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2011 Annual Meeting: El Mayor-Cucapah Science and Earthquake Response Workshop

Convener: Mike Oskin, Sinan Akciz, and Ramon Arrowsmith
Date: Sunday, September 11, 2011 (08:00 - 12:00)
Location: Hilton Palm Springs Resort

More than a year has passed after the M7.2 El Mayor Cucupah earthquake. The event provided a view of a major earthquake in Southern California and opportunities for new discoveries in earthquake science and for reflection on future earthquake response activities. The event also engendered important cross border scientific collaborations. Our goals for this workshop are to review the recent research results as well as to take away lessons for the next major Southern California earthquake. Strict time constraints for the presentations will be enforced with 10 minutes on science and 3 minutes on lessons for response.

08:05 The 4 April 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake source, from initial glimpse to synoptic overview  
08:20 The 4 April 2010 El Mayor - Seismological evidence and dynamic model of reverse rupture propagation during the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor Cucapah earthquake L. Meng, Caltech
08:35 Seismic field response to the El Mayor - Cucapah earthquake E. Cochran, USGS
08:50 Spatial distribution of the 4 April, 2010 (Mw7.2) El Mayor-Cucapah seismic sequence using a local network R. Castro, CICESE
09:05 Postseismic deformation following the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake from GPS and InSAR A. Gonzalez, CICESE
09:20 Crustal deformation associated with the Mw7.2 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake from GPS geodesy J. Spinler, UA
09:35 Satellite SAR geodetic imaging response and joint geodetic-teleseismic inversion for fault slip evolution models of the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake E. Fielding, JPL
09:50 Break  
10:00 Airborne lidar of the El Mayor-Cucapah surface rupture: Rapid fault mapping and discovery of hidden structures and distributed deformation M. Oskin, UC Davis
10:15 Horizontal and vertical deformation induced by the 2010 El-Mayor-Cucapah earthquake, as observed from SPOT and LiDAR imagery using COSI-Corr S. Leprince, Caltech
10:30 Assessment of coseismic slip variation from terrestrial LiDAR scans of the El Mayor-Cucapah surface rupture P. Gold
10:45 UAVSAR Observations of the 2010 M 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake A. Donnellan, JPL
11:00 UAVSAR as an Aid to Fault Rupture Mapping in the Yuha Desert J. Treiman
11:15 Structural Controls on the Surface Rupture Associated with the Mw7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake of 4 April 2010: A Comparative Analysis of Scarp Array Kinematics, Orientation, Lithology and Width O. Teran, CICESE
11:30 Rupture Pattern of the 1892 Laguna Salada Earthquake: A precursor to 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah K Mueller, U Colorado
11:45 Discussion  
12:00 Adjourn  


