupture process of the large 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes from joint inversion of geodetic and seismological observations
Chengli Liu, Thorne Lay, Emily Brodsky, Kelian Dascher-Cousineau, Xiong Xiong On 4 July 2019 and 6 July 2019, two large strike-slip earthquakes with W-phase moment magnitudes MWW 6.5 (foreshock) and MWW 7.1 (mainshock) struck the Eastern California Shear Zone, northeast of Ridgecrest. The faulting geometry and kinematic co-... more |
Poster 279 |
Ridgecrest |
Preliminary dynamic rupture simulations of the July 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, earthquakes
Julian Lozos, Ruth Harris The primary events of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence were a M6.4 earthquake with left-lateral surface rupture that also produced aftershocks on a conjugate right-lateral fault, followed 34 hours later by a M7.1 earthquake that ruptured the... more |
Poster 268 |
Ridgecrest |
Prospective and Pseudo-prospective Aftershock Forecasts After the July 2019 M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes
Simone Mancini, Margarita Segou, Tom Parsons, Maximilian Werner On 4 July 2019, a M6.4 earthquake hit southern California west of Searles Valley, activating a system of NE-SW oriented left-lateral and NW-SE trending right-lateral strike slip faults. 34 hours later, a M7.1 earthquake struck near Ridgecrest,... more |
Poster 248 | Ridgecrest |
Strong Ground Motions from 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Mainshocks
Silvia Mazzoni, Tadahiro Kashida, Pengfei Wang, Sean Ahdi, Yousef Bozorgnia, Jonathan Stewart The Ridgecrest Earthquake sequence included a M6.4 foreshock on 4 July 2019 and a M7.1 mainshock event on 5 July 2019. These events occurred in the Eastern California Shear Zone, near Indian Wells Valley, south of China Lake and west of Searles... more |
Poster 225 |
Ridgecrest |
Resolving Ridgecrest complex deformation modes characterized with differential LiDAR topography
Emmons McKinney, Adam Wade, Christopher Madugo, Ozgur Kozaci Pre- and post-earthquake Airborne LiDAR-derived point clouds with a density of ~26 points/m2 were collected by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) along sections of the M6.4 July 4 and M7.1 July 5 2019 surface ruptures and mapped Quaternary... more |
Poster 228 |
Ridgecrest |
OR-Corr a New Outlier-Resistant Image Correlation Method: Examples of Surface Deformation and Complex Fracturing from the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Imaged by High-resolution Optical and Radar Imagery
Chris Milliner, Andrea Donnellan, Rui Chen, Robert Zinke, Xiaohua Xu, Alex Morelan, Timothy Dawson, Christopher Madugo, James Dolan, Alexandra Sarmiento, Yousef Bozorgnia, Adnan Ansar The 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, CA, involved a Mw 6.4 foreshock on July 4th and the Mw 7.1 mainshock that occurred 34 hours later located ~12 km to the north. This sequence resulted in a complex array of surface fractures that were measured... more |
Poster 271 | Ridgecrest |
Operational earthquake forecasting during the M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest sequence using the UCERF3-ETAS model—evaluation and lessons learned
Kevin Milner, Edward Field, William Savran, Thomas Jordan, Morgan Page, Maximilian Werner By 11:10 am on July 4, 2019 (36 minutes after the M6.4 Searles Valley earthquake), the first UCERF3-ETAS aftershock simulations were running at the University of Southern California’s High-Performance Computing Center. UCERF3-ETAS (Field et al.,... more |
Poster 265 |
Ridgecrest |
Visualising the Ridgcrest Earthquakes using Wavefield Reconstruction
Jack Muir, Zhongwen Zhan The high station density of the Southern California Seismic Networks gives us the opportunity to treat earthquake wavefields as unified objects rather than as a collection of individual seismograms, allowing robust computation of useful higher order... more |
Poster 235 |
Ridgecrest |
Mitigating the Effect of the Ridgecrest Earthquakes on the USGS’s Automated Analysis of Global Positioning System Data
Jessica Murray, Jerry Svarc The two largest earthquakes of the Ridgecrest sequence caused significant coseismic and ongoing postseismic displacement at regional GPS stations. Coseismic offsets exceed 0.5 meter at near-fault stations, and exceed 5 millimeters at stations ~240... more |
Poster 219 |
Ridgecrest |
Fault slip distribution along the southern 15 km of the M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake surface rupture
Salena Padilla, Sinan Akciz, Alexandra Hatem, James Dolan, Ridgecrest Rupture Mapping Group A pair of large earthquakes struck the Searles Valley, California area on July 4 and 5, 2019. The July 5, M7.1 earthquake northeast of Ridgecrest, CA, ruptured bilaterally along an ~50 km long, right-lateral, fault zone striking NW-SE. We followed... more |
Poster 245 |
Ridgecrest |
