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2009 Annual Meeting: SoSAFE Workshop

Dates: September 13, 2009
Organizers: Tom Rockwell, Kate Scharer
Location: Horizon Ballroom, Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA

The Southern San Andreas Fault Evaluation (SoSAFE) project is in the final (3rd) year of its initial phase (affectionately referred to as Phase 1). SoSAFE has made significant progress in its first three years towards better defining slip rates and earthquake history of southern San Andreas fault system for the last 2000 years.

This workshop will focus on two primary aspects: 1) summarizing the highlights of SoSAFE for phase 1 in preparation of writing a summary report for the project; and 2) discussing the future direction of the southern San Andreas initiative, potential funding sources in addition to SCEC and the USGS, and discussion of exciting new directions of research. For each group funded by SoSAFE in the past three years, we request a 12-minute presentation with your best stuff, along with a written summary of your group’s work. The initial three years of SoSAFE have been funded primarily by the USGS Multi-Hazards Demonstration Project. As with other workshops tied to the annual meeting, travel and accommodations are covered under the individual PI grants.


13:00 Brief History of SoSAFE Tom Rockwell, Lucy Jones
  Fault Projects: North to South, East to West  
13:10 Summary of Carrizo Plan Paleoseismology and Mapping Sinan Ackiz
13:30 Paleoseismic Results from Frazier Mountain Kate Scharer
13:50 Slip rates from the San Bernardino Segment Sally McGill
14:10 Summary of Biskra Palms Slip Rates Whitney Behr
14:30 Summary of Southernmost San Andreas Fault Work Pat Williams
14:50 Break  
15:10 New Slip Rate Estimates Along the Northern San Jacinto Fault Nate Onderdonk
15:30 Summary of Slip History, Southern San Jacinto Fault Kim Le
15:50 Slip and Timing for the Past Six Events, Imperial Fault Aron Meltzner
  Modeling Studies  
16:10 Integration of Site Data into Rupture Histories Ray Weldon
16:30 Discussion of Future Goals  
17:30 Adjourn