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2006 SCEC Annual Meeting

Palm Springs Hilton

Hilton Palm Springs Resort
400 East Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, CA   92262-6605
760-320-6868, 760-320-2126 (fax)
Toll free: 1-800-HILTONS

The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) is funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Geological Survey to develop a comprehensive understanding of earthquakes in Southern California and elsewhere, and to communicate useful knowledge for reducing earthquake risk. SCEC coordinates a broad collaboration that builds across disciplines and enables a deeper understanding of system behavior than would be accessible by individual researchers or institutions working alone. At the Annual Meeting members of the community gather to share and get updates on SCEC research projects and activities, as well as plan collaborations for the coming year.

Meeting Progam. The 2006 SCEC Annual Meeting was held September 10-13 at the Hilton Palm Springs Resort in Palm Springs, California. Note: The meeting was moved to this venue from our usual meeting hotel, the Riviera Resort and Racquet Club. The Riviera was sold in March and closed on May 29 for a $300M renovation.

The Hilton is about 3 km from the Riviera, in downtown Palm Springs. Due to this venue change, the meeting facilities were not as spacious as the Riviera, but the hotel was adequate for our needs.

The meeting was organized by the SCEC Planning Committee, chaired by Ralph Archuleta. There were poster presentations with abstracts due no later than August 24. Abstracts were submitted on line and you can now search for abstracts below. In addition to the normal work of planning future activities, we again had several science talks during the meeting, with evenings set aside for poster sessions/viewing.

The annual meeting formally started on Monday morning and concluded late Wednesday morning. Prior to the meeting, there was a one-day workshop on California 3-D Seismic Velocity Models, a meeting to discuss the Southern San Andreas Fault (SoSAFE) Project, and a viewing of the paleoseismic study site at Salt Creek -- all on Sunday, September 10. There was also a two-day pulverization workshop and field trip on Saturday and Sunday (Sept. 9-10). During the Monday night (Sept. 11) poster session, in addition to the usual posters and demos, there was a UseIT SCEC/VDO software release party. After the main meeting ended, there was a meeting on Extreme Ground Motion research results, from Wednesday afternoon through Thursday (Sept. 13-14).

2006 SCEC Annual Meeting

Saturday, September 9

all day Field Trip: Pulverized Faults (San Andreas fault) Chester/Ben-Zion

Sunday, September 10

07:30 - 08:30 Continental Breakfast Palm Canyon/Tapestry Room
09:00 - 14:00 Salt Creek Trench Viewing Seitz/Williams
09:00 - 16:00 Statewide Velocity Model Workshop Hauksson
09:00 - 16:00 Pulverization Workshop Chester/Ben-Zion
15:00 Poster Session Set-Up Plaza Ballroom
16:00 - 18:30 Southern San Andreas Project Meeting Hudnut
18:30 Cocktails Poolside
19:00 Icebreaker Reception Poolside
20:00 SCEC Advisory Council Executive Session Boardroom
20:00 Poster Session Plaza Ballroom
Hotel Lobby