Source, Site and Path Characterization of the July 2019 M7.1 and M6.4 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Grace Parker, Annemarie Baltay, Eric Thompson, John Rekoske, Dan McNamara The 2019 July 5 M7.1 Ridgecrest, California earthquake generated peak ground motions in excess of 50% g and 60 cm/s near the fault and was recorded on over 700 local and regional seismic stations across California and eastern Nevada. In addition,... more |
Poster 239 |
Ridgecrest |
Rheological implications of post-seismic deformation following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes
Camilla Penney, Jean-Philippe Avouac Large earthquakes provide an opportunity to probe the rheology of the lithosphere and upper asthenosphere. The 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes occurred in an area which may have significantly heterogeneous rheological properties, due to its proximity to... more |
Poster 218 |
Ridgecrest |
Detailed fracture map and orthophoto of the southern portion of the M7.1 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake
Ian Pierce, Alana Williams, Rich Koehler, Sinan Akciz, Colin Chupik, Jayne Bormann An M7.1 earthquake struck on July 5, 2019, near Ridgecrest, California, and ruptured bilaterally. An M6.4 event preceded this earthquake on July 4. Between July 5 and July 9, more than 20,000 low altitude aerial photos were acquired along ~12 km of... more |
Poster 278 |
Ridgecrest |
Detailed 3D source fault representations for the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
Andreas Plesch, John Shaw, Zachary Ross, Egill Hauksson We present a new 3D source fault representation for the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, which includes the Eastern and Southern Little Lake faults as part of the regional Little Lake fault zone (Wills, 1988). These representations... more |
Poster 273 |
Ridgecrest |
Implications of uncertainty in ground motion estimates on ShakeAlert alerting strategies: Considering the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
Jessie Saunders, Brad Aagaard, Annemarie Baltay, Sarah Minson The July 2019 Mw6.4 and Mw7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes were the largest earthquakes to occur in Southern California in 20 years and were widely felt throughout the region. The lack of earthquake early warning (EEW) alerts issued to residents of Los... more |
Poster 269 |
Ridgecrest |
Pseudo-Prospective Evaluation of Operational UCERF3-ETAS Forecasts during the Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Sequence
William Savran, Maximilian Werner, David Rhoades, David Jackson, Edward Field, Kevin Milner, Andrew Michael, Thomas Jordan, Philip Maechling The Ridgecrest earthquake sequence began with a Mw6.4 earthquake that occurred on July 4, 2019, and was followed within 36 hours by a Mw7.1 earthquake. The sequence included the largest earthquake in California since the 1999 Mw7.1 Hector Mine and... more |
Poster 222 |
Ridgecrest |
The Origin of Surface Cracks from the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence M6.4 and M7.1 Fault Zones: Primary Faulting, Triggered Slip or Shaking Related; Can we tell the difference?
Gordon Seitz, Maxime Mareschal, Timothy Dawson, Chris Milliner Although large magnitude strike-slip earthquakes are often characterized by relatively simple ruptures, they generally also include rather complex zones of cracking resulting from various origins. Mapping of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence... more |
Poster 267 | Ridgecrest |
Foreshocks, Aftershocks, and Faulting Complexity: the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence in High Resolution
David Shelly The 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence provides a fascinating example of earthquake interaction processes and faulting complexity, captured by modern seismic and geodetic networks. Notable features of the sequence include 1) a rich foreshock... more |
Poster 264 |
Ridgecrest |
Distinct Dual-mode inter-event slip and cascade triggering during the 2019 Ridgecrest, California foreshock/mainshock earthquake sequence
Zheng-Kang Shen, Han Yue, Jianbao Sun, Min Wang, Lian Xue, Weifan Lu, Yijian Zhou, Chunmei Ren, Mingjia Li Cascade and slow-slip processes are believed to control interactions between foreshocks, mainshocks, and aftershocks, although their relative contributions are poorly resolved. Discrimination between these processes will shed light on the... more |
Poster 246 | Ridgecrest |
Preliminary study on the attenuation characteristics of ground motion recorded during the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes
Hongjun Si, Kazuki Koketsu, Hiroe Miyake Two major earthquakes, the Mw6.5 and the Mw7.0 Ridgecrest earthquakes occurred about 200 km north-northeast of Los Angeles, California, at 10:33:49 on 4 July and 20:19:53 on 5 July 2019 (PDT), respectively. During these earthquakes, a large amount... more |
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