SCEC Earthquake Gates Area Incubator Workshop

SCEC EGA Workshop

Date: March 10, 2017
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm
Location: Kellogg West Conference Center, Pomona, CA

SCEC Award: 17256 (view report)

CONVENERS: Michele Cooke, Kate Scharer, and Mike Oskin

OVERVIEW: We are pleased to announce a new emphasis for SCEC5: Earthquake Gates Areas (EGA). This initiative represents a shift in the concepts of the Special Fault Study Areas to the investigation of the factors that can conditionally halt or pass earthquake ruptures and thus have a control on the probability of large, multi-segment or multi-fault ruptures. Specifically, Earthquake Gates Areas arise where fault complexity, rupture direction, near fault rheology, and prior earthquake history may lead to the likelihood of the gate being open or closed to through rupture.

A one-day Earthquake Gates Area incubator workshop will be held in early March 2017 in order (1) to solicit and discuss ideas from the SCEC5 community for EGA locations or topics, (2) to facilitate communication and collaboration between potential EGA investigators, and (3) to bring forward leaders of potential EGA projects. Interdisciplinary focus on a particular sub-region of southern California has worked well in the past and will likely be the model for at least one EGA in SCEC5. The incubator workshop will also discuss the benefits of topical or process focused EGAs. The products of the workshop will be EGA 5-year science plans that will be evaluated by the SCEC Planning Committee at the June leadership meeting.

Both investigators interested in leading an Earthquake Gates Areas and those that are keen to participate in potential Earthquake Gate projects are encouraged to attend the workshop.

Presentation slides may be downloaded by clicking the title of the presentation. PLEASE NOTE: Files are the author’s property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used while viewing the talk.

MARCH 10, 2017

08:30-09:00 Continental Breakfast & Check-In  
  Session 1: SCEC Earthquake Gates Areas Initiative  
09:00-09:15 Overview of Earthquake Gates Area (EGA) Iniative and SCEC5 Timeline (PDF, 13.0MB)  
  Strategies from Special Fault Study Areas (SFSAs) during SCEC4  
09:15-09:30 - San Gorgonio Pass (PDF, 15.4MB) (Doug Yule / David Oglesby / Michele Cooke)  
09:30-09:45 - Ventura Area (James Dolan / Tom Rockwell)  
09:45-09:55 Seismological Considerations of Earthquake Gates (Egill Hauksson)  
09:55-10:45 Moderated Discussion: Key Features of an Effective Earthquake Gates Area  
10:45-11:00 Break  
  Session 2: Potential Earthquake Gates Areas  
  Short presentations to outline the scope, purpose, and community involvement of potential Earthquake Gates Area. The presentations will introduce each Earthquake Gate location or idea, look for cross-over and leveraging opportunities, and garner interest in common problems. The presentations will not be evaluated but rather aimed at sharing ideas. Each presentation should address the following topics:  
  • What is the location or central topic of the earthquake gate they wish to investigate?
  • What are the goals, data needs, and modeling investigations of proposed EGA?
  • What fundamental problems in earthquake science does the proposed EGA address?
  • What hazard questions in southern California does the proposed EGA address?
11:00-11:10 Big Bend Interaction of San Andreas Fault and Garlock Fault (James Dolan)  
11:10-11:20 Central Death Valley (PDF, 2.9MB) (Karl Mueller)  
11:20-11:30 Cajon Pass (Craig Nicholson / Julian Lozos)  
11:30-11:40 Ventura - San Cayetano Link (James Dolan)  
11:40-11:50 Santa Ana Gap: Example of a Releasing Step (Mark Legg)  
11:50-12:00 Salton Trough (Christos Kyriakopoulos)  
12:00-12:10 Northern Baja California (John Fletcher)  
12:10-12:30 Moderated Discussion  
12:30-13:30 Lunch  
  Session 3: Potential Earthquake Gates Areas (continued)  
13:30-14:45 Moderated Discussion: Key Features of an Effective Earthquake Gates Area Revisited
- How Complete is the Database of Active Faults in California? (PDF, 2.0MB) (Susanne Janecke)
14:45-16:30 Break Out Groups: Refining Earthquake Gates Area Proposal
Focused time for EGA working groups to develop, refine, and strengthen proposal ideas. Proposals are due May, 2017 and should include (1) a description of the EGA and (2) a 5-year science plan. The proposal should not exceed 5 pages.
  Session 4: What's Next? Future Research Directions  
16:30-17:00 Final Discussion: Plans for Future Work and Outstanding Questions  
17:00 Adjourn  


Nicolas Barth (UCR)
Kimberly Blisniuk (SJSU)
James Brune (UNR)
Judi Chester (TAMU)
Michelle Cooke (UMass Amherst)
Tim Dawson (CGS)
Jim Dieterich (UC Riverside)
James Dolan (USC)
Andrea Donnellan (JPL)
Benchun Duan (TAMU)
John Fletcher (CICESE)
Egill Hauksson (Caltech)
Mong-Han Huang (JPL)
Tran Huynh (USC)
David Jackson (UCLA)
Susanne Janecke (Utah State U)
Kaj Johnson (Indiana)
Tom Jordan (USC)
Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos (UCR)
Mark Legg (Legg Geophysical, Inc.)
Julian Lozos (CSUN)
Men-Andrin Meier (Caltech)
Christopher Milliner (UC Berkeley)
Karl Mueller (U Colorado, Boulder)
Khadija Nadimi (CSUF)
Craig Nicholson (UCSB)
David Oglesby (UCR)
Mike Oskin (UC Davis)
Tom Rockwell (SDSU)
Kate Scharer (USGS)
John Shaw* (Harvard)
Norman Sleep (Stanford)
Doug Yule (CSUN)