Monday, September 11

07:00 Continental Breakfast Tapestry Room
Terrace Restaurant
Harvey's Bar
Plaza Alfresco
  Session I: Chair: Ralph Archuleta Horizon Ballroom
08:00 Welcome and State of the Center Tom Jordan
08:15 Report from NSF  
08:30 Report from USGS  
08:45 State of the CEO Program Mark Benthien
09:15 SCEC 3-New Paradigm and New Initiatives Tom Jordan
10:00 Break  
10:30 "The Other Strike-Slip Plate Boundaries -- A Synoptic Model of Slip on Oceanic Ridge Transform Faults" Margaret Boettcher
11:00 "Toward Southern California Waveform Tomography Based Upon Adjoint Methods" Jeroen Tromp
11:30 Introduction: Planning Process and New Meeting Structure Ralph Archuleta
12:00 Lunch Tapestry Room
Terrace Restaurant
Harvey's Bar
Plaza Alfresco
  Session II: Chairs: Mike Oskin and Ken Hudnut Horizon Ballroom
13:30 "Investigating the Mechanics of Crustal Deformation and the Seismic Cycle in the Himalaya" Jean Philipe Avouac
14:00 "Earthquakes That Break the Earth's Surface" Steve Wesnousky
14:30 Discussion -- Topic Group 1:
  • Improve the unified structural representation and employ it to develop system-level models for earthquake forecasting and ground motion prediction
  • Develop an extended earthquake rupture forecast to drive physics-based SHA
  • Define slip rate and earthquake history of southern San Andreas fault system for last 2000 years
  • Investigate implications of geodetic/geologic rate discrepancies
  • Develop a system-level deformation and stress-evolution model
  • Map seismicity and source parameters in relation to known faults
  • Develop a geodetic network processing system that will detect anomalous strain transients
  • Test of scientific prediction hypotheses against reference models to understand the physical basis of earthquake predictability
15:30 Break  
16:00 "Quantifying the Link Between Surface Deformation, Stress Evolution, and Seismicity in the Southern California Fault System" Brad Hager
16:30 WGCEP, CSEP, Southern San Andreas (10 minutes each) Ned Field
Tom Jordan
Ken Hudnut
17:00 Continued Discussion: Topic Group 1  
18:00 Cocktails Poolside
19:00 Dinner Horizon Ballroom
20:00 Poster Session and UseIT Intern Software Release Party Plaza Ballroom
20:00 SCEDC Users Meeting Rob Clayton/Vikki Appel

Tuesday, September 12

07:00 Continental Breakfast Tapestry Room
Terrace Restaurant
Harvey's Bar
Plaza Alfresco
  Session III: Chairs: Judi Chester and Nadia Lapusta Horizon Ballroom
08:00 "Stress and Strain in Southern California" Thorsten Becker
08:30 "The Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Afterslip Following the 2004 Parkfield, CA, Earthquake Estimated from Global Positioning System Data" Jessica Murray
09:00 Discussion: Topic Group 2
  • Determine the origin and evolution of on- and off-fault damage as a function of depth
  • Test hypotheses for dynamic fault weakening
  • Assess predictability of rupture extent and direction on major faults
  • Develop statistical descriptions of heterogeneities (e.g., stress, strain, geometry and material properties) in fault zones and understand the origin and role of these by modeling single ruptures and multiple earthquake cycles
10:30 Break  
11:00 Physical Limits to Ground Motion; Broadband Modeling -- 10 min. each Tom Hanks
Rob Graves
11:20 Continued Discussion -- Topic Group 2  
12:00 Lunch Tapestry Room
Terrace Restaurant
Harvey's Bar
Plaza Alfresco
  Session IV: Chairs: Rob Graves and Ruth Harris Horizon Ballroom
13:30 "Rock Damage and Earthquake Dynamics" Yehuda Ben-Zion
14:00 "Putting Rupture Dynamics into Ground Motion Prediction" Steve Day
14:30 Discussion -- Topic Group 3
  • Predict broadband ground motions for a comprehensive set of large scenario earthquakes
  • Develop kinematic rupture representations consistent with dynamic rupture models
  • Investigate bounds on the upper limit of ground motion
  • Develop high-frequency simulation methods and investigate the upper frequency limit of deterministic ground motion predictions
  • Validate earthquake simulations and verify simulation methodologies
  • Collaborate with earthquake engineers to develop rupture-to-rafters simulation capability for physics-based risk analysis
16:00 Break  
16:30 Continued Discussion -- Topic Group 3  
17:00 Community Modeling Environment
TeraShake (Kim Olsen); CyberShake (Rob Graves); OpenSHA (Ned Field)
Bernard Minster
18:00 Cocktails Poolside
18:30 Dinner Terrace Restaurant
Harvey's Bar
Plaza Alfresco
19:30 Poster Session Plaza Ballroom
20:00 SCEC AC Meeting Boardroom

