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2008 Annual Meeting: Salton Trough Seismic Project Workshop

Conveners: John Hole, Joann Stock, and Gary Fuis
Date: September 10-11, 2008
Location: Plaza Ballroom AB, Hilton Palm Springs Resort

NSF (Margins/Earthscope) and the USGS are funding an active-source seismic study of the Salton Trough, including the Mexicali, Imperial, and Coachella Valleys, to take place in January 2010. This 1.5 day SCEC workshop is designed to promote synergy between this study and other related research efforts, and to inform relevant land management agencies of the plans and goals of the project. We will discuss the survey plans, other piggyback and complementary studies that have already been proposed, and the general tectonic background of the region. The goal of this workshop is threefold: 1) to update interested researchers and land managers on the current state of plans for this major study; 2) to seek community suggestions for details of instrument placement, timing of shots, etc. in the context of possible piggyback studies; and 3) to encourage discussion of other types of complementary projects in tectonics, geology, seismology, engineering seismology, etc. that may be suitable for proposal submission to SCEC or other funding sources in 2008.

The relationship of this project to the mitigation of earthquake hazards in the Salton Trough is further discussed on a separate page.

Wednesday, September 10  
14:00 Intro from SCEC Regarding Objectives of Workshop T. Jordan
14:10 USGS Multihazards Initiative; Relevance of the Salton Trough Seismic Imaging survey L. Jones
14:25 Southern San Andreas Fault Evaluation Project TBA
14:40 Salton Trough Seismic Imaging Survey Goals and Tentative Field Plan J. Hole
15:00 Q&A  
15:15 Break  
15:30 Gulf of California and Salton Trough Tectonic Overview J. Stock
15:45 Review of Existing Subsurface Knowledge of Imperial Valley G. Fuis
16:00 Fault and Basin Structure of the Salton Trough: Insights from the SCEC Community Models J. Shaw
16:15 Seismicity Patterns, Earthquake Relocations E. Hauksson
16:30 Active Faulting and Past Earthquakes in the Salton Trough TBA
16:45 Mexican Research Goals A. Gonzalez-Fernandez
17:00 Discussion  
18:00 Poster viewing  
Thursday, September 11  
07:30 Continental Breakfast  
08:00 Detailed Explanation of Each Survey Line: Design and Scientific Goals J. Hole
08:30 Short Presentations of Piggyback Projects Tied to the Active Seismic Sources (i.e. projects taking place synchronously with the Salton Trough Seismic Imaging Survey); Discussion of Science Goals -- Workshop Participants
  • Submitted Proposals
  • New Ideas or Planned Proposals
10:15 Break  
10:30 Short Presentations of Complementary Projects (i.e. projects taking place at different times than the Salton Trough Seismic Imaging Survey) -- Workshop Participants
  • Submitted Proposals
  • New Ideas or Planned Proposals
  • Discussion
12:00 Lunch and Poster Viewing  
13:30 Suggested Design Changes for the Salton Trough Seismic Imaging Survey Based on Workshop Goals  
14:45 Outline of Grant Proposal Deadlines of NSF, SCEC, NEHRP, and Other Funding opportunities TBA
15:00 Wrap-Up Discussion: How to Make This All Happen  
16:00 Adjourn