Sinan Akciz (UCI)
Emigdio Alaniz (ELAC)
Sean Allen (UNR)
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU)
Divya Banesh (UC Davis)
Magali Barba (UC Berkeley)
Sylvain Barbot (Caltech)
Andy Barbour (UCSD)
Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC)
Greg Beroza (Stanford)
Glenn Biasi (UNR)
Jacobo Bielak (CMU)
Mike Blanpied (USGS)
Adrian Borsa (UNAVCO)
Stephanie Boss (LMU)
Jim Brune (UNR)
Mike Buga (SDSU)
Bill Bull (U of Arizona)
Amber Butcher (Cal Poly Pomona)
Alexander Bykovtsev (RANS)
Ana Cadena (CWU)
Raúl Castro (CICESE)
Kerry Cato (Cato Geoscience)
Tao Chen (CEA)
Raymond Chen (UCLA)
Xiaowei Chen (UCSD)
Ray Chiou (NAVFAC)
Elizabeth Cochran (USGS)
Tracy Compton (UC Davis)
Michele Cooke (UMass)
Eric Cowgill (UC Davis)
Paul Cox (UCLA)
Jorge Crempien (UCSB)
Chris Crosby (SDSC/UCSD)
Brendan Crowell (UCSD)
Lindsey Davidge (USC)
Tim Dawson (CGS)
Jason De Cristofaro (USGS)
Robert de Groot (SCEC/USC)
Dan Determan (USGS)
James Dolan (USC)
Andrea Donnellan (NASA JPL)
Jessica Donovan (USC)
Neal Driscoll (SIO)
Austin Elliott (UC Davis)
Eileen Evans (Harvard)
Tarana Farhat (Hampton)
Yuri Fialko (UCSD)
Ned Field (USGS)
John Filson (USGS-Retired)
John Fletcher (CICESE)
Mike Floyd (MIT)
Tom Freeman (GeoPentech)
Gary Fuis (USGS)
Gareth Funning (UCR)
John Galetzka (Caltech)
Yann Gavillot (OSU)
Ewa Glowacka (CICESE)
Peter Gold (UC Davis)
Jim Goltz (CalEMA)
Alejandro Gonzalez-Ortega (CICESE)
Margaret Gooding (LSA Associates)
Rebecca Greenwood (CPP)
David Haddad (ASU)
Tomohiro Hakamata (UCSB)
Kathy Haller (USGS)
Audra Hanks (Cal Poly Pomona)
Egill Hauksson (Caltech)
Don Helmberger (Caltech)
Pamela Henry (Fault Line)
Justin Herbert (UMass)
Alejandro Hinojosa-Corona (CICESE)
Evan Hirakawa (SDSU)
Yihe Huang (Caltech)
Ken Hudnut (USGS)
Tran Huynh (SCEC/USC)
Dave Jackson (UCLA)
Susanne Janecke (Utah State)
Chen Ji (UCSB)
Junle Jiang (Caltech)
Andrea Jones (USC)
Tom Jordan (SCEC/USC)
Frank Jordan, Jr. (John R Byerly, Inc)
Jingqian Kang (TAMU)
Katherine Kendrick (USGS)
Hyun-Tae Kim (ASU)
Nancy King (USGS)
Keith Knudsen (USGS)
Swami Krishnan (Caltech)
Kayla Kroll (UCR)
Anne Lemnitzer (UC Irvine)
Sebastien Leprince (Caltech)
Xiangyu Li (UCSB)
Amy Lim (PCC)
Fan-Chi Lin (Caltech)
Eric Lindsey (SIO/IGPP)
Scott Lindvall (Fugro Consultants)
Brad Lipovsky (Stanford)
Rachel Lippoldt (Oregon)
Rowena Lohman (Cornell)
Kate Long (CEMA)
Semechah Lui (Caltech)
Dave Lynch (USGS)
Pat Lynett (USC)
Shuo Ma (SDSU)
Lance Mak (PCC)
Roman Manjarrez (CICESE)
Gayatri Marliyani (ASU)
Robert F. Mason (PCC)
Silvia Mazzoni (Degenkolb)
Paul McBurnett (CSUN)
Sally McGill (CSUSB)
John McRaney (SCEC/USC)
Brendan Meade (Harvard)
Aron Meltzner (Nanyang Tech U)
Laura Mendes (UFR Rio de Janeiro)
Lingsen Meng (Caltech)
Xiaofeng Meng (Georgia Tech)
Chris Menges (USGS)
Bernard Minster (UCSD)
Erica Mitchell (UCSD)
Alex Morelan (UNR)
Karl Mueller (U of Colorado)
Kaliymah Muhammad (CSUSB)
Ed Nissen (ASU)
Marleen Nyst (RMS)
David Oglesby (UCR)
Mike Oskin (UC Davis)
Alan Pace (Petra Geotechnical)
Tatev Papikyan (UCLA)
Jay Parker (NASA JPL)
Sulaimon Paseda (Howard)
Patrick Patton (Colorado)
Sue Perry (USGS)
Moises Ponce-Zepeda (ELAC)
Shahid Ramzan (CSUN)
Tom Rockwell (SDSU)
David Rodriguez-Castro (PRM)
Sari Rosove (UBC)
Zachary Ross (USC)
Nick Rousseau (SCEC/USC)
Baptiste Rousset (Caltech)
Valeria Sahakian (UCSD)
Barrett Salisbury (ASU)
Dominga Sanchez (UCSD)
David Sandwell (UCSD)
Tsu Sato (ASU)
Kate Scharer (USGS)
Chad Severson (UCR)
Guangfu Shao (UCSB)
Peter Shearer (UCSD)
Norm Sleep (Stanford)
Deborah Smith (CIW)
Ronald Spelz (UABC)
Joshua Spinler (U of Arizona)
Jamie Steidl (UCSB)
Joann Stock (Caltech)
Ashley Streig (Oregon)
Danielle Sumy (USGS)
Hillary Tahtinen (UCSD)
Mike Taylor (U of Kansas)
Orlando Teran (CICESE)
Nate Toke (Utah Valley U)
Angel Torrens-Bonano (PRM)
Jerry Treiman (CGS)
Joseph Trudeau (UCSB)
Katharine Turkle (USGS)
Takahiko Uchide (UCSD)
Nicholas van der Elst (UCSC)
Michelle Vanegas (PCC)
Kelsey Wagner (USC)
Brendon Walker (SDSU)
Chris Walls (UNAVCO)
Shengji Wei (Caltech)
Matt Wei (WHOI)
Debbie Weiser (UCLA/USGS)
Ray Weldon (Oregon)
Steve Wesnousky (UNR)
Pat Williams (SDSU)
Chris Wills (CGS)
Kyle Withers (SDSU)
Victor Manuel Wong-Ortega (CICESE)
Tomoko Yano (UCSB)
Alan Yong (USGS)

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