Wednesday, September 13

  Session V: Chair: Tom Jordan Horizon Ballroom
08:30 Advisory Council Report Sean Solomon
09:00 "New Perspectives on Fault Zone Processes and Rupture Dynamics" Jim Rice
09:30 "Robustness, Fragility, and Earthquake Complexity" Jean Carlson
10:00 Meeting Summary: Chairs of 4 sessions (Topics 1, 2 and 3), CME (15 minutes each) Group Leaders
11:00 Wrap-Up and Planning for 2007 Tom Jordan
12:00 End of SCEC Meeting  
12:00 Lunch for PC, Board and ExGM Workshop Participants  
Afternoon Extreme Ground Motion Workshop
SCEC Board Meeting
Planning Committee Meeting
Palm Canyon

Meeting Abstracts and Presentations. SCEC’s long-term goal is to understand how seismic hazards change across all time scales of scientific and societal interest, from millennia to second. The collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience. Use the form below to search and view all poster and invited talk abstracts submitted to this meeting.

Abstract Text:

Participants. The SCEC Annual Meeting has become a premier gathering of earthquake scientists in the United States and from around the world, bringing together one of the largest collaborations in all of geoscience. Attendees were comprised of people from various organizations (including profit, non-profit, domestic, and foreign) involved in a SCEC-related research, education, and outreach activities. The following people attended in 2006:  

Brad Aagaard (USGS)
Norm Abrahamson (PG&E)
Duncan Agnew (UCSD)
Sinan Akciz (UCI)
Kristy Akullian (USC)
Richard Allen (UC Berkeley)
Bettina Allmann (UCSD)
Greg Anderson (UNAVCO)
John Anderson (UNR)
Bob Anderson (CSSC)
Ryo Ando (Columbia)
Joe Andrews (USGS)
Rasool Anooshehpoor (UNR)
Vikki Appel (Caltech)
David Applegate (USGS)
Ralph Archuleta (UCSB)
Don Argus (JPL)
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU)
Aris Aspiotes (USGS)
Dominic Assimaki (Georgia Tech)
Gail Atkinson (Carleton University)
Jean-Philippe Avouac (Caltech)
Iain Bailey (USC)
Jack Baker (Stanford)
Derik Barseghian (USGS)
Andy Barth (Indiana)
Paolo Bazzurro (AIR Worldwide)
Thorsten Becker (USC)
N. M. Beeler (USGS)
Whitney Behr (USC)
Ben Belgarde (Utah State)
Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC)
Mark Benthien (USC)
Kristian Bergen (USGS)
Greg Beroza (Stanford)
Harsha Bhat (Harvard)
Glenn Biasi (UNR)
Ron Biegel (USC)
Jacobo Bielak (CMU)
Araceli Billoch (Puerto Rico)
Peter Bird (UCLA)
Matt Birney (CSUN)
Natanya Black (UCLA)
Mike Blanpied (USGS)
Freddy Blume (UNAVCO)
Yehuda Bock (UCSD)
Margaret Boettcher (USGS)
Dave Boore (USGS)
Dave Bowman (CSUF)
Oliver Boyd (USGS)
Tom Brocher (USGS)
Emily Brodsky (UCSC)
Daniel Brothers (UCSD)
Jim Brune (UNR)
Roland Burgmann (UC Berkeley)
Ana Cadena (Palms to Pines GS)
Scott Callaghan (USC)
Brian Campbell (Elizabeth CS Univ)
Tianqing Cao (CGS)
Jean Carlson (UCSB)
Rufus Catchings (USGS)
Mehmet Celebi (USGS)
Hans Chalupsky (USC)
Chen, How-Wei (NCU)
Po Chen (Columbia)
Judith Chester (Texas A&M)
Eric P. Clark (CSUF)
Rob Clayton (Caltech)
Lloyd Cluff (PG&E)
Elizabeth S. Cochran (UCSD)
Michele Cooke (UMass)
Allin Cornell (Stanford)
Dana Coyle (USC)
Chris Crosby (ASU)
Yifeng Cui (SDSC)
Susana Custodio (UCSB)
Luis Dalguer (SDSU)
Eric Daub (UCSB)
Paul Davis (UCLA)
Shelby Dawson (CSUN)
Tim Dawson (ECI)
Steve Day (SDSU)
Robert de Groot (USC)
Dain Delis (USGS)
Brian deMartin (MIT)
Duane DeVecchio (UCSB)
Jim Dewey (USGS)
Christopher DiCaprio (Caltech)
Jeff Dingler (UCSD)
Mai Linh Doan (UCSC)
James Dolan (USC)
Bob Dollar (USGS)
Ory Dor (USC)
John Doyle (Caltech)
Ben Duan (SDSU)
Doug Duncan (USGS)
Eric Dunham (Harvard)
Mark Dyson (Carleton)
John Ebel (Boston College)
Jeff Eddo (SDSU)
Melissa Eitzel (UCSB)
Ahmed Elbanna (Caltech)
Jean Elkhoury (UCLA)
Austin Elliott (USC)
Bill Ellsworth (USGS)
Geoffrey Ely (UCSD)
Jim Evans (Utah State)
Zijun Fang (UCR)
Karen Felzer (USGS)
Yuri Fialko (UCSD)
Ned Field (USGS)
Yaron Finzi (UBC)
Adam Fischer (USC)
Christina Forbes (Western Illinois Univ)
Hunter Francoeur (USC)
Art Frankel (USGS)
Kurt Frankel (USC)
Jeff Freymueller (Alaska)
Gary Fuis (USGS)
Junichi Fukuda (Indiana)
Tom Fumal (USGS)
Becky Gallagher (USC)
Plamen Ganev (USC)
Pablo Garcia Del Real (ARC)
Matt Garthwaite (USGS)
Matt Gerstenberger (IGNS)
Peter Gerstoft (UCSD)
David L. Goldsby (Brown)
Christian Goltz (UC Davis)
Vladimir Graizer (CGS)
Lisa Grant Ludwig (UCI)
Rob Graves (URS)
Patti Guatteri (Swiss Re)
Yonggui Guo (Rice)
Nitin Gupta (USC)
Vipin Gupta (USC)
Nate Guzman (CSUN)
Hamid Haddadi (CGS)
Brad Hager (MIT)
Kathy Haller (USGS)
Tom Hanks (USGS)
Jeanne Hardebeck (USGS)
Rebecca Harrington (UCLA)
Ruth Harris (USGS)
Cheryl Harrison (UCSC)
Janet Harvey (UCLA)
Egill Hauksson (Caltech)
Tyler Hayes (Univ. of Western Ontario)
Liz Hearn (UBC)
Tom Heaton (Caltech)
Michelle Heimgartner (UNR)
Don Helmberger (Caltech)
Tom Herring (MIT)
Gregor Hillers (UCSB)
Sue Hough (USGS)
Yuanfang Hu (SDSC)
Ken Hudnut (USGS)
Gene Humphreys (Oregon)
Carissa Humrickhouse (Whitworth)
Tran Huynh (SCEC / USC)
Abou-Bakr Ibrahim (NRC)
Ray Ingersoll (UCLA)
Oscar Ishizawa (CMU)
Dave Jackson (UCLA)
Susanne Janecke (Utah State)
Ingrid Johanson (USGS)
Kaj Johnson (Indiana)
Lucy Jones (USGS)
Tom Jordan (USC)
Yan Kagan (UCLA)
Christine Kahn (USC)
Yoshihiro Kaneko (Caltech)
Erdem Karaca (USGS)
Michaele Kashgarian (LLNL)
Sharon Kedar (JPL)
Kandace Kelley (Purdue)
Katherine Kendrick (USGS)
Debi Kilb (UCSD)
Jihie Kim (USC)
Nancy King (USGS)
Jamie Kirkpatrick (Glasgow)
Hiroko Kitajima (Texas A&M)
Bill Klein (Boston Univ.)
Rich Koehler (UNR)
Shoshana Kohen-Kadosh (Queens)
Monica Kohler (UCLA)
Aaron Kositsky (USC)
Jeremy Lancaster (Caltrans)
Vicki Langenheim (USGS)
Nadia Lapusta (Caltech)
Daniel Lavallee (UCSB)
Kim Le (UNC)
Mark Legg (Legg Geophysical)
Elizabeth Lemersal (USGS)
Lorraine Leon (USC)
Michael Lewis (USC)
Yong-Gang Li (USC)
Marsha Lidzbarski (CSUN)
Guoqing Lin (UCSD)
Caitlin Lippincott (SDSU)
Pengcheng Liu (UCSB)
Qinya Liu (Caltech)
Yi Liu (Caltech)
Zhen Liu (Stanford)
David Lockner (USGS)
Rowena Lohman (JPL)
Julio Lopez (CMU)
John Louie (UNR)
Xiao Lu (Caltech)
Nicolas Luco (USGS)
Paul Lundgren (JPL)
Karen Luttrell (UCSD)
Shuo Ma (Stanford)
Chris Madden (ECI)
Phil Maechling (USC)
Craig Maloney (Johns Hopkins)
Lisa Manning (UCSB)
John Marquis (USC)
Scott Marshall (UMass)
Takanori Matsuzawa (Stanford)
Jon Matti (Arizona)
Jill McCarthy (USGS)
Sally McGill (CSUSB)
Jeff McGuire (WHOI)
Jessica McMorris (Rust College)
John McRaney (USC)
Brendan Meade (Harvard)
Gaurang Mehta (USC)
Andrew Meigs (OSU)
Chris Menges (USGS)
Lauren Meredith (Virginia Tech)
Martha Merriam (Caltrans)
Kate Miller (UTEP)
Kevin Milner (USC)
Bernard Minster (UCSD)
Jack Moehle (PEER)
Laurent Montesi (WHOI)
Walter Mooney (USGS)
Casey Moore (UCSC)
Juli Morgan (Rice)
Alan Morris (SWRI)
Joanna Muench (IRIS)
Megan Muretta (ASU)
Janice Murphy (USGS)
Jessica Murray (USGS)
Mark Murray (New Mexico Tech)
Craig Nicholson (UCSB)
Hiro Noda (Harvard)
Bill Normark (USGS)
Dave O'Hallaron (CMU)
Mark Oborne (City of Los Angeles)
David Oglesby (UCR)
David Okaya (USC)
Anna Olsen (Caltech)
Kim Olsen (SDSU)
Nate Onderdonk (CSULA)
Gustavo Ortega (Caltrans)
Mike Oskin (UNC)
Susan Owen (USC)
Alan Pace (Petra Geosciences)
Pius Pack (USC)
Morgan Page (UCSB)
Aasha Pancha (UNR)
Genia Parker (Wilberforce University)
Sophia Passmore (USGS)
Zhigang Peng (Georgia Tech)
Lesley Perg (Minnesota)
Patti Perlock (Univ. of Western Ontario)
Sue Perry (USC)
Mark Petersen (USGS)
Belle Philibosian (Oregon)
David Phillips (UNAVCO)
Arben Pitarka (URS)
John Platt (USC)
Andreas Plesch (Harvard)
Fred Pollitz (USGS)
Keith Porter (Caltech)
Erik Pounders (USGS)
Peter Powers (USC)
Will Prescott (UNAVCO)
German Prieto (UCSD)
Matt Purvance (UNR)
Daniel Ragona (UCSD)
Christo Ramirez (CSUN)
Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman (CMU)
Nick Rapp (USC)
Michael Reichle (CGS)
Leon Reiter (NWTRB)
David Rhoades (IGNS)
Jim Rice (Harvard)
Keith Richards-Dinger (UCR)
David Luke Richardson (USC)
Mike Ritzwoller (Colorado)
Randy Robertson (USC)
Jamie Robinson (BYU)
Tom Robinson (USC)
Tom Rockwell (SDSU)
Garry Rogers (GSC)
Chris Rojahn (ATC)
Otilio Rojas (SDSU)
Emily Roland (MIT)
Nick Rousseau (PCC)
Badie Rowshandel (CGS)
Justin Rubinstein (Washington)
John Rudnicki (Northwestern)
Tom Russ (USC)
Michael Rymer (USGS)
Karim Sabra (UCSD)
Amir Sagy (UCSC)
Jared Sain (USC)
Charlie Sammis (USC)
David Sandwell (UCSD)
Kate Scharer (Appalachian State)
Lauren Schenkman (USC)
Sarah Schindler (CSU Bakersfield)
Jan Schmedes (UCSB)
David Schmidt (Oregon)
Danijel Schorlemmer (ETH)
Susan Schwartz (UCSC)
Jim Scott (UNR)
Paul Segall (Stanford)
Gordon Seitz (SDSU)
Hope Seligson (ABS)
Bruce Shaw (Columbia)
Robert Shcherbakov (UC Davis)
Peter Shearer (UCSD)
Kaye Shedlock (NSF)
Eitan Shelef (UNC)
David Shelly (Stanford)
Zheng-Kang Shen (UCLA)
Zheqiang (Sam) Shi (USC)
Toshi Shimamoto (Kyoto)
Zoe Shipton (Glasgow)
Gerry Simila (CSUN)
Mark Simons (Caltech)
Matthew Sisk (SDSU)
Norm Sleep (Stanford)
Deborah Smith (UCR)
Bob Smith (Utah)
Bridget Smith-Konter (UCSD)
Sean Solomon (CIW)
Paul Somerville (URS)
Seok Goo Song (Stanford)
Chris Sorlien (UCSB)
Paul Spudich (USGS)
Mindy Squibb (UCSB)
Ellis Stanley, Sr. (City of Los Angeles)
Keith Stark (Stark Consulting)
Clare Steedman (USGS)
Jamie Steidl (UCSB)
Ross Stein (USGS)
Matt Stillings (SDSU)
Elisa Suarez (Notre Dame)
Jenny Suckale (MIT)
Peter Suess (Harvard)
Ricardo Taborda (CMU)
Ying Tan (Caltech)
Toshiro Tanimoto (UCSB)
Carl Tape (Caltech)
Elizabeth Templeton (Harvard)
Leon Teng (USC)
Cliff Thurber (Wisconsin)
Nathan Toke (ASU)
Jerry Treiman (CGS)
Jeroen Tromp (Caltech)
Kenichi Tsuda (UCSB)
Tiankai Tu (CMU)
Terry Tullis (Brown)
Jack Tung (CSULA)
Takahiko Uchide (Tokyo)
Yasuo Uchiyama (UNR)
Nicholas van der Elst (UCSC)
Afton Van Zandt (SDSU)
Danielle Verdugo (SDSU)
Robert Viesca (Harvard)
Mike Vredevoogd (UCR)
Felix Waldhauser (Columbia)
Chris Walls (UNAVCO)
Rui Wang (USC)
Jennie Watson-Lamprey (UC Berkeley)
Kristin Weaver Bowman (CSUF)
Frank Webb (JPL)
Neta Wechsler (USC)
Meng Wei (UCSD)
Ray Weldon (Oregon)
Max Werner (UCLA)
Shelly Werner (USC)
Steve Wesnousky (UNR)
Rob Wesson (USGS)
James Whitcomb (NSF)
Charles Williams (RPI)
Pat Williams (P. Williams Assoc.)
Chris Wills (CGS)
Ed Wimmer (City of La Quinta)
Loren Wimmer (SDSU)
Beth Wisely (Oregon)
Jochen Woessner (Caltech)
Yih-Min Wu (National Taiwan University)
Guanshui Xu (UCR)
Masumi Yamada (Caltech)
Zhimei Yan (Caltech)
Wenzheng Yang (USC)
Tomoko Yano (UCSB)
Alan Yong (USGS)
Doug Yule (CSUN)
Ilya Zaliapin (UNR)
George Zandt (Arizona)
Eva Zanzerkia (NSF)
Jeremy Zechar (USC)
Yuehua Zeng (USGS)
Haijiang Zhang (Wisconsin)
Li Zhao (USC)
Jing Zhu (SDSC)
Jiancang Zhuang (UCLA)